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Everything posted by AcworthDad

  1. Once again, everything the government touches, it screws up.
  2. There are several things you can do to block calls like this. One is: http://www.nomorobo.com This is a tool where you register numbers that you do not want to answer. They block them. Your phone provider has to support something called "simultaneous ring". I use this service for my landline. Another thing to do is to buy phones that allow you to block numbers. Panasonic phones can store a list of up to 50 numbers (some models offer more I think). Anyway, this is another way to get rid of telemarketers, scammers, etc.
  3. Contact Maid in America - her contact information is : http://maidinamericaga.com/
  4. Sorry for your loss. I agree. Dis is a first class guy.
  5. In the case of your 5th point, That particular Poster claims that his purpose is to inform. That is completely untrue. His only purpose is to draw attention and significance to himself. In the case of your 6th point, I can think of one individual who is very creative in changing his styles when he posts using his various multiple ids. I can remember about 7 years ago when he accidentally posted using his moderator id of "Hello..." something or other.
  6. Letting a certain poster run wild has not helped either. He has become the face of pcom and the topics newbies see when they first arrive.
  7. Pcom is rapidly sinking and Pubby is accelerating the process.
  8. Liberals did not read the ACA. Look at what that disaster has done. Why read this bill?
  9. Jackson and Sharpton are despicable. And, PIBO embraces them. Disgusting.
  10. When I lived in Italy 20 or so years ago, a friend recommended always spending 8000 lire or more on a bottle of wine. Anything less was like buying an instant headache. My favorite wines are still Italian and French. Interesting article. I have never purchased any of the wines listed.
  11. I am OK with this only as long as you show that you are a legal US citizen.
  12. I did not realize that Drambuie was a type of wine. Interesting.
  13. Let's see...those two would be our very own beloved TP and good ole DVBP.
  14. Absolutely correct. The UN has no credibility whatsoever. And, the Nobel prize has become meaningless because it has been given to organizations/individuals based on politics rather than actual, recognizable accomplishments.
  15. The UN is an absolutely worthless. The US should stop funding these blood suckers and should kick them out of New York.
  16. If Eddie behaves as aggressively toward LEOs as he talks here on Pcom, the LEO would be absolutely right in being very careful about him. Can you blame a LEO for being suspicious about a guy who behaves erratically and has a shotgun sitting in his back seat? I think the officer was being cautious and smart. In this case, Eddie was not behaving in a manner that eased the mind of the LEO.
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