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Everything posted by msgastorm

  1. CC, set out envelopes at your drop off slot and I will try to drop mine off one night this weekend. (I am a night person.) You are located beside of Enterprise Car Rental correct?
  2. Well dang! I think I will play next time. Is the next drawing Tuesday?
  3. I have always said that God is a great mathmatician and scientist. Me personally, all I have to do to see this is look around me at the earth or even the human body.
  4. I never could take more than 1-2 doses before it had severly depressed me to the point of hard crying. It would work for the pain but the depression was just too much to handle when my doctor had me on it.
  5. Getting stung by a typical one in Georgia does feel like a bee sting. To me the worst part was the itching like heck afterwards when it was healing. It itched worse than a spider bite. From what I have heard from other people, this is the normal response unless you are allergic to them.
  6. I have lived all over Paulding and in a couple of places in Douglas within my life. The worst place, that I know of, is the Braswell Mountain area here in Paulding.
  7. That and hard rains will bring the earth worms out because they have to stick their head out to breath. It's hard for them to breathe when their home is water logged (holes in the dirt). When we have a hard rain the earth worms and grubs in our front yard will come out looking for higher ground and get up on our concrete driveway, where they get stuck when it starts drying out. The robins then have a day long buffet just lying out for them down our entire driveway! It's so funny to look outside and see over a dozen robins feasting on half dried worms in our driveway! Earth worm jerky? LOL
  8. Call them and tell them. Seriously. They may not be using the right pesticide for scorpions. We have a spray put around the house, but they also have a dry ant bait in little green plastic things around the house because we have so many fire ants in our yard.
  9. They start moving to try and escape the heat, so they will be looking for cool areas. The best way to get rid of them is to keep some sort of poultry in your yard. Chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, etc. No I am not kidding! They all love the scorpions! Other than that I would call an exterminator. We have used Cook's Pest Control for years.
  10. I was planning for us to go to Destin for Easter weekend because that is also my birthday weekend, BUT hubby has to work in Chicago. He was supposed to be off as it is a holiday weekend (3-4 days) for his company, so I am a little ill about it because he also worked 1/2 of the Christmas and New Year's holidays. At least it's double and triple time pay for the holiday weekend. I am not sure yet what I will do. Maybe just some shopping, eating out and movies?
  11. Fibromyalgia can disable you. I know someone who has legally been classified as disabled by it for over 15 years. No, not me. She had to spend over $10,000 on a lawyer and both she and her previous employer went to court to prove that she is disabled. She is very thankful that her previous employer and doctor stood up for her. Just because someone "doesn't look disabled" doesn't mean that they aren't. You cannot possibly know someone else's pain since you cannot live inside their body to know it.
  12. LPPT, what type of doctor finally performed the correct testing that confirmed your diagnosis? Can you PM me their name? I have often wondered this because I use to be an outdoors type of girl. I spent lots of time walking, hiking, etc before my symptoms started. I can remember pulling ticks off of me as a kid or teen and not thinking anything of it other than creepiness. I know there are different tests for the bacteria but I don't know what makes them different from the test that I have had. I have been tested once in 2001 and it was negative. My "fibro" symptoms are getting worse and I now
  13. I call BS on this one. This difference between me on and off antidepressants is like night and day. I should have been put on them by the time I was 11 years old and I only suffer from moderate depression, but it is long term. I know I will probably take them for life and looking back at my life while off of them I have to say that I will be happy to do so.A good "side effect" is that the right antidepressant will slightly help my chronic pain. I can tell because the effect on the chornic pain is temporary and wears off in a few hours after my dose.
  14. If momma and daddy try to sue the school system then maybe the tax payers who are footing the bill for clean up AND for educating their "babies" should sue momma and daddy for restitution? Furthermore, maybe momma and daddy should pay for them to complete the rest of their highschool education in another manner such as private school, or with night classes towards a diploma, they can take their GED or maybe send them to school in another county. If they cannot appreciate their education being paid for by the taxpayers of this county and through the blood, sweat and tears of their educators the
  15. In my family most of us agree with taking the pics, but these pics are for private viewing. USUALLY there are pics taken of only the closed casket, all the flowers, shots of the family and friends together, and some at the gravesite. However, I have seen a few pics of the family with the deceased in their open casket. I personally do not mind it. At the request of family members I have been the photographer at times, but please make sure the family member you are sending the photos to actually DO WANT them! I have to agree that if the family member is not expecting the photos, opening an enve
  16. Thank you Surepip, but I don't consider Buford Hwy. local and I never travel out that way. I am going to hate having to order online because you never know what you may be getting in quality or I could end up with too much of a tea that I do not like. I was really hoping, with all the tea drinkers in this forum, that maybe someone knew of a local distributor for a good jasmine tea.
  17. CS also makes a version of Sleeptime Tea that contains Valerian that you can find in Target. It states on the side do not give to children. It doesn't make me sleepy but boy it is relaxing. One of my favorite CS teas is Chamomile Honey Vanilla. I add my own honey to it after brewing. Sometimes I like their various fruit flavored teas as long as they are decaf. Their Blackberry is a good favorite of mine. I fell in love with Jasmine tea at an out of state Chinese restaurant once. I loved the lightly sweet, floral taste. I would like to find a really good Jasmine tea locally. Does anyone kno
  18. If you are concerned about lung cancer, etc it doesn't even have to be smoked.. Everyone has heard about it being baked into "magic brownies" but I seen a documentary on TV that showed how a BUTTER can be made from it and cookies are made from the butter! They weren't disgusting looking either, they looked very good, like a lightly browned sugar cookie. The cookies were being made legally in another country and mostly sold for medicinal uses. Did you know that American Indians used it to fight pain from not only wounds but menstrual cramps? It would be awesome to use it for this treatment!
  19. I am betting that is it. As you and I already know we share some of the same medical conditions. However, I am about to turn 43 and I already can't get around the house, grocery shopping etc. as well as I use to. It gets a little worse every year for the past 11 years. In my mind I have a HUGE bucket list because when I was younger I had no one to do those things with, so I have a lot of living yet to do. However now that I am married I have some one to do things with, but I am no longer physically able. I am to the point that we will be trying to sell our split foyer home within a couple of y
  20. I live just down the road from Mount Tabor Park and still do not know where these trails are in the park. Is there a map available of the trails in the office or does someone on here have one?
  21. What hours will it be open for the sale and what items does the sale mostly consist of?
  22. Great info. that you posted. Paulding County is a part of Georgia's "tornado alley".
  23. This is EXACTLY what I said to my husband several hours ago when I heard it was hit.
  24. A friend of mine lives in Yorkville very near the elementary school. She has no power, her power line is down across her driveway and half her roof is missing. I believe her brother came to get her and her two teenagers. She told me (via FB) that when she went to the end of the driveway she was met by firemen who told her not to even try to leave because she wouldn't make it out of her area of Yorkville, that the school has part of it's roof missing and 2 trailers over turned.
  25. It's true. At one time in my life I lived for a while with my dad. There were 5 females vs. 2 males in the house. Me, my 2 stepsisters, my half sister and my stepmom vs my dad and my younger half brother. ALL of the females were within the same 10 day sync. For those of you saying your 6-7 year old daughters are too young, they may not be too young to already be feeling the hormone changes. True story, my best friend from high school was barely 9 years old when she had her first. She wasn't scared, but didn't know what to do, so she just kept changing her shorts until her mom noticed and expla
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