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Posts posted by Bumplett

  1. I don't know why some are born with and some without, but not everyone is born with one on each foot -


    the reason for removing the dew claw is to prevent injury later in life (at least this is what I was taught) and I'll admit, I've seen some painful injuries from a dog getting a dew claw stuck in something and ripping it out!


    I also think they remove the dew claw in "show" dogs.



  2. What would you want for her/the baby?


    I've thought about this with my kids (they are much younger, but hey! I've got lots of time to worry on my hands :lol: ). I think I would want my kid to keep their kid....knowing it would be a very rough row to how...... but you never know until you are in the middle of it.



    I think I'd have to disagree on this one - but it's just my opinion - I'm adopted, and I'm lucky I was adopted ~ the birth mother was 17 and in no way, shape or form ready for the responsibility of parenthood -


    I *think* I'd suggest adoption - but I'm not sure seeing as how I've never been in this position -


    but I can see all sides of the coin :)



  3. You aren't the only one RM ~


    was it stupid? Sure it was!! but she's human, and she's a 16 yr old human at that!!


    Remember when we thought we could do anything and nothing bad would ever happen??


    She's really young, but as long as she has a strong support network, that's what's going to make all the difference!



  4. No, because then it will matter. :lol: You're thinking Mama's Family. THELMA! :lol:


    Love your signature!











    I have made that as one of her options but as of now she wants to keep it.




    As long as she knows she has options :wub: You are a good mommy!

  5. So would we! We tried it a couple years ago and almost got to the end but couldn't afford all the surprise fees. So we had to walk away. But we'd both love to have a baby girl since apparently all we can crank out are boys. :D I :wub: my boys, but it would be nice not being the only girl in the house.





    They make it sooooo expensive for a regular ol' family :(


    I keep adding female pets to keep our numbers up :D

  6. AWWWW! I'm soooo jealous! I'd love to adopt! Good Luck.



    silly woman, you don't need too yet - you're still baking one!!


    We'd just love to fill out the family a bit more ~ and I already had him neutered :D





    No, they CAN'T get her pregnant. Buy her everything in the catalog. :lol:



    :lol: :lol: I was thinking the SAME thing!! :lol:




    alright now - since we brought the topic up: (sorta) - we'd love to adopt an infant girl (race unimportant) :wub: -



    not directed towards anyone, just something to keep in mind :)

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