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Posts posted by brown*eyed*girl

  1. As funny as I find it that the info about school being closed was posted here and was on facebook before the county website was updated how many people were really sitting at their computers clicking refresh on PCSD website? Yeah, I had a window open to it but I had another on here, one on facebook and the tv on. Whether intentional or not the fastest way to get the word out is places like FB and P.com and to get the word out to the media.

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  2. OK so back to my question of the Officer who has no kids and only uses his/her car for offical business...Do they get paid more to make up for the difference? I mean dang $6000( just using the figure fron above) less a year would not be fair at all to someone who already does not make sheeze.


    Just because someone doesn't have kids doesn't mean that they would use the car any less. They are probably going out to eat, on dates, shopping, golfing, maybe they have time to join a softball team, get a season pass to the Braves, etc....

  3. Wow...seriously. Maybe I am just grumpy today or something but to complain about seeing some kids being dropped off in an SO car seems really ridiculous.


    Do you know for a fact they were dropping off their own kids or are you just assuming?


    When I first read the title of this thread I thought it was going to be about the police helping get "troubled" kids or kids in a situation where they could use the help to school. I thought maybe they were picking up kids who were at a crossroads where depending on the adults in their lives they might be headed in one direction with their life or another and the maybe the PD was picking them up to spend a little quality time with them on the way to school. And to make sure they made it there.


    I certainly didn't mind when I read they might actually be dropping their own kids off. Who cares?


    I have never owned a company car, but I did get a gas card allowance. This was part of my salary, just like health insurance, 401K contributions, etc. We, the taxpayers, are paying for governement employee benefits (as it should be), and having a company car is one of those benefits. I see it as being part of their salary. Now, if they were using the car and gas to travel to Las Vegas twice a year, I would be upset. But, I dont see a problem with using the car for everyday things, such as dropping their child at school.


    Ahhhh.... the voice of reason. Thank you saying what I was thinking in a much better way.

  4. OOHH!!!


    Good catch! I'm blonde, that's my story and I'm sticking to it! :lol:


    It was 4:56 pm to 5:53 pm!

    Though a time machine would be cool!



    Just curious, anybody else seen signs up with how many folks had voted as of a certain time?

    I'd never seen that before and found it interesting.





    And might I add those were perfectly sensible shoes. :ninja:



    I hadn't seen those before either but I always here someone asking the Poll workers how turn out has been so maybe that is one of the reasons they are doing it.

  5. There's been a ton of disscussions for the past three months about this. I know y'all don't like the political fourm, but that is where these things are disscused/diseccted and debated on. Most often way before 6 days before the vote is to be taken.


    Sorry if this has come off snarky, but........



    You don't sound snarky and I hear what you are saying.


    I know I haven't spent as much time reading up on this stuff as I should have. Been busier than usual but I have to say the times I have started to read some of the political stuff on here there tends to be a lot of what appears to be rumor and personal, excuse the term, crap when I just want the basic facts.


    Just tell me what you (the candidate) believes and wants to do and why I should vote for you (or your candidate) and not what an awful person the other candidate is and why I shouldn't vote for him/her. Does that make sense?

  6. NJ, I don't think that link works...I'm searching for the one I found that does. I posted the wrong one a minute ago...sorry, folks.


    I haven't checked it out completely yet but I am currently looking at the candidate section and I can see I will have some homework this weekend to get me up to speed on all these people.


    When you find the link you were talking about I would love to check that one out too! Thanks!!

  7. Can someone share some basics of the amendments?


    I just wish there was a website where you could type in your address and pull up a copy of the ballot.


    I get so frustrated when I go to vote and find there are things on the ballot I didn't realize would be there for me to vote on. And I hate to vote without hearing the facts. Sometimes the wording is confusing as well so you think you are voting for one thing when actually it is the opposite.

  8. I couldn't participate in the poll because I was unable to answer all the questions about who I am voting for.


    I do however intend to vote YES on SPLOST. I have to say had I made my decision just on what was being said on P.com I may have voted NO but I attended two meeting where it was presented and discussed and I feel like it is a no-brainer.

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