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Everything posted by K96W8

  1. The church in your aunt's picture is beautiful. Where is that?
  2. Starbucks bottled frappuccino. It's great when you want cold coffee at home.
  3. Thanks but I don't like Waste Industries and I tried to switch to Trash Taxi but after waiting over a week they never brought a can. I really like Veterans and if I'm paying a little more I don't mind. They are very nice people. Thanks also for all your updates last week during the flood. I was more informed by you and P.Com than from watching the news.
  4. You should call and see if they are in your area -- 770/443-1324
  5. Do you see a fountain or a baby? It's supposed to be the baby--I still see the fountain.
  6. for the great photo session yesterday and the new avatar! (The new avatar is not showing. It says its updated on profile--but old one is still in posts. Does it just take some time to change???)
  7. We have our first appointment with Nicholas this afternoon. I'm glad to hear all the positive comments.
  8. Hello Nicholas--I searched my screen name and found the Birthday Special you were offering. We'll see you September 28th. Thanks!
  9. We bought my son a Garmin. Now he can find his way home from West Georgia. He really likes it--and he has never been able to follow directions.
  10. Sorry--never heard of any of these. Are they the only ones to choose from on your plan?
  11. I can't find the thread about the Birthday Special. What is it again?
  12. I have used Dr. Carter since my 18 year old was born--I like him a lot. Dr. Young is very funny and good with the kids. We have only since Chad once--he was very nice.
  13. Voted--Good Luck Hiram!
  14. I asked this question before at REGIONS Bank. They said different states have different laws but there is no stale date in Georgia--so according to that bank--yes an old check can be cashed.
  15. Football practice all week--just like almost every week of summer--except in the afternoon instead of morning. So--he will get used to sleeping later just before he has to start getting up early for school.
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