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Everything posted by staceyjohnston

  1. We drove by there on a Friday night and it was packed! My husband asked me about it. But I had never heard of it. Maybe worth the try, huh? I love local businesses. Stacey
  2. OMGosh, this post had me laughing! Sorry. But our last house in Kennesaw for some reason attracted birds. We would be minding our own business and BOOM! go look out the bedroom window and there would be a bird standing there, stunned The first couple of times I panicked and tried to help. But it probably happened twice a month for the two years I lived there. So weird. Stacey
  3. For both of my sons we just had an "at home" party with family and friends. At that age we thought it was best to have them in a familiar/comfortable environment. We have great memories and great pics too! It might be hard for you to have a party at one of the parks since it will be in Feb. brrrr But whatever you choose, have fun, don't stress! Been there, done that. Stacey
  4. Well I will admit I've never really tried lamb. I have had bites of my husband's gyro at the Greek place, but I don't know if that counts? I remember it having an aftertaste. Was that the lamb or the sandwich you think? Stacey
  5. I think this is an excellent question. I don't know the answer of course, but....I was watching 16 and Pregnant Reunion and one of the girls said something to the effect that her school only taught abstinence and that was unrealistic. Well I agree that is unrealistic, but um, it can't be solely the school's job to teach. I come from a small town in Ohio where of course they taught us in class to wait, but WE WERE BORED!!! We were gonna do what we wanted, we were stupid. I will tell you one thing though. Someone mentioned that their kids are too young to talk to right now. Well my 2nd grader
  6. eight o'clock coffee (hazelnut). About once a month Publix has it buy one, get one free
  7. Well what goes around comes around. I'm assuming you would do the same thing
  8. The baggers at the New Hope Publix are always VERY friendly and talkative, including the teenagers. I go there so much I think I know everyone haha As far as the "dumb" question, when I had my first server job at Bob Evans this guy ask me to warm up his coffee. I said "oh do you want me to put it in the microwave?" I felt so stupid when he told me what a warm up was! But that's OK, I remind myself of that whenever I'm talking to someone who's not sure what I'm talking about. Teenagers are people too(lol) Stacey
  9. oh sorry, i just need emissions OK, that could work since I need to go to the courthouse. thanks.
  10. close to New Hope or E Paulding area? Found out the last place ripped us off on our last car repair But they weren't in Paulding, of course. Thanks, Stacey
  11. Cute story Mariposa I am from Ohio originally and have been here 14 years. This was a nice reminder of my childhood. Especially when I wore bread bags on my feet today I really should have invested in some sensible boots this winter! Oh, and Subby, thanks for the "positive" thread. Stacey
  12. I have TOTALLY enjoyed it! I haven't been snowed-in for years. The kids are having fun, we have lots of food, hubby was home today and we didn't have to be anywhere. It's great!
  13. I agree with the fines!! What a great idea. If you are a dr. or police officer or someone who has to get to work, that's one thing. But we have known about this storm since Friday morning! I think the smart people are the ones who are sleeping AT work. Stacey
  14. Or taking a chance of being stuck in your car on the side of the road. That would suck!
  15. I'm thinking the same thing! Did you see the pictures of the downtown connector?? ridiculous. Stacey
  16. That's funny, I'm planning on making chilli tomorrow. We went to Golden Corral tonight before the storm Stacey
  17. I'm not trying to sound like I'm a know-it-all Yankee, BUT if they didn't salt the roads, then noone is going anywhere tomorrow. We had sleet for an hour, followed by six inches of snow and now we are expecting some more freezing rain. You cannot drive on that. The trucks have been on the interstates but not out on our roads. We just aren't set up for it here. And let me just add, one of my favorite things about the south is the warmer winters!! What is going on?? haha But it will be fun to play in Good luck everyone in whatever you decide to do. Please be careful and don't risk it if you do
  18. I grew up in Ohio so every year we would be sure to have our blankets, flashlights, etc. in the car. I still do that here although I won't go out if it's not necessary Stacey
  19. What number is this for you? I'm on #3 (23 weeks) and all three have been VERY different. None of the wives tales rang true for me either. Good luck. Stacey
  20. I'm all for everyone carrying a gun! Of course you have to be smart about it. But most legal gun owners are smart. It's the idiots that steal guns or get them illegally that scare me
  21. In highschool a guy slap a disabled kid during a fire drill. We(everybody around) beat the $#!T outta ol boy. There are certain things I cant let slide and messing with disabled people is one of them. It sounds to me like you are from an "older" generation. And I mean that in a good way. It seems like nowadays you have to apologize for someone else being an ahole. That's how things went down in my school too. You stood up for the kids who couldn't stand up for themselves. And when the parents of bullys found out about their kid, they took care of that kid at home. Anymore the parent
  22. I don't know what to say except I'm SO sorry. My husband works on Bolton Rd. Of course the rent is cheap. I hate that he goes down there everyday. It's such a nasty area. He only drives his work car that's for sure. RIP Chad Lecroy
  23. This reminds me of that commercial where everyone is texting and the people around them are goin' "really"? haha They show the kid throwing the baseball at his dad who is texting! And then the guy at the urinal! So gross! I think it is funny to have to MAKE yourself feel important. I won't even talk on my phone in the check-out cause I think it's rude. Like you can't hang up for 2 minutes and have some human interaction? "REALLY?" Stacey
  24. That's funny, my best friend in junior highs fave color was orange. Everyone thought that was weird. But mine is yellow and everyone tends to think that is weird. Stacey
  25. Well you are right, lesson learned. You did do a good thing, but a lot of people take advantage of the do-gooders. Sad :(Thanks for letting us know what happened. Stacey
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