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Posts posted by Bumplett

  1. Curious.....would you seriously consider that? Don't you think her family should do that? Do you have ANY idea why she was arrested??


    I don't really see why this should matter - IF I were arrested, I would like to think that my family and FRIENDS would HELP regardless of the circumstances. :glare:


    Makes me sick to see this being discussed at all. <_<


    I don't think it was ever meant to cause harm SM - it's cause we :wub: her - we only want to help.


  2. Thomas won't tell you but he has very little $$$. It was probably his last bit of change!


    Thomas is too proud to ask for more help, but he does need it right now. He'll have a fit that I posted this but I don't care. We love you Thomas!!!!










  3. Refunds are NOT gifts from the government. They are returns of YOUR money you loaned to them INTEREST free. Your goal throughout the year should be to break even or owe a small amount.



    well said GC ~


    and just for those that may not know (because they don't have kids) EIC is not something that every family w/ children can use. It's based on income.





  4. 4 year old yellow lab mix...Great dog. Needs more attention than we can give him!

    Needs a Good Home ASAP!

    Please call 770-403-5687



    Just a few questions that may help someone decide if they are interested:


    Is he neutered?

    Is he up to date on vaccs?

    Is he child friendly?

    Is he dog/cat friendly?

    Does he dig/jump fences?

    Is he housebroken?

    Does he chew?


    Good luck.



  5. yay! i'll try to leave work in time to run some food by there today!




    if you call to let them know you are running late (just leave a message) , I'm sure they would be more than happy to greet you after 5:00. :)



  6. You don't owe me anything. It was my pleasure to be able to help. I have received so much help from this community, please it was my pleasure to give a tiny little bit of change back.


    So he did have to have stitches hey. Boy you need to watch those desks jumping out at you like that.


    Take care and hope he gets to feeling better.







    :lol: Yep, SEVEN stitches in his chin!!!


    and I must say, our doctor was well worth the wait :wub: she was GREAT!! Very patient with him (he was scared)


    Someone should really tell those desks at school that it's NOT nice to jump up and BITE people like that :glare:

  7. I have my own personal view - and I know I'm the minority on this one, but I'll share it anyway. :)


    I believe that once you're a smoker, you will always be a smoker - much like an alcoholic is always an alcoholic - I am a recovering smoker - not a non-smoker - because I'm always going to be just one step away from going over the edge - and just one cigarette away from falling off my wagon.


    that's my logic, and that's the only thing that keeps me smoke free - because I get angry enough to refuse to give the government any more of my money in exchange for a legalized DRUG.




    but I know, I'm weird like that.

  8. I just want to take a sec to say THANK YOU to Thomas!


    We ran into Thomas while sitting in the Wellstar Paulding Hospital Emergency Room (I was there because my oldest needed stitches in his chin after a desk bit him at school)


    I was NOT prepared for an afternoon spent at the ER - I had no quarters, no cash, just a sleepy little brother and a thirsty, bored, agitated, ready to get out of there big brother.


    Thomas was kind enough to give my son the needed $$ to get a drink out of the vending machine!

    ((which I might add is grossly overpriced)) :glare:



    For this, Thomas, I thank you - and I owe you one - I won't forget. :)



  9. Hey thanks, so for all of ya'll cold turkey worked, so all the stuff about patches, gum, and perscrptions really does seem to be a bunch of bull then. I know some of this must work for some maybe its in the mind. I'm going to try to quit and I know support is always one of the best types of help you get and ecspecially from people that have already accomplished what you are trying to. My b-day is a week from today and I have set that weekend as IT. But what got you to just stop? Did you just decide to or did something happen that made you relize it was time, just wondering? Ijust know I have to quit for my own health, plus my mother nags me and I know she is right, even though she was never a smoker, my dad, his mother , sister and my brother, all of his wives have been and have. I have seen what it can do to you so I know at my age it is alot better to quit now then years down the road Plus I would really like to try to start a family, and if I'm going to try to grt pregnant and not have a miscarraige like I did a year ago, one thing is for certain if I stop smoking it definetly won't hurt but will help.



    this attitude won't help you.


    you can't "try"


    you just STOP. period.




    ((not being mean, just honest)) :)



    <~~~ cold bird here as well.

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