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Posts posted by enjones

  1. yes rest is the main thing and lots of fluids. But Thank you



    No, I think i got it visiting my mil at the hospital.. Imagine that getting sick at the hospital.


    Think about it. The hospital is chock full of sickies!!! All those germs...


    Hope you feel better quick!! I hope to make it to the lunch next week and REALLY hope you are better so you can make it as well!!!

  2. I dream in full color and they are very vivid.


    I love when I dream of my dad or grandmother. It is not often but it is so real, it is like it happened.


    I love it when I dream of Mama. I always have to hug her. No matter what the dream is of- I have to FEEL her... I guess because I miss her Hugs! :wub:


    Hubby woke me up one night because I was screaming about an 18 wheeler that drove through our BR wall (BR is over the garage) and I couldn't get away from it. I think that was the 1st weird dream I had with him. He has talked to me in my sleep, too. Once I told he he needed to get on the horse and go into town and get the stuff. I was apparently very insistent about it... but we chuckled after I finally woke up. Funny thing is.... I am TERRIFIED of horses! They are beautiful creatures and my dogs like chasing them- but me... not so much! :lol:

  3. YUMMO!!! We are gonna get involved with this special... We don't eat ground beef- but I'll give it to the daughter...


    Question though.. Current Special lists WHOLE PEELED TENDERS... what is that? Yes, I know what a chicken tender is- but they aren't peeled. :unknw:




    May 31st

    Country style backbone

    $1.99 lb

    ¼ pork loins

    $1.49 lb

    Whole peeled tenders

    $9.99 lb

    Boneless chicken breast

    $1.99 lb

    Sweet Florida cantaloupe

    2 / $4.00


  4. I always tell KRD and Kat that I love them at the end of every call. Sometimes I say it first, sometimes they do. Mama always did this and I do tend to tell those I love that I do.


    Sometimes the anticipation is so worth it. Sometimes not. If I have plans that are basically a repeat of something I have already done- I am still usually as excited as I was the 1st time. These plans do not include a visit to the Dr.!!!!

  5. We got there Thursday night , Friday morning was pretty till mid afternoon then rained. Saturday rained till 3:00 then was sunny the rest of afternoon. Yesterday was so hot. Got a afternoon shower about lunch time and was beautiful the rest of the day. We had a great time...


    YAY!!! I'm glad!! That means she had sun, too!! Glad you had a great time! :D

  6. I voted no. I live about 10 minutes from Starbucks... I would get in the car looking like I just woke up just to get coffee. That said- I tend to stick to tea these days- one bag of regular and one of green with a bit o honey.



    A few years ago KRD and I were visiting his sister in MN (the frozen tundra). I went to make coffe and her filter thingy had mold in it... I immediately got into our rental and went to the local gas station to get all of us coffee. Then I put her coffe pot in the sink with a bit of bleach for an hour or so then it went into the dishwasher. We had fresh coffee the next morning.

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