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Posts posted by Bumplett

  1. Paying our ridiculous $1000 HOA dues! :o :angry: (They were only $350 when we moved in the neighborhood only 4 years ago!)


    and then whatever is left we will probably put in savings.



    Holy Duckie Poo!!! That's A LOT of $$ - where do YOU live???? (better be swanky for that kinda HOA dues)




    Jimmy Buffet wrote a song about fixing the world economics ... Drop a bunch of money over a country ,( in his example, Russia), and then drop a load of Victoria Secrets catalogs and L.L.Bean catalogs so people will buy.. Bush lives in a fantasy world.....I guess he figures the economy will get back on track with everyone 'spending' their couple hundred bucks to stimulate the economy....pretty assinine.......but .considering where it's coming from.....how about spending the trillions of dollars in our country instead of Iraq.....create new jobs, factories,etc over here, instead of sending our jobs and money overseas... I think Jimmy Buffets idea would work just as well... :rolleyes:



    can I get an Amen!?

  2. I agree !! but if they had less of an oportunity to pass or get up to a high rate of speed or even knew they would get a ticket maybe they would stop driving like idiots.



    I get passed on a double yellow more times than not on 61 - so that's why I said it wouldn't help - people don't give a sheeze if it's a double yellow line, they pass anyway



  3. check the shelter - IN PERSON, go to the shelter -


    and go back every few days -


    IF he wasn't neutered, remember that he can travel MILES away from home in search of a hottie - so check the Douglas & Cobb county shelters also.


    You can also post a missing thread on Craigslist.com - and in the Dallas New Era



    good luck!



  4. I just can't stand pop music. I know that 99X was pretty much mainstream and that a lot of what they play is on Q100 but I can't take the Britney Spears and other pop and hip hop being mixed in with it. ALL the A.M. shows on the local radio are boring - thank god for XM in the car but I liked 99X for the office. Guess I will listen to DAVE and try to ignore the 3 hours of The Cure and :wub: Depche Mode :wub: they fit in during the work day. :lol:




    bite your tongue! those are the BEST 3 hours of radio :)





  5. Dsb2k7 -


    No matter your intentions, (which are very questionable and could only hurt shelter pets for those who don't know better,) THANK YOU for contacting the media.


    The Paulding County Animal Control Shelter is an OPEN BOOK, ANY AREA, ANY DAY and ANY TIME! Bring on the cameras! What they will find is one of the best little shelters not only in the metro area, but the State. :) And as with any news coverage, maybe we'll see a rush of people and an increase of adoptions!!! Wouldn't that be wonderful to be able to find homes for all those wonderful pets! :wub:


    The Paulding County Animal Shelter is well-known for its' caring employees, their families, facility and volunteers and it's usual cleanliness/lack of smell all over the area.


    As for the comparison to Cobb County, we are not fortunate enough to have a multi-million dollar new facility or 30 to 40 employees. There are a grand total of 11. On any given day, a total of 6-7 employees are working 12+ hour shifts. On call 24/7, holidays, weekends and while you're sleeping.


    Of these 6 (7 if lucky and no one is out sick, deaths in family as recently, or on vacation) 2 of these are Road Officers answering over 20-30 calls EACH every day around the County.


    This leaves a TOTAL of FOUR (4) employees to keep the inside operations running with over 200 pets at any time: 2 Kennel Techs and 2 up front to handle the hoards of people coming in to turn in their own pets, three phone lines ringing constantly, handle noise complaints, bites, help in the back with injured or sick pets, feeding, watering, cleaning all day after the major morning cleaning (with 1 inmate to help in the morning if lucky) and much, MUCH more. Oh yes, and transporting pets twice to three times weekly to vets for spay/neuter, working diligently to improve the unwanted population!!


    As you say, you know poo, a litter of puppies or a nervous pet with runny poo would literally take 1 person standing guard at all times to keep the pen immaculate. This is not possible, but is handled as quickly as possible and checked on the hour, every hour. If you saw anyone sitting around, there was a good reason. Cajun's daughter can attest to the fact that "sitting" is a luxury that doesn't happen very often. Maybe someone needed a well-deserved break from their continual running since 7 a.m.? Possibly you could help in that area.


    Truly sick pets are housed in the medical area. Parvo is not present at the shelter at this time and has not been a problem in several months. It can be a problem in any shelter, kennel or pet store normally in the warmer months. Our employees care so much that they have now started a program of Rice/Yogurt, preparing it themselves, in hopes of calming/strengthening the digestive systems of the incoming pets, both cats and dogs. That is caring and going above and beyond. ;)


    Re-read cajun's daughter's post. It says it very well and she was an amazing teen (and we have several others!) and wonderful help, as are the volunteers, who give their time and talents in many capacities because they also care and understand the hard work that goes into caring daily for such a large number of animals, especially with so few county employees.


    Your main concern appears to be a possibly undercutting of your purebred puppy prices? I hope not, and hope that you might consider giving of your time if you truly care about shelter pets, to only make things better and better.


    Oh yes, Paulding County Animal Control Shelter is VERY PROUD to also have one of the highest adoption rates vs. euthanasia rates in the State. This has been the case for the last four years now and continues to improve each year. I think we must be doing something right! :o


    Once again, thank you for reporting this to the media. We look forward to their call/visit and hope that it will bring attention to Unwanted Shelter Pets everywhere. :)






    You always know how to do this Meltid - and you do it wonderfully - thank you for being you.



  6. Thanks I will look for the prego pops and call her Dr if she gets any sicker in the mornings.

    She has been given a small amount of flack at school but is going to stay in. and will take the 56 weeks off and return after the baby is here. She could go back in 3 weeks if I can find a in home sitter. I do wish she had waited but things happen and I am getting better with it daily. We jsut found out on Tuesday.


    Congrats to you all and your daughter!




    and you should always keep in mind that some of us are at home during the day :: hint, hint ::





    I don't know what side of the county you're on, but I'm sure someone lives nearby :)

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