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Posts posted by Bumplett

  1. You made your comments, so you should be comfortable with the image they paint of you.

    While technically correct, they make you look like a poor trying to find your way out of performing a practice that is so standard, it preempts federal minimum wage standards.




    I'm comfortable with my image :D Those that KNOW me, know me, and that's all that really matters at the end of the day.




    If one chooses to take my words, twist them into what they want to see and form an inaccurate picture of the type of person I am, it's their loss in my opinion.



    I am not the only person in this thread that voiced a distaste for the OPs attitude of "entitlement" - -_-


  2. Oh wow - now while I was going to respond to each comment directly, I think I will use my time more wisely by commenting to the whole peanut gallery.


    First of all, I NEVER said that I do not tip at all- the entire point I was trying to make is that TIPPING is OPTIONAL - and for a server to start a thread regarding the stiffs in Paulding was rather offensive - (( I did say that I do not tip for pizza or bag boys, NEVER did I state that I do not tip in any resturant)) If people would pay more attention to what they read, this wouldn't be an issue. ;)


    Technically, NOONE is under any obligation to TIP above and beyond the total bill. Therefore, anyone that receives a tip should be grateful for ANY amount above and beyond, not bitch and moan because it wasn't enough. JMHO.


    Do I tip in a resturant? Yes, I do - but I tip based on service, not based on some moral obligation of 20% of my total bill - and I find it rather telling how many of you ASSume something that was never said. Figures.


    For the smartass that thinks I shouldn't consider going out to eat in a resturant because I can't "afford" it - When was it exactly that you became my personal accountant??


    so, to ease the minds of all of those with their underroos in a wad, yes, I do tip on most occassions, but you have NO right to DEMAND a tip from anyone.




    Thank you.

  3. Okay Bumplett I have a question for you because I know you don't drink...


    Say you loved Karaoke and you went into a bar on a regular basis and participated during the evening and there was either a bartender or waitress that would bring you your water with lemon right away because they knew that is what you drank. Then all evening while you are having a wonderful time singing that bartender or waitress made sure that your water was full the entire time and always gave you service with a smile. Here is my question, at the end of the night would you tip the bartender or waitress??? Or because water is free, 15% to 20% of free is $0....



    :lol: ok, well, first - you know me well enough to know that I would not be singing karaoke :lol:


    but - I'll play along:


    chances are, I would order a bite to eat - therefore, leaving a tip based on the total (as long as the above statement still applies, keeping my water fresh & full)


    if I'm nibbling off of your munchies and only having water for myself, I'd leave no more than $2 - which is about the cost of a glass of tea :)



    oh, and better yet - because I don't drink, and I'm usually the DD - if my server (in the bar) would be kind enough to not charge me for my sprite or tea, I'll tip well (as a thank you for not charging me for my non-alcoholic drink) :)



    BUT - this is me - just me, and I can only answer for me - and the bottom line is still: I'm not responsible for any more than my total bill. Tips are optional, and should be based on service above and beyond the call of duty. :)

  4. Who the money is owed to is often very telling, as is the total indebtedness compared to the applicant's potential earnings on the job he's applying for.


    If an applicant has a $500K mortgage, and he's applying for a $60K job, there's a disparity there that should raise a flag to an employer.



    I suppose this is where I have the hardest time swallowing the whole idea - it's NOONE'S business what I owe on my mortgage (or any other debt that one may have), that's between myself and the lender. Period.








  5. Yes...they do run a DMV check. Standard practice, and it is an option on any other employee background check, should you want to pay extra.



    Thank You!!! :D



    I don't really need an answer to any of the other questions though - :mellow: that's all I really wanted to know. ^_^


    wait - wait - I do have one other question -


    what is the typical rate of pay for a delivery driver??


    I would consider my lunch as the tip... Wait I was going to lend you some money, I may have to reconsider this whole thing.... :huh: :lol: :lol:



    no, no, no - it's alright - you can trust me, I have good credit. :D



  6. i'm bored.. i was doing okay until my friend pointed out that valentine's day is a month away.. now i'm trying not to have a panic attack :p :lol: :ph34r: like i need another depressing day to point out that i don't have a significant other <_<




    and thank you for pointing it out to the rest of us that were trying to forget. :glare:




  7. OH DEAR LORD!!!!!!!!!!!! You know, it would be my luck to have something utterly embarassing happen like that and sure enough, it would end up on the damned internet!!!!!!!!




    :lol: :lol:


    isn't THAT the truth!



  8. LOL okay, BTW you taxi will be ready first thing in the morning on Thursday and yes I will leave the tip if you want me too. BTW where are we going to eat????? I just have to make sure I am back to get ready for work.



    damn woman, stop hijacking my thread :glare:



    you're the taxi driver, you get to pick the where - before you know it, you'll expect a tip also <_< geez, what is this world coming to??


    are you going to run a credit check on me to decide if I can afford to hire you as my driver?? :huh:

  9. All I know is I was going to refinance. Everything was a go..And then today when the Loan Agent found out I have my house on the Market...She said they wouldn't do it now. WTH? Is this just my Credit Union or standard practice? Anyone know?


    I have 6% also and was going to go to 4.75%..Biggest thing would be go to a Fixed 15 year if you can afford it.


    Good luck.




    only a guess, but do you think it's simply because they won't be making enough money off of you if you are going to sell soon?



  10. That is a difficult question. Granted I gave him cash for the pizza so you know what if he feels that he needs to keep that money fine but you know what why get fired for the $35 that I gave him. I have no idea, I don't believe that it is right that companies will do credit checks but I have no control over that, other than not applying for jobs with that company.


    I handle cash and credit cards all night long when I am working and I didn't have a credit check done before I was hired. I am also in a position where I could take money left and right cause many of the people I deal with on a regular basis have had a little too much to drink (thank goodness they have the sense to either take a cab home or have someone pick them up), but I don't do that cause I am an honest person and that is one reason why I was hired.



    exactly! you were hired because you represented yourself well in person, not because of how you looked on paper - and that's how it should be. :D


    can I borrow $20? :ph34r:

  11. I agree completely w/ your first comment. I guess they want to make sure that you aren't in financial trouble to reduce the risk of being a crooked cop, but to be quite honest, they could have seen that he was in the army for 6 yrs prior and they don't pay jack, so that may have been why something wasn't paid!

    And on the topic of the pizza delivery guy, I think the more important thing is that they ran a DMV check on him! Have you ever seen how some of those folks drive?! :o



    :lol: AMEN!


    now there's a good question -

    do we have any pizza delivery peeps on p.com that can tell us if they run a DMV check????

    and while we're at it, how much do they make per hour??

    and what's their mother's maiden name??

    and what time did they poop this morning??

    and did they pay full price for the toilet paper they used??

    or did they steal it from the rite aid restroom when they went in to pick up grandma's rxs??




  12. Not only does the police dept do a credit check, if there is ANYTHING at all negative that is still outstanding, it has to be paid before they will hire you...or at least that's the way they did it when my husband got hired.



    BUT I could have something unpaid because I was arguing about what it was?? - This is the day/age of identity theft - what if it's not even my debt??




    ((just bouncing thoughts out there, not directing them at anyone personally)) :D





    I skipped over much of that thread cause it was mainly "food" service tipping, a little different than "drink" service tipping, at least to me it is.


    BTW, I tipped the pizza delivery guy tonight when he dropped off my pizza. ;)


    Back to the credit checks.....



    so, do you think that the pizza delivery guy should have a credit check done before hired by the pizza company?? afterall, he is responsible for $$ during the night! (except if he comes here) :lol:

  13. I use to work for a complany that didn't do credit checks until a few years ago. It really bit them in the butt. A person was hired, come to find out this person was a complete fraud and stole money (didn't find out until they were gone) and on their way out (they left on their own) this person gave some one a check for a large amount. The check bounced. Needless to say this is now in jail, come to find out they had done this many times in the past.



    shouldn't you be in the tipping thread? :huh:





    seriously though - if the person was a fraud, would a credit check have made any difference?


    what if this person made a habit of screwing people with cash - then they wouldn't have anything neg. on a credit report - BUT a background check may have produced something?



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