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Posts posted by Bumplett

  1. So many parts of the hiring decision are subjective. I can't really look at you and determine your desire to work. But, the presumption appears to be that if you are in dire financial straits, it could effect your job performance, and in a weak moment, you may steal from your company. May be the wrong assumption in most cases, but certainly not all.




    but Madea, maybe I'm in dire financial straits because noone will hire me, therefore I live off of my credit cards and it's the only way I can afford my mortgage payment and to feed my wife and kids??


    do you see how it could become a vicious circle ??



  2. I had this problem knock on my door 9 years ago and it still haunts me to this day. While going through my divorse I had to file chapter 13 to keep my house and vehicle. 3 years after discharge of said bancrupcy I applied for several jobs in the computer industry and although my qualifications were up to par I was denied all of the jobs because of the credit check. Needless to say I stayed in the industry I was in and gave up. I miss the days when a person was a person and not just a number.





  3. It ticks the heck out of me. I was trying to get a job before all this happened even though I was not released from the doctors and everyone was doing a credit check. And than they say while your credit score is too low. Well do you think. I am looking for work so guess things are kinda of thing money wise. Does that make me a back machine operator because I have a low credit score.



    and THIS is exactly my point!


    Do they take into consideration that you may have had a murphy visit??? Do they take into consideration that times may suck?? Do they give one the opportunity to explain that the boyfriend/girlfriend left town and took the car so you lost your job and couldn't pay the utilities?


    There are soooo many reasons that people may have poor credit - bad choices are probably towards the top of that list, but not the only reason.


    I just find the whole idea of being judged by a number to be very offensive.



  4. Sort of related, but, have you ever wondered why your insurance is based on a credit report now? It is common now that car and auto insurance companies require one, and will base your rates on them if you are not flat out turned down if you have questionable credit. Their reasoning is, if you have financial woes, you will be more apt to be not paying attention to the road, or more apt to try insurance fraud.

    (as learned while taking classes from Cotton States, Encompass and Progressive, while doing my 10 year stint as an insurance agent. :) )



    ahhh - now that's interesting to know - I did not know this, thanks LB - I think I'll call State Farm in the morning. :)



    NOW, what about situations where one has NO credit - am I not going to get said job because I have NO debt, therefore NO credit history - I pay with cash, I own my car outright - etc... etc....


    so ultimately, I'm going to be punished for being responsible??



  5. A credit report is very telling about a person. I can tell when someone has had a rough time or is just completely irresponsible. It is only ONE factor in the process, but definately tips the scales for some....



    yes, I know you're right MISTY, BUT you should hire me based on my experience, my personality, my desire to suceed, and my performance during my interview - you have NO right to view my personal finances - it's noone's business but my own -







  6. Bump - I have never heard of a credit check before, just background. Do they want to make sure you can afford the Cokes and Peanut M&Ms in the vending machines?:p


    working - Are you going to offer out math tutoring services? I think there I know of at least one person that would hire you.:lol:



    ah, you should catch up on recent threads then :)


    I have heard of police depts that do credit checks - this still makes me ILL, but I find it much easier to swallow than just your average Joe Blow Employer doing a credit check before hiring :glare:



  7. see, that's the first problem right there - if servers only make $2.50/hr, maybe this is what needs to be changed (why servers don't make minimum wage is beyond me) - it's NOT MY responsibility to take up the slack!


    I've NEVER received a "tip" for busting my ass at work - IT'S MY JOB, I get paid for it -


    Want me to bust my ass being a server, NO, because I wouldn't work for $2.50/hr. -

  8. I eat out quite a bit, it's the nature of the business. If the total is under $10.00, it's a $2.00 tip standard. Under $20.00 is a $3.00 tip standard. Exceptional service get's an exceptional tip, but only if the service warrants it. No tip for bad or indifferent service, notice I included indifferent, that's the waiters or waitresses who don't keep tabs on me or when I have to go find them to refill my glass. When I'm pissed I give the 'pocket change tip', which may include not only a few coins but whatever trash, paper, beannie spices (telephone wire spices), and maybe some stuff I found in the bathroom right before I left.


    Good tips will be around 50% of the bill, the sushiya's at my favorite sushi places get a tip handed to them by me personally, usually a twenty.


    I agree with what a few said on here before, don't go 'expecting' a tip. Give me good service, and you'll get a tip. If your counting on tips to feed your family, you definatly need another job. Tips should be treated like you treat overtime, don't go counting on it to keep the lights on because it varies from day to day...



    hey thoughts ~ me likey sushi too :D



  9. For all those people trying to make a slight living off of tips.

    The waitresses ,

    the pizza man or woman ,

    the bartnders.

    And anyone else who make a small minnium wadge.

    I would like to say be strong.


    We all know there is a lot of people that are stiffs. You may get that one that says (get you next time). Or the one that says (i'm alittle tight ) and still want's exact chang. SO MANY...........


    Just rember the ones that do you well .

    change of the dollar,

    two dollars everytime ,

    or the alls so famuos (total 17.93 , give you a $20 keep the rest)


    Even if it's just the change .

    I thank you for hellping all of us with our weekley paychecks to bring home to our selves or familys.


    Next time you leave a tip or know someone leaving a tip,

    thank you every LITTLE bit helps.


    For those that don't , ....................................................


    some thing are left unsaid



    You MUST be kidding me ~ I don't have to tip, nor do I feel morally compelled to tip - IF you get a tip from me it would be due to going ABOVE and beyond the call of service -


    I never tip the delievery guy - they get PAID to deliver my pizza -


    I never tip the bag boy - they get PAID to bag my groceries -


    If you must survive off your tips, maybe it's time to get a better job??



  10. I used to cache alot alone when living in MD, but here in GA its not very safe. Therefore, I don't cache alone in GA. I miss it.



    well, now you have me ;)



    MISTY - my youngest is 5 and he loves it (calls it treasure hunting), so you're welcome to give it a try -



    Geocaching is similar to letterboxing (like LL does), but different :)


    I do have a GPS, it's a basic, nothing fancy model, but it works -



    Christy - It's everywhere :) There are caches all around Dallas and Hiram..... you just wouldn't know it unless you're looking for them ;)


    well, if anyone is interested, the more the merrier - :)

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