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Posts posted by brown*eyed*girl

  1. I agree, but his mom has asked that her pic not be posted. Something about the Canton police wanting to contact her first. I don't understand! I'm beginning to think if Brandon was a weatlhy athlete type, we would probably have more media exposure. That is just how I am feeling right now. I wonder for instance if his poster showed him in a football jersey, would Kroger have allowed me to put up his pic. This is very maddening! It shouldn't matter what the boy's lifestyle, he is still a missing teen that people are frantic to find!!



    First I am so glad he has been heard from.


    Second I was thinking the same thing. Actually when I first saw this thread there were 150 views and not ONE response. I was kind of ticked and disappointed in my fellow p.commers because I felt like the lack of response was due to his perceived life style based on his picture. Then when the whole not being allowed to put up posters thing came up I was livid and started to put something on here but backed off and wanted to keep the focus on finding him and not on how ignorant some people might be. Perhaps there is a policy at the stores about putting up posters but I do wonder if he was, like you said in a football uniform or a cute cheerleader would the posters/flyers have been allowed to be put up? I have a feeling the answer is yes. If that is indeed the case it is a sad day when you can hang a flyer up of a missing pet but not a teenage boy.


    Anyways, like I said I am glad to hear he is SAFE and HOPEFULLY on his way home!

  2. It does look very nice, now that the fountains are back on.


    The water is on? Cool. The only times I've seen it the water was off. Does it run all the time? I've been looking for a place to take some pictures of the kids and was planning on heading to Sweetwater creek but might have to see if the fountain area would work as well.

  3. I have information on this, but they were not found dead.


    Two people were in a truck last night, there was alcohol involved, and they decided to do some donuts on the golf course. They lost control of their vehicle, they were both ejected and seriously injured. They actually think they had been run over by their own truck.


    Due to weather, lifeflight could not respond. The EMTs had to stabilize them as much as possible, and ride in the ambulance and work on them all the way to Kennestone. They were both being taken into surgery when they left them. They were expected to survive.


    The male was approx. 28 and the female approx. 26. The female had some serious head injuries. The male had other serious injuries and was bleeding excessively.


    Haven't heard an update since this morning.



    OMG that sounds horrible. There is something I want to say but for now I'll just leave it at I hope they are okay and are able to make a full recovery.

  4. Thanks for the info. Just to be clear this is for current 7th and 8th grade players, not upcoming 7th graders? Also it says at least one parent of each 2010 high school player needs to be there so does that mean the 7th and 8th grade parents don't have to be there? Just trying to clarify for those interested. I don't have a 7th or 8th grade boy but I do have a 6th grader who might be interested and was invited to go along with one of his friends and their parents if it includes upcoming 7th graders.

  5. Your VOTE is your voice. The current School Board will not listen to the parents, so we need to vote out ALL incumbents running for the school board. From the ridiculous calendar to raising of YOUR taxes, firing 1st year teachers to make up for their gross mismanagement of the budget and so forth. I've had enough.


    Many school teachers are sick of the current administration. The Board needs to be booted out!


    Boot 'em out!


    So does that mean you are running for a school board position? I've heard those that are running are running unopposed.


    No offense but if your not willing to step up and do a better job yourself you can't really complain.


    It seems like some people just aren't listening to what is being said. I read in another post about someone complaining about the new airport and why didn't we use it for education. You can't use airport money for education. And then so many people are complaining about the new schools. Same thing you can't use that money for salaries. I bet if I had the energy and time to research some of these same people complaining about the new schools were the ones complaining about the condition of their school and how crowded they are just a few years ago.


    Yeah, it sucks right now but it sucks for everyone right now not just those in Paulding County. And as bad as it is there are many places that have it worse.


    I am really hoping we can all pull together to try and make the best of it and keep as many people as possible from losing their jobs.


    I for one am proud of our board or at least of those members that have done what they can to keep us informed.

    • Like 2
  6. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nightime by Mark Haddon

    Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini

    Any Jodi Picoult books (prepare for intensity and crying in most)

    Wicked by Gregory Maguire

    The Shack by William Young


    I've read several of her books but the ones I liked the best were My Sisters Keeper, The Pact and her new book. However I did find the ending of her new book a little predictable after having read several of her other books. And even if you've seen the movie My Sisters Keeper you should read the book.

  7. Here are a few suggestions of books I thought were great:


    The Glass Castle

    The Help

    A Thousand Splendid Suns


    As far as mysteries go I think that series with the numbers is pretty good. I think it's by James Patterson. 1st to Die, 2nd Chance, the 3 Horseman, 4th of July, etc... They had a TV show for a while based on it called The Womens Murder Club or something like that. I didn't connect the two so by the time I discovered the show it was canceled.


    Oh and I haven't read this since high school but I remember a biography called Mommy Dearest that was pretty interesting. I'm not sure if I would think the same today.




    A boy called it. Its a true story.

    Very interesting i can't believe some of the things that happened in the book.Then after reading that one there the after it called The lost boy.


    You know I've heard of this book but never have read it. It sounds like the kind of book I'd well, enjoy isn't exactly the word I'm looking for but well it sounds like something I would read.


  8. Not a religious book but I read about 25 books this summer and my favorite was "The Help". I'll have to add your suggestions to my list. I have a stack of about 12 books a local librarian has given me to read but I am having trouble finding the time to get to them and still keep up with what the kids are reading.

  9. I was so sad to hear of his passing. I attend West Ridge and had hoped to attend the funeral on Wednesday but was not able to. Just this morning in church Pastor Brian was talking about him and his influence and how God has a plan for Everyone! Amen

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