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Posts posted by drosser

  1. I started Christmas shopping right after the first of the year!! I haven't bought all that much yet, but I've bought a few things. I have bought my grandson's Christmas presents, and he's not born yet!!! I think that proves I'm getting a head start!!


    I try to take advantage of sales all through the year. It really does help ease the burden during the holidays. And I do quite a bit of catalog shopping. Much easier than fighting the crowds.

  2. Prayers are said and will continue to be!! I now this is a tough time right now. My daughter is due 7/10 but was told she could go any day. She'll get a final sonogram on Wednesday to determine how big the baby is. They want to make sure she's not going to need a C-section. She is huge! She only wore a size 3 when she got pregnant.


    I have a friend whose grandson was born at 29 weeks. He weighed 2 pounds, 13 ounces. He lost some ounces but is now a little over 3 pounds. He is at Cobb and doing great.


    I've heard great things about Cobb. My daughter will deliver at Gwinnett Medical Center.



    Once again, prayers are said. Just keep us posted.

  3. I've seen fireworks for sale at Value City in Marietta. They were not just firecrackers and sparklers. These were real fireworks in a big package. I didn't think they were legal in Georgia, but apparently something has changed.

  4. Baileystoys:


    I agree with you. I had a pit bull that we rescued because someone dumped him out at a construction site. He was absoutely precious. He had been badly mistreated when he was a puppy. He'd been shot repeated with a BB gun when we found him and he was about starved to death.


    We gave him a good home and a lot of love. He was the biggest baby!! Very smart, too. But he was also very protective of us and his space. He had to get to know someone before he would be friendly. He didn't like aggressive movements. But all that came from the fact that he'd been abused. We did end up giving him away because we were concerned that he might bite someone. But we know it was because of the abuse he endured. We loved him very much and wish we could have gotten him when he was a six-week-old puppy and trained him right.


    I have friends who have pits and they are the sweetest dogs! They are beautiful and smart. It's all in how they are treated. Same with any dog. You can make a poodle mean if you want to.


    My husband is doing some work for a lady that has 14 little yap-yap dogs. They are all really cute but some of them are vicious. They will bite and they bite hard. And they don't need to be provoked to bite. Some of them don't like strangers and are just as aggressive as you would expect a pit bull to be.


    Pit bulls do get a bad rap.

  5. I know one guy who goes on binges with this stuff. He will not do it for a long time and then he'll use it and be gone for days. He is a great guy when he's not using. I can't tell you the number of really good jobs he has lost. He has a wife and kids and they know what he's doing. He will tell you he's got a problem but he still keeps on.


    Also, my sister-in-law has two friends who have used the stuff enough that they both have what appears to be permanent brain damage. I've never met either one of them, but she says they are paranoid and they see things that aren't there. They are really pitiful.


    I can't imagine anything making you feel so good that you're will to risk your life for it.

  6. LovelyLauren:


    You summed it all up the best. My oldest child was not responsible and could not be trusted. My youngest was every parent's dream. . .always open and honest about everything. Never gave me a reason not to trust her. She never had a curfew. I know both of them have tried pot and alcohol. One is about to be 23 and one just turned 20. They are both responsible adults now. The youngest one doesn't smoke, drink, or do any drugs. I think my oldest smokes pot occasionally and sometimes has a few drinks when out with friends. I do know for a fact that she refuses to drive if she's had a drink!!! She's scare of jail!!


    All kids are going to experiment. There's no way around it. My advise is be open and honest and let your kids know they can talk to you and count on you not to half kill them if they experiment and have to call you for a ride home.

  7. Some of the calls to 911 are ridiculous! This one is way too funny!!


    There should be some consequences for people who take the ambulances away from their stations when they might really be needed. It seems to me that way too many of the calls could be handled by a private physician or by driving oneself to the hospital. So many of them refuse transport once the ambulance gets there.

  8. PsychoMom:


    My daughters are 20 and 22. When they were in middle school, there were some of the sluttiest girls I'd ever seen in middle school. I stopped my girls from hanging out with several girls in middle school. These girls were having sex, were obsessed with it in fact. They acted and dressed like hookers!!! And their parents allowed it!!! My youngest came home one day to announce that one of the girls in her class (8th grade) was pregnant. And there were many more to follow. They definitely consented to sex but not with an older man. They were having sex with boys their own age or slightly older.


    Any ADULT knows it is wrong to behave in a sexual manner with an underage girl. And that is true even if the girl is coming on to the adult. Adults have an obligation to children. . .to protect them!!


    I do not have an opinion about the guilt or innocence of this man. The courts will find out and, hopefully, justice will previl. I just wanted to put in my two cents about how young girls act nowadays. Parents need to be more involved with their kids and not let their daughters act like they are grown.

  9. I had this happen over e-mail. I played along with the scan just to see what they wanted. They wanted me to wire $7,000 into an account so that they could ship me several million dollars in cash in a trunk!!! Yeah, right!!!


    I called the police and I ended up being routed to the Secret Service. The guy had me fax him all the e-mails and phone numbers that I had for the scammers. He said that so many of these things go on that they normally don't do anything unless someone actually sent money to the scammers.

  10. I know the feeling! I was always pretty small until I married my husband!! He loves to eat, and since he does physical work, doesn't gain as much as I do. I have gained about 30 pounds in 3 years!!! So sad!! I did the South Beach diet and lost 17 pounds before we went on vacation. I have yet to get back on it. It's extremely hard because I don't like a lot of what you can have. I haven't gained all the weight back but I'm on my way. That's the thing about South Beach. You have to stay on it forever for it to work.


    I think I'll just watch my fat intake and try to be a little more active. I hate being overweight but I don't have much motivation!!

  11. We have quite a few banana trees. We always take ours in for the winter. We even had bananas last year on one of them. We also have a Sago that our friends gave to us just last week. We really enjoy the tropicals. We put them around our pond.

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