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Posts posted by drosser

  1. ChrisinPC:


    I'm sorry about the loss of your grandfather. That is such a tragic thing. I don't live in the subdivison. I heard it on the scanner. They really didn't say anything else other than what I posted. That's the only thing I don't like about the scanner. . .you hardly ever hear how things turn out.


    My house caught on fire back in 1987, two days after Christmas. It was faulty wiring in the stove. We lost almost everything we had. My kids were 18 months and 4. That was the most devastating thing I've ever experienced. I lost my kids' baby pictures and birth certificates with their hand/feet prints. That's something that can NEVER be replaced. At least we were not home and no one was injured. It could have been much worse.

  2. I turned on my scanner last night and was in the middle of what appeared to be a shooting or some other serious injury. One of the officers sounded very upset and kept repeating that he needed an ambulance. Life flight was called, and there was a lot of discussion about the landing zone. They suggested the Winn Dixie parking lot (not Save Right), the parking lot of the Jehovah Witness church, and even in a new subdivision that was being built. They ended up landing in the road, but I have no idea which road. I do know that it was somewhere off Highway 61 because a friend called me to see if I knew what was happening. He said there the SO was everywhere along 61 and something was going on. My friend lives off of Dallas Nebo Road.


    Does anybody have any idea what happened?

  3. I wasn't able to see the show because I forgot to tape it. Does anyone know the name of the movie? I would like to get it when it comes out on DVD.


    I have a family member who was sexually abused by her stepfather. She didn't reveal it to anyone until she was 19. She did go to the PC Sheriff's Department. They prosecuted. The sorry low-life SOB is now serving 15 years in prison. This child went through hell and back. And she held it all inside until she was 19. She will probably never be free of emotional problems. He was sentenced to 30 years but only has to serve 15. She will be serving the sentence he gave her for the rest of her life.


    So I know how devastating this is and what it can do to a family.

  4. I wondered if that was the same person. The information in the paper and what was posted did not match. The paper said he had a wife and two small daughers. The post reerred to his fiance. The paper said he was 21 and the guy on the 4-wheeler was 26.


    It's terribly sad that such a young life was lost no matter what the reason.

  5. I just read my copy of this week's paper, and there was an obituary for a young man named Joseph Todd Jones, Jr. He was 22 years old. He passed away on 9/18/04. My daughter thinks she went to school with him.


    Does anyone know what happened? Was he sick or was he in some kind of accident?

  6. My boss just found out last night that Mr. Hensley lived one subdivison over from him. He got home from work and there were a lot of media vehicles at the subdivision entrance. The media was even trying to talk to people in my boss's subdivision.


    I am so sorry that they killed him. It just breaks my heart to think of all the American lives lost over there.


    My heart goes out to his family and they will be in my prayers.

  7. I used to have a Pit Bull. He didn't like everbody, he was very picky about who he liked. Therefore, he was kept in a fence and we had "Beware of the Dog" signs up all around our fence. There was a kid who lived near us and he used to aggravate my dog constantly. He rode a skateboard and would act like he was going to hit the dog with the skateboard. My dog hated that kid. He never came in our yard and, since it was a public street, we couldn't keep him from riding his skateboard and aggravating the dog unless he actually came in our yard. Or that's what we were told.


    One day, the dog dug under the fence and got out. The kid with the skateboard came down the street and didn't realize the dog wasn't in the fence. When he picked up that skateboard, the dog started chasing him. I'm truly surprised that the dog didn't hurt him. He did nip at him but that was all.


    The kids parents called animal control and they came out. I was at work but my brother was at my house. They didn't take the dog then, but we had to bring him to the animal shelter, and he was quarantined for 10 days.


    Needless to say, the kid left the dog alone. His family finally moved away.


    So, some dogs are provoked. But if a child is scared of a dog, he's not going to get near enough to provoke the dog. Hopefully, the owners will have to bring the dog to the shelter and they will check him out. If it's not the first time they've been called on this dog, maybe they will do something to make the owners keep the dog out of everyone's yards.

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