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Posts posted by enjones

  1. :( KRM forgot about me..... :(


    :lol: :lol: :lol:


    I am so very sorry, Lumak!! I didn't recognize you, you have lost a few lbs., huh?!?! You look awesome!!! Hey All- Lumak is completely wonderfully awesome!!!




    Did I understand you to say momof3 is shy? Are we talk about the same momof3 that I have lunch with every week? B/c that woman aint got one shy bone in her body. :rofl:


    Wrong Momof3, Chick.... And you are soooo right about that one!!!! :lol:

  2. Yes on the phone he seemed very TOGETHER. Nice, polite, helpful, smart, shall I go on?

    So I am takinaback by these comments. :rofl:

    Oh gosh I am killing myself- I don't talk like all this.

    Hey he seems nice and all. But looks/voices can be deceiving (sp) :pardon:


    Oh, trust us... he is ONE GASSY fellow! :D

  3. Well said Solo. I had no idea that we were subject to a "hall monitor". O well, I could care less.


    True. Being 44 makes me above the hall monitor necessity. But if ya feel the need to publicly blast us... have fun with yourself. I am still losing weight without going to the gym these past 2 weeks. Watching your food intake helps considerably with that. I also have a tread mill here at home. JSYK- not using that this week either. Feel all knowing and powerful, Bwitchy? <_<

  4. My kids know at ages 6 and almost 4, When daddy say no, NO means NO- Period! Their mother always caters to them and says yes to them, even after i just got through saying no, making me look like the bad guy <_< they do know that MAYBE, IDK or go ask your mother usually ends up as yes.


    My ex whoreinlaw was the "good" parent. She would always tell my brother to get on to the kids. He would and she would comfort them. BIOTCH! Well, now they are divorced and the kids left her high and dry and CHOOSE to live with my brother. Yeah, she is a dumb whore.


    DM_ I am certainly not saying this about your kids mother. It just reminded me of the exwhoreinlaw. :D

  5. The one thing that you can not tell by these pictures is how quiet it was....before the procession arrvied everyone was wandering around chatting....when the procession came into view, complete silence. The kids were standing still watching, holding their flags, and no one was talking. The respect shown was amazing.


    Smoochie- you are so right. You could have heard a needle drop out there. I mentioned this to my husband and he got misty eyed over it. You and everyone else took some beautiful pictures (aside from one ha!)

  6. I certainly didn't expect to be so moved. When one of the 1st cars drove by us at 278 and 61- one of the occupants was crying and that set me off into tears. The gentleman standing on the other side of 278 stood that way, hand over heart, the entire time the procession went by. What a humbling experience. :wub:

  7. KRD sent me out with a friend to Flying Biscuit and the Dekalb Market. We had a great time and got lots of fabulous fruits and veggies for next to nothing (no coupons used or necessary there!). Then I came home and we went to Kat's. She cooked dinner, which was superb and she and her Dad got me the ultimate driving experience in Taladega this summer!! She also got me some really pretty flowers. It was a completely awesome day!! I just wish my Mom was here... but I did have a lovely dream of her last night! :wub:

  8. What an awesome gift!!!! KRD let me go spend the day with a friend. She and I went to The Flying Biscuit for breakfast and then to the Dekalb Market. We had a blast and the Dekalb Market is awesome!!!! Later we are going to Kat's and she is cooking dinner for me!!!



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