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Posts posted by enjones

  1. Just a couple of things I learned at lunch today is..... don't eat fried pickles when they are hot and green is the color of choice! I met some of my neighbors and I am able to put faces with some names. It was a very productive lunch. Thanks all for making me feel welcome!


    OMG! That pickle was SO HOT!!! I still cannot believe I spit it out. I DO NOT do things like that!! :o It was a fun lunch and we always have a good time!!! Hope you will come to many more.

  2. yep. my question exactly.


    and i wanted to start this topic there, but do not have permission. which led me to believe that threads have to be moved there by mods. which leads me to believe that perhaps some of the new ones ain't that smart.


    Yep! I do believe you are correct on that one!!!

  3. I'm confused, too. The description of Covert Conniseurs is... and I quote, "A local gourmet approached Paulding.com with the idea of doing food reviews. Local restauranteurs beware, that customer with a date or even sitting alone may the Paulding.com covert connoisseur." end quote


    Why do they have banks and car dealerships there? Those have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with food! <_<


  4. Let's see I have to make a trip today to ....where is it? ...Oh right Lawsons :D Then on to a friends house.


    I say we just buy her a bunch on exotic ducks... then Laine will have more to choose from!!!!

  5. OK, in my defense here, I only trimmed them to about 4 feet over the driveway because I didn't want Solo's Miata to get all scratched up. Honest. :blush: I had no idea that KRM liked driving through the jungle. What does she drive anyway a safari truck? :rolleyes:


    I'm sorry :vava: :cray: :sorry:


    I drive a Beetle some days and a quadcab other days... and they weren't THAT low!!!



    Fortunately for you- they will grow back!!! ;)

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