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Everything posted by feelip

  1. Airline employees make up a large portion of the residents of Peachtree City. Guess who bailed the airlines out? I have to wonder how it would be in P/C had the airlines been left to fend for themselves. Just an observation.
  2. Carlos Hathcock, aka: Lông Trắng du Kich (White Feather Sniper) 93 confirmed kills in Vietnam. Shooters have to love this part: One of Hathcock's most famous accomplishments was shooting an enemy sniper through the enemy's own rifle scope, hitting him in the eye and killing him.[/url] My link
  3. But the market is up and the economy is slowly improving. Hang on, I'm sure someone else will fill you in.
  4. I think this is how Kyle would prefer to be remembered. What he did, not how he died. Kyle, a Texas native who grew up hunting, served four tours in Iraq with Navy SEAL Team 3. His shooting during battles in Ramadi and Fallujah became legendary, and insurgents nicknamed him the "Devil of Ramadi" and put a bounty on his head. He was credited with 160 confirmed kills, including one in 2008 in which he said he fired from 2,100 yards away -- 1.2 miles. That's 160 less threats to Americans. Thank you Mr. Kyle.
  5. What part of South Georgia?
  6. Two of my favorite artists from the 70s: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVRxdPWV3RM and
  7. I was involved with the construction of their house and they were far from being aloof. Now their people can be a PITA to deal with at times. I was also involved in the first Home Depot HQ building. You want to talk about some peckerheads. They were so tough that they actually talked GA Power into furnishing them a back up generator. But that is one reason I have hung on to my HD stock for 30 years.
  8. I seem to keep my foot in my mouth a lot lately. A lot of times on purpose. Not this time. Reckon I should tell former member that she can truck on yet?
  9. I hope your birds are taking notes on what a defense is supposed to do.
  10. I have four friends that are gay. They don't hide it, but then again they aren't down at the rainbow parade every year either. One is a minister, one a lawyer, one is a retired teacher and the other a paralegal. All four are very successful in their respective fields and any of the four would be great as scout leaders. My only point through all of this is that unless the person TOLD the Boy Scouts he was gay, they would never know it anyway. Controlling gays in the scouts is about as ludicrous as trying to control guns. It is nothing but political grandstanding. I can't see how hating an
  11. Wonder who gets the house on Paces Ferry?
  12. We had a gay kid in our scout troop. We knew he was gay, but he didn't tell anyone.
  13. Thanks.I even have some work coming up with Wellstar.
  14. Converting collagen to gelatin one pork shoulder at a time.
  15. I actually have three major projects about to start up in spite of Obama. I am not going to have much time to waste on p.com for the rest of the year. Don't really care either way.
  16. You got a spot for me over at the other place? I have about had as much of Dumb and Dumber as I can bear. Dumbass starts a thread that is going to obviously be controversial and can't take the heat. Personally, I think all people should be treated equally. None should be treated special because they like playing with the same equipment they have in their pants or their pigment is a few shades darker. Political correctness is neither.
  17. No more Super Bowls for New Orleans. What a joke.
  18. Or maybe the gays could just keep their damn mouths shut long enough to be a Boy Scout. I know there are certain bars in Atlanta that are mostly black and I wouldn't be welcome. SO...........I stay my ass out of them. Why is that such a tough concept for others to accept?
  19. The same way I have been getting to all the Delta office buildings on Virginia Avenue and Doug Davis Drive as well as the Air Cargo and Delta Technical Operations Center on Aviation Blvd for the last 30 years.
  20. I know I have never had the urge to inform a group of strangers that I am heterosexual. How else would the BSA know someone is gay or straight unless the gay person disclosed their sexual preference. In my opinion it is just another political drama being played out for no apparent reason. Is it that some people are gay just to get attention? I have always supported a person's right to have sex with any consenting adult he or she chooses. Not my business. But at the same time, respect me by not flaunting your gayness.
  21. What is sad, the man is not unintelligent. He has at least an average IQ. He is either arrogant or backwards (sometimes it is hard to tell the difference). He is lacking in common sense and his people skills are non-existent. What I find interesting is the whole thing is over a $150K salary. You would think that anyone with a name as well known as Chip Rogers could get a job as a lobbyist making that much or more. And for Heath to fall on his political sword over this matter makes me wonder just what is not being told. Wouldn't it be awesome if a bus load of politicians go to pr
  22. Part of the problem is the 2.3 miles of turf between the main runways is pretty much full. The new terminal is on the I-75 end of the runways. Delta TOC, Delta Air Cargo and a large caterer (used to be Dobbs) pretty much have all the remaining property. Then the FAA tower is also on that end. It is a cluster but I'm not sure what else they could do. The best way to travel in and out of Hartsfield now is to use the private park and ride companies. The days of dropping someone off and picking them up are about history. I will always call it Hartsfield. Calling it Jackson is like calli
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