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Posts posted by enjones

  1. I have had a lot of fun with Facebook. Found a few WONDERFUL HS friends. No crushes, though. Relieved by that. It has been way too long for that and guys have changed so much- unless you REALLY remember them- you have no idea who the crap they are!!! Could be a bad thing and could be a good thing. Ya just never know!!!

  2. One of my best vacation memories: I was about 21 on a beach vacation with my now exfiance'. We had just settled onto the beach one morning when out of the blue a seagull flew by and took a huge dump on him, right in the middle of his chest! He was so PO'd he was cussing out loud. I was laughing so hard I could barely breathe. Then he started laughing until he was crying too. Lesson learned: If you laugh hard enough, everyone else usually laughs with you. :rofl: AND it is funny as heck when your fiance' is being a jerk, then a seagull takes a dump on him at the crucial moment! :lol: :yahoo: Talk about Karma being a witch!


    This happened quite a bit while we were away. Laughter, is indeed, the best medicine.

  3. I just got back from 4 FABULOUS days frolicking in the sun with 2 of the BEST GF's a girl could have. I learned a few things while there...


    1- Ashtrays DO come out for emptying. You do NOT have to lug the vacuum cleaner out to suck them out. (yes, I knew this but... :ph34r: )

    2- Beach chairs are a PITA to get out of. They do, however, cause a massive amount of laughter from aforementioned GF's...

    3- People can pee and it can actually make you want to puke from the smell... :ph34r:

    4- I miss the sound of the ocean already. :(

    5- One of my GF's makes the VERY BEST frozen drinks in the entire world!!!! :wub:

    6- You can actually make your eyes pee!!! :blink:


    I probably have more... but this is all I can think of for now. Please add your lessons learned.

  4. welcome home ... how was it ?


    Kel- it was beyond wonderful!!! We laughed til we cried!!!!!! Lots of sun and fun was had by all!! A trip to remember...


    Are you leaving us the Ninja because you are unable to type after your trip??? :lol: :lol:


    No internet access for 4 days was a wonderful relief. We had way too much free time to drink, smoke, sun and laugh!!!!


    I will try to come to lunch Wed.

  5. Just so you will know how they will affect him- give him one this weekend and see how he acts. Then you will know if he should drink them. He will also know if they make him feel bad.


    That said- I've had them and like some. Kat drinks them and likes some. We do not drink them every day. Just every once in a while.

  6. That whole statement was not for you. :lol: I knew YOU would come to lunch with me. :) I am pretty sure they are open. I told her last week that I was going to try to get everyone there for lunch and she said OK. I sent her a PM anyway to verify, but she has not gotten back to me yet.



    Oh by the way, your bracelet is done. It was done yesterday, I just couldn't make it to lunch.


    Cool!! See you Wed. then. We need a verification of the lunch time opening though!!

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