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Posts posted by enjones

  1. Steve sad YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA KRM! He is thrilled you will be there. He said not to worry Sophiewill be fine and you an him can have a good o time at lunch.


    I should know something by then. Tell him I will save him a seat just so I can talk like him!!! He loves that!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Why don't you come as well?

  2. Heya Sports and all the rest,


    Would you mind having a old British man join you all for lunch? I can't make it, but Steve can.


    He will see you all at Chili's Thursday, oh what time, or did the first post tell that.




    Oh heck!!! I wasn't gonna go but NOW I AM!!! I love the way he talks!! That bird puller, Steve.


    Well, it really depends on my Sophie.

  3. That's correct. Most people are unaware that this is a perfectly healthy caloric intake for 30 minutes of cardio exercise if your goal is to lose weight. If you decide to exercise more (which I will switch to mostly strength training after I lose the 20), I will have to up my calories. And, FWIW, gaining it all back isn't necessarily true. I knew that I would gain some back - I made that choice so that I could enjoy pasta and gellato!


    Usually I'm not quite as strict with calorie intake and hover somewhere around 1200/day under normal circumstances, I'm just reducing that and getting more habitual with my work out. Don't fall prey to the 2000 calories a day -- it's not true.


    I knew you would be happy with a bit of weight gain. I mean, why go to Europe an NOT eat all that FABULOUS food!!! I can only imagine how wonderful it was and why anyone would throw their diet out the proverbial window!!!

  4. Reboot the computer... on boot up after the black screen slowly tap the F8 key then a new list will come up and you can try safe mode first, then reboot the system and if it still blue screens then do the same as the F8 above and select last known good configuration. If that does not work there are a few other items that the other guys can walk you threw.


    He has a sore index finger from doing this... Didn't work. Thank you though!!!

  5. Hubby has a blue screen. I need help. Please don't ask detailed questions because he isn't here right now and I have no clue to his computer. I don't touch it... Just really want to know if anyone can come out to NP today and look at it. Quit honestly- he needs a break and he CUSSES really loud when he comes down here. Cussing I don't mind so much- but I swear he is gonna have a heart attack he gets so mad.

  6. If anyone watches videos on yidio.com, there is a virus on that website. I went there for the first time the other night to watch a TV episode that didn't record properly because of another show running to late. Well I clicked on the video to watch it and all these virus threats started popping up. There were several different virus's. So I had to go out and buy an external hard drive because my server had no space available. :wacko: (Yeah I have to clean that up) and backup anything I wanted to keep and re-install the OS.


    So just wanted to give you a heads up if you visit that website.


    Thanks for the heads up! We have to go to a site and finish... oh crap, what is the name??? It comes on after that stupid singing show... you've heard of it, AI. They always go over and now we need to finish a show via the web!!! Won't go here...

  7. :yahoo: You know what this means? When I'm as big as a house in 8 months, all I have to do is sit on my ass, pick up the phone, and POOF! Chinese food! :yahoo:






    Or we might just order them for dinner this weekend. :pardon:





    I must admit that we were overly excited for another type of delivery besides pizza!!! It was really good so I hope it satisfies your little preggo self. BTW- I was preggo with my Kat at 21 and it has been a wonderful 23 (almost) years being a Mom to her!!! :wub:

  8. Hey KRM---was this from the place that left a flyer on the mailbox? I was thinking about trying them out too. I have had a rediculous craving for some General Tso's Chicken lately!!!


    Yes, it is them!!! Food is wonderful!!!


    Can you beleive it - they "love me long time" but cant find dang Chinese food! However, McDonalds and Wendy's delivers 24 hrs! :lol:


    61 days and counting!!!!!!!!!!!


    :lol: :lol: Makes sense on the delivery thing. :lol: :lol:


    Can't wait!!!!!



    An idea for the announcement... get a pee stick (unused of course) and put it in a set of booties. Wrap it up and give it to the G'parents to be. My neighbor did that and it was spectacular!!!

  10. It was in dallas it was PCSO, and it was 57 in a 35 ::duckingandrunning::


    This was all I needed to see. I got a ticket by PCSO. I was in a line of cars so I know he just decided to pick me. (boy was I lucky) ANYWAY- I went to court to try and fight it. There were hundreds of people there. I do not joke. I found that if I plead no-lo, I would pay the fine and have no points. Due tot he fact that I had no desire to be in that court room all day- I chose to do that.


    Best of luck to you!!!

  11. KRD took our push mower over for some work. Subby fixed it in a day and when it was picked up- the thing looked like NEW!!! Hubby (KRD) used it this weekend and it ran better than it had in years.


    If you need your mower repaired- you do yourself a grand service by calling Subby Enterprises!!!


    BTW- whatever was broken would have cost KRD a bit of cash... Subby fixed it for much less than that. Plus- I got a few days of KRD yelling and cussing if he had fixed it!!! ^_^


    THANKS, SUBBY!!!! YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!

  12. We ordered- got it and are sitting here fat, dumb and happy!!!


    I got GTC (awesome), came with egg roll (great). I also got Steamed Pot Stickers and they were fantabulous!! Left overs for tomorrow!


    KRD got Garlic Chicken and he loved it as well. He ordered a side thingy of chicken Low Mein and has leftovers as well.



    If you live near me, shoot me a pm and I'll share. Don't want to piss anybody off... or break any rules. :angel:

  13. Hunan beef is GREAT


    hmmmm..... I'll try this next time!!!


    Tai is really good.


    Dude, I live out in East freakin' Jesus!!! We are lucky to get a Chinese place that delivers. Tai is awesome- but they don't come all the way out here.

  14. GTC is is then. I have had it before (picking out the whole peppers) and it's always good. We shall see if this place is any good. If it is- I will spread the word to my fellow Burnt Hickory area neighbors....


    Awesome choice...........Love me some GTC! (ok add that to the list of things I need to have when I come home)


    So, no Chinese delivery in the Phillipines/Tiawan/or whereever you are???


    60 some odd days and counting!!!!!

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