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Posts posted by Bumplett

  1. we had a great time ... if you folks wasnt MIA all time .... well ya know ... :p



    well, if you guys would invite some of us every now and then <_< but ohhhhhhhhhh nooooooooooo, that would be tooooo easy - <_< that's fine. I'm not bitter :mellow: really. I swear.

  2. Hmm you might could handle our kinda love!

    Watcha think girls?



    ummm - wait - just what kinda love did you have in mind L ?


    I mean ........ you know I like you .......... but I don't know if ....... you know......... if I like you like you ........ :mellow:










  3. I didn't want to say that I thought it was strange, I thought that would make me appear to be cold-hearted.... but I did hear the entire call this morning - the "oddities" IMO were as follows:


    A: Steve has no contact with the family - (yet he claimed she was his "world" and his "air" - sounds serious to me) :unsure:


    B: I also thought he turned most comments inward on talking about himself (esp. the comment about turning her onto his choice of music)


    C: He opted to not answer any direct questions & opted to not speak with Pastor Matt on air


    D: I don't know, he just seemed "odd" to me :unsure: Sad, yes, truly sad - but odd


    E: He admitted that he had to try several times to get through when he called the radio - and admitted that he (and the family) had not been listening to any media coverage, but later said that he had been listening for 15 minutes while trying to call in??? -





  4. I agree with the law, but hey...I'm a Cali girl at heart. Probably will always be.


    It should always be against the law to hurt another human being. If you fire up inside your car with your child in tow you are causing damage to your child's lungs. I think this is wrong. I see no issues with this law.



    ok - good, for a second there I thought I was the only one that found this to be a positive change ~ I'm all for it ~ If the adults in charge of caring for children, whether it be their own or not, cannot do so properly, then apparently we need laws such as this.


    oh, and I'm not from Cali ;)


    ~~ side note to Thomas:


    As was stated, they are now using children as the "gotcha" to get laws passed. They tried to tax cigarettes off the market. Now they are putting taxes on cigarettes to cover everything from health care to protecting the lakes and streams. What the heck. If they keep making people quit smoking, what are they going to tax next to get the money to cover these programs? Lets see, I bet it will be the candy market. They will come up with something where the candy market has a bad influences on children so now they will be tax to cover the health care cost and all these other programs. Watch out in a day not too far off, a snickers bar will cost you $3.75 instead of that .69 cents that it cost you now.


    alcohol maybe??


    and I had NO idea that you smoked!! You must hide it well. :D

  5. I remember Pubby saying that we could get the Commerce Membership on behalf of the candidate or perhaps get a group of people together to share the cost. ;)




    ohhhhh - I missed that part!


    well in this case, I'll wait til we hear it from the horse's mouth again -





  6. If you went to the shower and took a gift and are now going to see new baby- you can always take a little something for mom- Scarlett has some new drinking teas and bath tea bags and a line of Bellies and Bottoms-(very reasonable prices) that would be great for mom.



    I second this idea!





  7. The candidate needs a commerce membership since they are the one advertising. Not the person who wants to advertise them.

    Once the candidate has a commerce membership anyone can put them on their siggy.


    Hope that makes sense.



    yep, made sense the first time you said it too. :)

  8. he is very smart but very curious ...he's not like throwing things or hitting bad,,he's just investigating wondering bad.... like for example.. I had a kidney stone and had to go to the e.r. well I had noone to watch them..so they had to come with me..even into the bathroom ( for a urine speciman)..her in my hands and him scared to be there..he didn't want to go in the room and of course was doing his best to get out..all thw while holding her and in pain... because i could'nt have pain medication..because i was alone with kids..



    why were you alone in the hospital????



  9. i'm not jelous of him working..I am jelous of him having no other responsibilities other than working..


    I am upset of the fact that your never here with them..so if the only time they do see you you are disciplining them.. what does that show them.. I don't have the option of working on the weekends or going anywhere..he says he works so ... the kids r my job and he is not watching them..claims he can't handle them.. since my son was born two years ago..he has never not once been alone with either of my kids..he refuses... so I guess I feel like he's not a father..he just pays the bills.. so what right does he have to punish them...



    ok, here we go -



    does he really refuse to watch them? or are you afraid to leave them alone with him watching them?


    just an honest question - because if you're honest with yourself, you may be surprised at what you find....


    have you ever talked to him about the way you feel?? have you told him that you feel trapped??


    If he knows that you're unhappy, he may try to do a bit more during the time he's home -


    Is he home on the weekends? Don't ASK permission to do something - you aren't 12!


    for arguments sake, let's say you ask him to watch his kids while you go to work on Saturday for a few hrs (yes, I'm sure you could find a job only on saturday and sunday) - if he says no, you find a backup plan - can a family member watch them? can a friend? - give this a paycheck or two and he's going to see how much it helps - then poof, he's willing to step up if it means you don't have to pay a babysitter :)


    OR........... maybe he's scared to stay with them - you've said in earlier posts that they had health issues - could it be that he's just afraid ??







  10. we have a limo company in Dallas :unsure: I SEE their cars ALL the time!! but I don't know WHO it is????



    I agree with the idea of having a town car pick you up - it's a nice ride :)


    OR you could just ask someone else to drive you to/from?? (if $$ is an issue) - Last time we went out of town, I traded the use of my car while I was away to a friend that needed a car in exchange for a ride to/from

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