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Posts posted by enjones

  1. My daughter and I were going down I-75 South on Saturday. I NEVER go that way, so I wanted to take a good look at this exit to see how it was. I cannot see how anyone who is paying attention could mistake it for a straight thru lane. It is very cleary marked with exit signs, and you can plainly see that it ends at the top of the ramp. There's a big fence that runs along side the road on the opposite from the ramp.


    I just feel that it's people who are in way too much of a hurry and not paying attention who get confused about the exit ramp. JMO after checking it out.


    THANK YOU!!! I was gonna say the same thing and am so very glad there are more like me (folk who pay attention to signs) out on the interstate!


    Were you driving or riding and was it day or night and how was the weather and were you already looking for that ramp or did you have no idea of that ramp and its history? Believe me, I am not bashing on your response, but I would have to say that alot of factors play into the large number of incidents that have happened at this ramp. When the wreck occurred I remember they interviewed several people that were also involved in accidents of the same nature (just cars not buses so the wall stopped them thankfully). In Atlanta traffice, there are a million things trying to get your attention at the same time.............


    There are signs that have the reflective thingys on them. Lots of reflective things. If you are paying attention... there is no way you can miss the signs!

  2. Shoot, TOW won't be here! The gals can have it! Unless KRM is coming....no wait this is a MK party, not a Slumber Party :p


    HUSH, Tow!!! You gonna tell on us!!!


    Chick- pm me directions. I'll be late- no make up (since you are gonna make me up)- in sweats.... Is this acceptable attire???

  3. Sadie612 has had a family emergency and won't be able to host the Mary Kay party on Monday night. I know that a few of you were planning on attending. I have decided that rather than canceling the whole thing, we are just going to relocate! I really need to get my 15 faces done, so I have decided to host it at my house instead. If you need directions or info just let me know. Tow will probably be here, but I'll have him on a leash, so he won't bite ;)


    What area of this big arse county do you live in???

  4. Horns are very special. I can *totally* understand why Rockysmom got ticked when you stole hers. :rofl: :ninja:


    It was cookies and I didn't steal the damned things!!! <_< See if I ever bring you a horn again... :p


    K, I'm lost what are you talking about?


    There is a bakery in Rome that makes the most DEVINE cream filled horns. B gave me all sorts of crap the last time we were there so I generously purchased one for her. Just wanted her to see how DEVINE they truely are!!!

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