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Posts posted by brown*eyed*girl

  1. Does anyone know how much it cost to go bowling at Paulding Bowling Center?

    Or, should we try Stars and Strikes?

    I am only taking a 4 year old! So, we don't need much, and he probably won't last but one game.



    Stars and Strikes has 97 cent bowling M-F from 9-11am. Does not include shoe rental. We wen this morning and had a lot of fun.

  2. We just passed it and that white vehicle (truck?) was in horrible shape. I said to my sister, "I hope no one was in the passenger seat". I'm still a little shook up and I wasn't even involved. I sure hope everyone comes out of it alright.

  3. Hey, I just thought of one other thing I did. It didn't turn out quite like I hoped but we got a sand castle shape beach toy and filled it with ice cream then when we took it out of the mold we covered it with cinnamin or something to make it look like a sand castle. It was pretty cool but not as perfect as I pictured it.

  4. My daughter had a luau party when she was 6 and I got most of my ideas from www.birthdaypartyideas.com One thing I remember doing was making grass skirts from streamers. I got a few different colors and cut a bunch of strips ahead of time then used one of the pieces for the top part (to go around the waist) and either taped or stapled the rest hanging down all around. I bought some of the flowered leis (sp?) and then also got a bundle of flowers for pretty cheap at either wal-mart or Micheals and each girl had a flower in her hair. Even though the party was in January I had the girls wear bathing suits. We filled a kiddie pool with sand and I think hid some shells and other sea type stuff in the sand. I gave each kid a bucket and shovel with their names on them to take home. We took a really cute picture at the party and the girls made frames for them. Or maybe my daughter made the frames and gave them to the girls as a Thank you. I can't remember. We also played the Beach Boys and had some dancing. I'm not sure what else but if you check out that website you should be able to come up with some great ideas. Have fun!


    Edited to add: At school my kids made some leis for a lua using colored straws and some kind of flowers and yarn. It was pretty simple and very cute. They also made the grass skirts I mentioned but added die cut flowers (out of construction paper) around the waist. Not sure if you have access to an elementary school but most have the flower die cut.

  5. I just saw a sign the other day advertising free palm trees and I wondered if they would survive here. I love palm tree and would love to see some around Paulding county. I think the only palm trees I've seen in the area are on Dallas-Acworth hwy near 41 but that is Cobb county I believe.


    I don't know if alot of principals are on p.com but I think it would be great to see some at the schools. Maybe in front of Moses? I haven't been to North Paulding or any of the new schools but it seems like builders tend to take down all the trees these days before building anything.

  6. My youngest has strep. At first the doctor said it was something else but the strep test came back positive. He said they don't usually see strep this time of year so he was surprised. The symptoms my son had were not the usual strep symptoms either, no sore throat or fever so be careful if your child is feeling or acting ill.

  7. I am very much so. I miss my kids each and everyday that they are in school. I love when one stays home sick (as long as they aren't too misearable). When I was younger I always thought I would homeschool my kids but then my youngest had a speech delay and started going to school for that and I saw how much she loved it. I couldn't take that away from my kids for selfish reasons and they do really well in a regular school enviroment.


    I am already feeling this summer break is going to be much to short. Almost every week is spoken for. My sister is having a baby so I will spend a week helping there. My Grandfather passed away and I will be helping move my grandmother down to my mothers in SC, we have camp for a week at church, then we go to visit my husband who is working in another state and after that we visit my parents up north, then we have one week free until school starts. I'm exhausted just thinking about it.

  8. Get paid to ride every ride in Orlando, visit every tourist attraction and also get rubbed down at every spa! How awesome would that be. Apparently the city of Orlando is looking for a couple who is available for 67 days. They will get paid $25,000 and be given a 1 bedroom condo to live in while they are there.


    This is probably the only time I am wishing hubby didn't have to work. So I have two requests. First I need someone to pose as my husband and second I need a place to stash the kids (jk). It would be fun. I wish they had done this back when I was about 25 newly married and without kids.


    I'm not great at links but I think I'll give it a try. If it doesn't work you can go to walletpop.com and click blogs and then careers. Here it goes..





  9. Gosh I haven't watched Hockey in a long time but growing up in Michigan we always rooted for the Red Wings. I'm glad to hear they are doing well.

  10. The library would be the obvious choice but I have to say that the paulding county library doesn't seem to be all that current on books. I love those ladies and gentlemen that work that place but whenever someone reccomends a book to me it seems like it either isn't available at all or they need to get it transfered from way far away.


    I have started using paperbackswap.com and so far I have gotten books in new to good shape and the wait hasn't been too long for most of them. Although some of the wait lists are long. I was just on there and there were nearly 3,000 members on. It's crazy. I think there are something like 12.5 million books listed right now. Anyways, basically you list books you are done with and then when someone wants a book you have you send it to them and you get a credit which is good for you to pick a book you like. When you first open an account and list 10 books they give you 2 credits. You can also earn credits by refering people (let me know if you want to join and I'll give e-mail you a link and give you my e-mail address for referal) You may also purchase credits for $3.?? if there is a book you want but don't currently have any credits. They also have audio books and they have two sister sites that you can join and transfer credits on to swap DVD's and CD's but I haven't really checked those out.



  11. I never really watched her and don't really know the story behind her various hairdo's but I remember when we first moved here thinking how sad it was that she had cancer and how brave of her to keep working. I'm guessing that wasn't the case.


    Can someone post some pictures of her different looks? It might be fun to see.

  12. I don't have any advise but I do have children (more than one) in the gifted program here in Paulding. I worry with one of my kids because now that he is going to middle school he doesn't really know how to study for anything because he really hasn't had to do it all that much. I didn't find Venture all that challenging for my kids but I do think if they were able to maintain all A's while missing a full day each week they needed to do something. I ended up pulling my middle schooler out of the Venture Science class because I found it rather disappointing and find that the non venture teacher is much more challenging and effective as a teacher than the Venture teacher was. My middle schooler went from hating science to now wanting to grow up to teach it.


    I hope you are able to find a way to do special school if that is what you most wish for. I realize this is expensive and have not found a way to do it for my kids but if I could I probably would.


    I do agree with the poster who said to let them get involved with other activities. That will go along way to them making friends their own age and having less social problems if they are advanced to a higher grade.


    I'll be thinking of you and your child. Good Luck with the meeting.

  13. I love the beach a little more than the mountains too. Our vacation usually consists of visiting family either at Lake Michigan or down in Florida. I couldn't answer the last questions because the girls rarely get to go shopping but I have a feeling that will change soon since my oldest daughter is 12 and has taken a liking to it. Of course my sister and I always make sure the guys get in a couple of days of tennis and atleast one round of golf. My BIL usually gets my sister a day at a spa or something but this never occurs to my hubby. That's okay though because I love sitting around reading a book and burying my kids in the sand and jumping the waves and walking along the beach at sunset and playing frisbee and well you get the idea. I am feeling a little beached out this year and would love to go hiking in the mountains, white water rafting down the Ocoee and horse back riding for a change of pace. As long as I have a clean bathroom and a bed I am good to go. No tents and porta potties for me!

  14. I've always gotten some great ideas at www.birthdaypartyideas.com . My creative juices aren't flowing right now but I'm sure you'll find some great ideas there. I know I did when planning my kids birthday parties. If I remember correctly I also used www.familyfun.com for some ideas one year when I was doing a Diego/Jungle theme birthday. Good Luck and have fun!!

  15. The Host....is still sitting on my nightstand. I tried to read it a couple times and just can't get into it.


    Midnight Sun (twilight from Edwards perspective) is AWESOME and probably would be my fave of the saga...IF it were ever completed.



    Okay, okay I really need to read it soon. It's just I have about 30 books stacked up I need to read including a Nora Roberts trilogy one of my friends said I had to read as well as the Sookie Stackhouse books my mom said I MUST read because they are soooooo good. And she is the one who introduced me to Edward and Bella in the first place. Hmmm I guess Midnight Sun is going to have to get cutsy's once school is out.....

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