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Posts posted by Bumplett

  1. I think the dryel bags work well, but only to "spruce" things up - I wouldn't use them in place of a true cleaning.


    I thought they washed/pressed cotton/poly shirts (or anything not dry clean only) ???


    Here you go, I thought this may help:



    Alternatives to Dry Cleaning to Help You Save Money


    Dry cleaning can be an expensive monthly financial burden. In addition many of the chemicals used in dry cleaning are harmful to the environment. Therefore, consider some of the following alternatives that you can use instead of dry cleaning. Not only will you save yourself some money on dry cleaning, but you will be helping the environment.


    * Look into purchasing a front load washer. These washers are gentle on garments. With manufactures producing new designs that are smaller and within a price range for home use you could probably afford one. These washers will help you save energy and water in addition to helping your clothes last longer and look better.


    * Instead of drying your clothes in a dryer consider a clothes line if you have room. A clothesline will help you save money on your utility bill and will help the environment. Clothes lines can be used indoors or outdoors. Natural drying is better for your clothes than dryers. You won't have to worry about static cling or shrinkage, making your clothes last longer.


    *Consider using cold water instead of hot water in your washer. Cold water will help save on energy costs. Hot water is harder on your garments and new biodegradable laundry detergents for use in cold water are cheap, effective and easy to find.

    * Many clothing styles on the market have instructions to wash separately. Stay away from purchasing clothes with these labels. Too much time, water and energy goes into keeping these clothes wearable which increases their cost.

    Many clothing fashions today are non-gender specific. The advantage to purchasing these clothes is the ease of reusing them as hand-me-downs to other family members or friends.


    * People often by new clothes because they want to be in style. However, most new styles are short-lived and you probably won't wear the clothes until they wear out. Therefore consider buying traditional styles that never go out of date.


    * Purchase logo free clothing. Clothes with logos generally cost more due to the high marketing costs involved with the company. Smaller, local manufacturers offer a better value on clothing. You would also be supporting smaller producers.


    * Consider using worksuits when doing any dirty work such as yard work, house work or cleaning. This will save you money by not having to wash the clothes as frequently if they are kept for one purpose only. This will also help save electricity and water.


    * Consider purchasing clothes through your local thrift store where clothes are cheaper. Clothes often come at cheaper bargains than any store sale you can find. In addition, thrift shops give you a cheap way to buy children's clothes since they often grow out of their clothes so fast.



    Q. What is a home dry cleaning kit?

    A. A home dry cleaning kit supposedly can offer consumers substantial cost savings and convenience by allowing them to dry clean clothes from the comfort of their homes. For example, the Custom Cleaner advertising materials claim that it allows you to "conveniently remove everyday spots, freshen and revitalize your dry clean only clothes at home for about 50 cents a garment.



    Q. How do they work?

    A. A home dry clean kit consists of several cleaning sheets and dryer-safe plastic bags. The consumer unfolds and opens a dry cleaning sheet, which he or she places in the bag with one or more garments. The bag is then tumbled in a clothes dryer for about 10 minutes. The clothes should then be shaken, removed from the bag and hung up to prevent wrinkling.



    Q. Who makes them?

    A. Dryel is made by Procter and Gamble, and the Dryel website can be found at http://www.dryel.com. Custom Cleaner has been bought by a joint venture of The Dial Corp. and Henkel. Their website is http://www.customcleaner.com. Clorox has also recently entered this lucrative market with a product called FreshCare, which you can find at http://www.cloroxfreshcare.com/dryclean.html




    * A home dry clean kits offers substantial cost savings over traditional dry cleaning, and can be used in the comfort of your home.

    * The chemicals used in a home dry clean kit, while not harmless, are not as bad for the environment and consumers as perchlorethylene, which is used by most dry cleaning establishments.

    * Simple to use.

    * A home dry clean kit does an excellent job removing odors.

    *Dryel has been awarded the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval.



    * The home dry cleaning kit does not offer a viable substitution for professional pressing, which can only be done at the dry cleaners.

    * The kits can remove some stains, and, according to Consumer Reports, Dryel has improved quite a bit in this area. However, neither kit is as effective as traditional dry cleaning for removing more serious stains.



    Consumer Reports had this to say about Dryel:

    "Dryel may not be the "revolution" it claims to be. But if you want to freshen up a lightly soiled garment or remove smoke or stale cooking odors, it can save you money and protect you from exposure to strong dry-cleaning solvents." They also mentioned that it worked well on some stains, including spaghetti sauce.


    The International Fabricare Institute (IFI), the leading association representing the cleaning industry, disputes some of Dryel's claims. Earlier this year, IFI published a "Research Fellowship" on Dryel, concluding that while the product does remove odors and is effective on water-soluble stains, it is not as effective as drycleaning in stain removal.

    For more information, you can visit the IFI website at http://www.ifi.org (then click on Industry News).

  2. The tv stations love to try to scare the hell out of people. For some reason they think that's what they are in business to do. If they can't find any bad weather around here they ALWAYS send someone an hour north to find it. That way they can scream "YOU'RE ALL GOING TO DIE"




    :lol: :lol: :lol:



    you are soooooooooooo right!!

  3. So, it's not dangerous for teachers to get in their cars and sliiiiiide into work?




    this brings up a good question - why are there so many schools that are closed, but they still ask for all 12 mth employees to come in??


    If it's too dangerous for the buses, isn't it too dangerous for everyone??



  4. I don't know if you can borrow one or not, but animal control has the rabies poles (stick lead )


    other than giving him a higher dose of drugs, I have no ideas - if you can drug him to the point that he can't stand up to run, you've got him!


    worst case senerio we already discussed, and it's still far better than his current circumstance.

  5. When I went to get my son <_< (see other thread) 278 was ok but the back roads are bad. I slid all over the place. But your right ...they'll wait till morning. At least we can get the kids to bed early ;)






    just glad to hear that he's alright!! I think you should get him a compass for his birthday! :p







  6. wow - I can't remember the last time I rented a movie - is it that much less expensive to do the "deals" rather than just rent a movie and when finished, return and rent another??


    how many movies do you guys watch in a typical month?


    just curious - :D



  7. I just drove from Bartow's north end. They have a lot more coming down than we do, but, alas, it is not sticking. Paulding won't close the schools unless Cobb county does. They can't think for themselves!



    I was just wondering this same thing -


    It always seems like Paulding waits until the morning of to cancel :glare: I'd love to know before I go to bed if I get to sleep in or not!

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