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Everything posted by cmorg

  1. To add songs to an android . . . Music Paradise. Install this app and have fun.
  2. I think the Dallas New Era is a great paper. It's usually enough to line the pan in the bird cage 3 times.
  3. It should be someone (or group) that has as many of the facts as possible.
  4. It would be interesting to find out.
  5. Yeah, the way I think is that if one or two healthcare workers (around the world) got infected . . . ok, maybe they screwed up somehow due to fatigue or nerves. But no way have this many made simple/stupid mistakes. From Forbes.com:
  6. Your first sentence was about to get you a 'like'. But the second one changed my mind. To me, the issue of local politics has gone beyond party affiliation. It seems that both of the parties have some real crappy politicians.
  7. So perhaps we should just keep beating the drum. Telling the story, letting people know how the system works, letting them know what type of people our public servants really are.
  8. All I know is that if they had followed the protocols for handling the infected . . . Oh wait - they did. Most likely every healthcare worker that has ended up getting infected probably was following the procedures - as they were instructed. But I think the instructions are wrong. I think there is more to it. This many healthcare workers can't be making "simple" mistakes with a deadly virus.
  9. Well said . . . and seconded. But in regard to tyrants, I'm not so sure that a douche would recognize himself as a douche.
  10. The press? Speaking in terms of local politics, I can't say that I have seen any nonpartisan, unbiased, in-depth reports about potential candidates. I have seen fluff pieces, and I have seen hack jobs. Those things get us nowhere. So we can't trust the "press", we can't trust the politicians - and then we really can't trust the campaigners (because their guy can do no wrong). . . Where the hell does that leave us? And to be clear, I am not saying that an honest , hard-working candidate cannot be found for one party or the other - I'm sure one will come along. But so
  11. Interesting. I never really thought that mei lan was your real name, and I never knew there was a real school called X High School.
  12. I have no reason to question your education in history or political science, nor do I have any reason to doubt your studies of the various forms of government through the years. Further, I don't disagree that our system (in its intended state) is arguably the best there has ever been. But the goal is to strive for - and demand - perfection, all the while knowing it can never be. However, knowing that it can never be perfect does not mean settling for incompetence . . . In other words, while we know we will never reach 100%, that is no reason or excuse to settle for 10% So,
  13. I looked at the site briefly, and will have to look at it when I have more time . . . but I didn't see anything about holding those in office accountable. This is a good post - regardless of what the next post says.↓↓ The problem is political ads in general. I would wager that the majority of people get make their decisions on who to vote for from ads. Is there an unbiased source from which to find out the important things about a candidate? But that line "you're making perfect the enemy of good" . . .WTH??? Because we are fed up? Because we have had an en
  14. Holy crap this was funny! This one was funnier in the original post (not the quoted one).
  15. That's funny. I think my mom and dad got a check for $2830.00 or some strange amount.
  16. I appreciate the input. In regard to Crowe and the press, I don't know what his reasons are, but I don't usually trust the press when it comes to politics.
  17. We do . . . yet we have no recourse, no alternative . . no voice - other than election time. I reject that. There has to be something we can do.
  18. Yeah. My mom and dad had a house through Countrywide, were in the process of a loan mod, and the same thing happened to them. 2010, I think.
  19. Is there no system of checks and balances? Who holds them accountable for their actions during their term?
  20. Sometimes, when a serious change is needed, the process can be painful. While it would suck to put undue burden on everyday people, yes I am willing to do it. You ask how it would be fair? There is no such thing. But I would think the proper thing to do would be to give plenty of notice of the intention to boycott and see if we can avoid it somehow. The ultimate goal is to get their attention - and that of the people - not to burden anyone. In the end, the blame would lay at the feet of the BoC.
  21. At least you can easily change banks.
  22. Are you a member of the chamber of commerce? You certainly just described them - negative, vengeful, spiteful, unhappy people . . . yep, that's the chamber. Sorry your father is sick, though.
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