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Everything posted by Thewitch

  1. Maybe they dont have a camera and had to use a google pic
  2. yeah I know I meant I need a wing man that is THEWARLOCK
  3. aww this made me think of you lmao The short people in my life are the cause of my poor posture
  4. lol I know right who wants to be warlock
  5. She is getting better she stopped breathing yesterday but today things are looking up!!And Im sure if sadie had the time she would THANK YOU ALL you guys are awesome
  6. update!!! Things have gotten Very bad pray for beths mom !!!! Thanks
  7. Things have gotten very bad she has been life flighted KEEP PRAYING !!!!!
  8. still no change but she is going soon to get the Operation she needs ILY sadie and sadies mom
  9. Ok my best advice is......... Drink till you feel no pain lol
  10. Lol me too but I kinda like guys that look like that rolf
  11. I know 90% off is great I just went they had some good stuff BUT alot of people were there so it wont last long
  12. she has had alot of problems lately and her mom is A VERY SWEET LADY
  13. My vote is for the third one but I dont want that cursed thing lol
  14. Sadie is on her way to the hospital right now in alabama to be with her mom
  15. Sadies mom is in the hospital and has taken a turn for the worse so will everybody send prayers and good vibes her way Thank you
  16. OUCH!!!!! Im sorry I hope the doctor can give you some relief!!!!!!!!!!
  17. I got it at the place next to target in hiram the health food store
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