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Everything posted by Spunkywman

  1. Ok....you have all made me feel better.
  2. Thank you all! I am so glad you said this!! She is close to that and the Dr has been telling her that as far as they will let her go. I worry about the baby's lungs.
  3. Just wanted to ask you guys to keep my daughter in your prayers or thoughts. My granbaby is due Feb 19th but its not looking like she will make it that far. She fusses at me for worrying so much but I keep telling her she's my daughter and worrying is what Mom's do. I am taking her tomorrow for lab tests and depending on the results they could put her in the hospital next week.
  4. My son informed me I sent him 93 text messages last month. I told him if he would answer me I would leave him alone.
  5. mexican cassarole Ingredients 1 pound lean ground beef 2 cups salsa 1 (16 ounce) can chili beans, drained 3 cups tortilla chips, crushed 2 cups sour cream 1 (2 ounce) can sliced black olives, drained 1/2 cup chopped green onion 1/2 cup chopped fresh tomato 2 cups shredded Cheddar cheese Directions 1.Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). 2.In a large skillet over medium-high heat, cook ground beef until no longer pink. Stir in salsa, reduce heat, and simmer 20 minutes, or until liquid is absorbed. Stir in beans, and heat through. 3.Spray a 9x13 baking dish with cooking sp
  6. This is a great place and the biggest hearts I have ever known!
  7. I wish I had someone to buy a gift for. Too Funny!!
  8. It really is nice to hear that I am not the only one who has had these issues!! I got a call today about my latest blood work and it looks like I am gonna have to get another blood transfusion and my vitamin D is really low so I am going on prescription for it. I would do it again in a heartbeat after losing 130 pounds and gaining my life back. I just wish I had been told what to expect afterwards and thank you for the web site! I was over 300 pounds and I am 5' 3" tall. I had gained back 30 pounds but when I had my back surgery I lost 60 pounds. I have degenerative bone disease and had I not
  9. My gallbladder was bad and that was a good thing when I had the surgery. The dry mouth and vitamin deficiencies have ruined my teeth and I am saving to get dentures. I can tell say with a small stomach throwing up hurts!!!
  10. I didnt either and really wish I had known. No I have seen that website. Thank You!
  11. I think the chinese place closed. I hope you find something!
  12. I wish I had been able to have mine laproscopic. Everyone I have talked to that had it that has had very little complications. I dont regret doing it. Just wish I had known what kind of complications I could face. I am sorry Mark! It happens alot.
  13. I hope you can find help soon. You are in my prayers as well.
  14. Thank you! I wish I had been informed about what to expect. I threw up for 6 months with mine. I miss cereal. I cant eat it with milk because of the sugar sensitivity. Did you have the full incision?
  15. I had a gastric bypass in 2000. I lost 130 pounds but the Dr who did the surgery never told me all of the issues that would likely arise from the surgery. The insurance at the time would only cover the full incision which also meant the surgery cannot be reversed. I have already had to have blood transfusions, incitional hernia repair and many problems with vitamin deficiencies. Now I have an intestinal hernia. I wondered for those who have had a bypass have you gone through this as well?
  16. Prayers said! I hope things get better for you soon!
  17. That is my point. The driver didnt cause what happened. It being at the end of your driveway you should know this.
  18. It wasn't an accident and that the driver was NOT at fault. We as drivers CANNOT give out specific details of any incident involving a bus.
  19. Thats not true. I drive a bus. I dont know exactly what did but not that.
  20. LOL.....I love Vamps now. That show started it all!
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