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Posts posted by enjones

  1. CSC_0190_ad.jpg


    This is my ad idea...Whatcha think?

    A special "thanks" to Lovecake 101


    OMG!! Fotogirl, this is awesome! I opened the thread and saw the pic and thought it looked just like Lovecake. Then I thought that she looked really hot!! THEN I read that it IS her. You definitely got something going here. Hot chick and hot jewelry!!!

  2. The first Pcommer I met was Footballbeerchic many years ago - what a whoot she is. Still a dear friend to this day and a fellow Falcons Fan!


    I was absent for several years as I traveled for work - and then was blessed to meet Solo, KRM, Hairazer, Kel, JLH, CMark and several others all at one time (LO) when attending my frist Karokee night back in the old location. I have been honored to know so many more. The last one I remember meeting before leaving for the Philippines is Clio. Again another true honor!


    So many Pcommer that I am proud to call family and I miss you all deeply!

    :wub: :friends: I miss you as well!!! I can't wait til you come home for a visit!!

  3. well they left a lasting impression didn't they... :lol: j/k...it's heck getting old ain't it (you know Im messin with ya...you know I :wub: ya)


    Yes, some did... not saying if it was a good lasting impression or not. And I will get you for the old comment Friday night!! BTW- I am ONLY 5 years older than you!!!

  4. I love Mexican but I can't come this week.



    I will come again when the kids are back in school. Plus it would be cheaper if I only had to pay for me .




    So I will sit this one out.....have fun though


    Sadie- we will miss you this week. I was hoping to give you a big hug but heres a cyber one for ya! :friends:

  5. silly woman .. i meant arent u supposed to be somewhere tonite ? .. it is monday right ? ...



    i am wonderful now .. ty for asking ... i am eating normally n everything ... i am just amazed ... i have gained some weight back .. NOT that i needed it .. but its there ... n have all my color back .. wooooooohoooooooooooo ...



    sorry for hijack Tide girl ...


    Yeah, I was supposed to go to Copschick's house... didn't shower til I got off work at 6 and am too sleepy to go. Plus it is cold as crap outside!!!


    YAY!!! You are getting better and that is the most awesome news I have heard in months!!! Eat up girl! Hey, isn't it time Hairazor did that perm and colored your hair? :p


    Sorry for the hijack, TG!!!

  6. arent ya supposed to be somewhere ??????????


    btw how are ya ?


    I am getting my hair did at 10:30 so I should be done by noonish.


    And I am groovy!!! More importantly... how are YOU?


    I will try to be there, depends how I feel. Today I am in bed sick.


    Get better quick!! BTW- Mexican does open your sinuses and such.... just sayin'.

  7. Unless you've driven a large commercial vehicle with an elevated drivers compartment, you have no idea how your field of vision changes from your standard passenger vehicle. Since you're up much higher, you're looking down on the roadway and objects ahead of you and many times are unable to see upward. With the angle that this ramp turns off of the highway in a left turning curve, the drivers are probably unable to see the top of the ramp until they're already on the ramp, at 70 miles an hour. You don't hear of this happening with other large vehicles because they're not allowed in the HOV lane. You don't hear of this with regular size passenger vehicles because their field of vision is easier to see the stop sign, fence, markings, etc that everyone keeps referring to.



    There ya go... 70 MPH is over the speed limit. That said- I do drive over the speed limit and have no problem what so ever seeing ALL the signs and flashing lights and reflective crap on that exit. Just freakin' pay attention to where the hell you are going.

  8. I am going to the Doctor with my DIL to find out if she is having a boy or a girl Wednesday.


    So, does this mean you are blowing us off Wed., too???!!!! :vava:


    Oh really? And what time is THAT appointment on Wednesday?


    OMG! I just saw her reply and said the basic same thing!!!!


    If ya'll are gonna do Mexican.... I can sneak that in.

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