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Posts posted by Bumplett

  1. oh we spent a vacation a couple years ago caching in the mountains, the kids loved it...so did the hubby for that matter. Found some cool ones too. We might be interested....I too am kind of a wimp when it comes to the SCT alone, and I live off the thing!! So sad to have it so close and not ever get on it!!



    I'd love the company! :D



  2. So you think there's a difference between smokers who roll all the windows up and the ones who roll the windows down, keeping the cig next to the window? There's a vent option for fresh air on your HVAC in your car. This creates pressure in the cabin, blowing everything in the car out the window. Can people not see the difference? I can smoke in my living room and it stinks. I can drive down the road and smoke with my fresh air circulating witht he windows half way and not smell a damned thing.






    Not sure who you are posing the question to ~ but no, I never said there was a difference one way or the other - I don't care if the windows are up or down or sideways, an adult has no right to smoke in the car while a child is a passenger. JMHO.



    I'm not sure if I understood exactly where you were going with that though??


  3. Again, I don't think the law is about taking away the rights of adults. I think its more to protect the children. You can smoke all you want, you can even smoke in the car with other adults. You just can't do this to a kid who doesn't have a choice. I think California is right on this one. But I suppose thats easy for me to say because no one in my household smokes.



    Funny, I don't think that makes any difference at all ~ Regardless of if you are a smoker or a non-smoker, I don't think that would steer your opinion ~


    I agree, California was right with this one -- A child's health and wellness should far outweigh the inconvience to the smoker (who can pull over at any time and smoke outside said car if needed)




    Nikki, you aren't alone in your line of thought here - :)

  4. Myspace is the devil.




    Quote from the family room:

    "Unlike other open networks, we require credit card identity verification to keep the community secure."




    suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure - I'll do that :blink: that sounds SAFE! :blink:

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