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Posts posted by Gone

  1. We moved to GA in 1998, and I spent at least 8 months sick...I have never been so sick with so many different illnesses.....different bugs here than in the West... I guess. Or the stress of moving, being a mom, and traveling for work hit my immune system?


    In addition to all the colds, strep, bronchitis, ear, eye, and sinus infections I got, I had three different flu bugs that year...a 48 hour, a 3 day, and a 7 to 8 day flu. Each time I had joint pain, throwing up, high fever with semi conscious bad dreams/ loss of reality, lethargy. I would have preferred dying.


    With that horrible experience I was first in line to get the flu shot the next 5 or so years. Then there was a shortage, so I did not get it since I was not in a risk category. I have not gotten one since the shortages took place, nor have I had the flu since 1998...so I am way overdue...I guess.


    It is sort of like the odds in Vegas...how lucky do you feel? Will the shot match up with the strains? Will I be exposed to the flu to catch it anyway? Will it be a bad flu season?


    I was considering it, if I happen to be where they are giving them... I understand they have a large supply this year so it should be easy to find a flu shot clinic


  2. We used to cut up the styrofoam egg cartons when we were kids and color them...


    It works (shrinks) just like the "store bought" stuff in the oven on low heat... ;)

    Well who knew! We'll have to try that!


    My son had a teacher that showed him a Doritos bag that I think they shrank in the oven. The teacher gave it to him; it was the size of a quart zip lock bag, and firm. My son told me it was from the microwave, but I sort of question if there would be enough heat (water content in the bag) to shrink it.


    Plastic and heat...what fun!



  3. ARE YOU SURE..... j/k You know they may have it now...but if someone goes at 7:30 tonight and they are out....they will say they was in a wild chase for NOTHING???



    sorry for the hijack.....

    I think we all know it is a fluid situation. But it makes no sense anymore, so we fight about nonsense.


    My husband did the same thing to me last Tuesday. He said a certain station at 92 and 120 had gas. I said well they were out of gas, had no cars, or prices up… the four times I went by between 10:00 AM to 2:30 PM (Orthodontists appointment for kid, then to the store from the school.) He tells me I was wrong :o because they had gas with cars filling up at around 7:00 AM, and still had gas when he came home that night. Both my kids backed up what I saw in the day...that the station had none when they went past it on their way home from school.


    So either these stations get tankers in, or they sell only during peak times when they know people will pay more for gas? I’m starting to wonder? :nea:


    I filled up 2 days after Gustav way back when, and have driven less than 70 miles...so if my husband could not find gas, my car is mostly full. I feel sorry for all the stress this is causing to daily commuters. I can't imagine what would happen if there were a real emergency with our fuel?

  4. I would feel better if he was also given a vasectomy at the hospital, since the youngest is only a year old! Once again the tax payer will raise these, plus how many more? Free Vasectomies and Tubal Ligations ought to be given too!


    I do think these and many other kids need this protection. I think men and women like these parents need to never reproduce again! Scumbags!

  5. I worked in an elementary school when I was in college. For extra hours I worked in the office to give the school secretary her lunch break. I basically answered phones, and dealt with kids if they came in “sick.”


    I had a boy who came in “hot,” so I had him lay down on the little cots they had for students who did not feel well, and put a thermometer in his mouth. I had to go back out to answer the phone I told him I would be back in a few minutes to read his temperature. This was when the traditional thermometer with mercury was used.


    He came out about a minute behind me. I said "Go lay back down or your temperature will go up." One of the school aids who had just walked in said “What!?” :shok: :shok: And at that moment I thought about it…my mom had always told us that…I guess so we would not walk around with a mercury filled thermometer. But the logic escaped me until that moment. :fool: My mom had said it as an absolute lie…and I never questioned it!


    If we were sick with a fever, you had to stay in bed, no fun, so I never wanted to have a fever…so this little lie worked well…but made me sound pretty silly as an adult!


  6. I am enjoying a nice night alone with a glass of Malibu Rum :lol:

    My favorite... :wub: I put Malibu in the Fuze-Banana Colada with some Triple Sec....YUM! Actually any fruit juice and Malibu will do!


    Wish it were not so late….that sounds good! I'll just fall asleep if I drink now! ;)

  7. My husband got fuel at Cost-co in Morrow for $3.89....it's coming down, but not with what oil per barrel is selling for.


    But of course the newest news.... Oil prices rose past $100 a barrel Friday, gaining for a third day as a government plan to absorb billions of dollars of banks’ toxic debt emboldened investors to put money back into the markets. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/12400801/



  8. Actually I had Just stopped smoking 4 weeks ago this past Sunday :D I started smoking Raleighs when I was 13, so I was smoking pack and a half a day for almost 27 years. I quit cold turkey, and have a hard time not smoking when i have beer! I generally chew on those plastic coffee stirrers and they seem to help. the rest is psychological- you just have to trust yourself!

    Congrats of the beginning of your smoke free life. Nicotine is on of the hardest drugs to quit..stay strong. :good:


    Take the plastic coffee stirrer and breath through it...that will show you what emphysema will do to your breathing capacity...it's not good.

  9. My dad used to smoke all the time -- in the house, in the car (windows closed - of course!!)

    I have often felt that I started smoking because of a nicotine withdrawal from being exposed to 2nd hand smoke for 16 years. Just wanted to test my idea.



    My father smoked, and was a very inconsiderate smoker. He smoked in cars, in the kitchen, in the living room, and in the bedroom as my mother (a non smoker) slept.


    As a child I sat with my dad, in his chair, and watch TV as he smoked …the whole evening. At that time second hand smoke was not correlated to harming anyone... I still worry I may end up with lung cancer or problems from so many years of exposure.


    I lived for 20 years with a smoker, since the first three years of college I lived at home. I never smoked…not once. Yuck!


    I never became a smoker, nor did I have friends who smoked, or date anyone who smoked. To this day I can’t stand that smell. I can smell it on people as you pass them, like in Wal- Mart…I smell people who smoke a lot in Wal-mart?


    They say the two most addictive substances are caffeine and nicotine. Cigarettes are extremely difficult to stop once you start! My dad died at age 61 from emphysema...painful death, not a good death! :nea:



  10. We had this a few weeks ago and now it is back. Do I take them back to the Dr. or ride it out?


    1. Green snotty noses

    2. Eye buggers

    3. Little one caughing a lot.

    4. Did I say Green snotty noses? I mean a lot of snot, like green lava ALL DAY LONG!!!!!!!!!!!

    My poor baby... I have wiped his nose so much is nose and cheeks are raw.

    I hate to take them back to the Dr. if there is nothing they are going to do. But..... then it could be something they need an antibiotic for.



    Green could mean a secondary infection caused by original cold or virus. My first child, when he was sick, his body produced so much extra mucus, it would then go into a secondary infection...sinus, ear, or chest.

    Not fun for your babies...I would go to their doctor. Hope they feel better! :wub:

  11. They did do a quick test in the office and because it came up negative, they don't send it out to the lab for the full strep throat test. Last year, my son got sick with his throat hurting and said that everything burned it even ice cream. I took him back every day for a whole week and then on Friday b/c I wouldn't shut up, I guess, they decided to give him an antibotic shot and antibotics to take by mouth and by that night, he was like a totally different kid. I hope I don't have to do that this time with my daughter.


    She is asleep right now and it sounds like it is hurting her to breathe and she is making this awful noise everytime she breaths out. Guess I will be up most of the night making sure she is okay.

    There are two strains of strep. What you described I thought ... oh, she has strep!


    The pediatrician’s offices check for the "most common" for kids. The regular doctor checks for the one "most common" in adults. But kids and adults can get either!


    I had taken my son to the pediatrician, per the quick test...he had strep. I was sick also, was sure it was strep - pediatrician’s office would not treat me, so I went to our family doctor.


    I told her my son tested poitive for strep, I think I now have it from him. She gave me the quick test... I was negative.


    When my kids were young I got strep all the time! I told her "I was sure I had it, as I had had it four other times that she treated me...it felt the same." She grudgingly gave me antibiotics, but did the other test that they had to send out.


    About 5 days later she called, she said I did have strep.. Well Gaaw-aawl-ly! ....it was the strain they see most in children (HELLO!), so they do not have that quick test! Luckily I had been on antibiotics for those 5 days!


    It might be time for a shot and antibiotics. I hate that for her that she feels bad. hope you find the cure! :wub:

  12. I would love to see those C level employees of AIG dragged around town behind their Bentleys and Rolls for this financial mismanagement.


    This company was into so much, our government needed to make sure they got a loan. When their other option fell through...in came Uncle Sam.


    The loan is around 11% interests for 24 months... so if they can refi, it is in their best interest. They could not put together a loan in 48 hours any other way. AIG has one trillion dollars in assets, which are pledged to secure the loan.


    They say the interest rate is high to discourage other institutions from going the "easy way”… to the government… for financing (after the 25% rates of the 198O's I think 11% is LOW!)


    info from:http://afp.google.com/article/ALeqM5jcvShlb1-K1hQRKKaySCo05rCJ9A

    AIG has been a big player in a complex parallel market called credit default swaps (CDS), financial instruments in which Wall Street companies take out a form of market insurance against the risks of bond default.

    These products, often linked to the US real estate market, are at the heart of the current banking crisis and have led to massive write-downs of assets around the world.

    AIG alone has written off 25 billion dollars amid spiking defaults on US mortgage payments in the United States.


    I agree, the decision makers at AIG need a public lynching. Instead, CEO Mr. Willumstad (new in June '08) is being replaced, and could receive an exit package worth as much as $8.7 million if his removal is determined to be “without cause,”.


  13. Surepip - I agree, most wanted all this quick growth(you remember the old days on here?) and with it I have always preached comes crime, well I guess a lot got what they wanted, and with that came more crime.

    I don't think "most" wanted growth. The "industry of residential development" used influence with our commisioners to push growth. If we had smart controled growth, increased office complexes and industry, it could have added value to our community.


    We went ridding on The Silver Comet Trail 2 weekends ago, I hadn't been in over 5 years. I was disappointed to see the high density housing along the trail. The houses are starter homes and apartments, and by the looks of the neighborhoods, are are already declining.


    All I could think as we biked past these low end homes was...eventually this will be our ghetto, a ghetto with access to what should be a gem in our community- The Silver Comet Trail!


    The homes on the south side of the trail (away from 278) should be large, expensive, executive homes, with amenities, just like they put beside lakes and golf courses. Instead Jerry did the developers bidding and allowed low end, small lot subdivisions with no amenities, that allowed the developers to make the most money and put the least into the infrastructure of our community.


    Had the areas with street level access to 278 been used for business, industrial, or office complexes, they would not be affected by increased traffic and noise, the way residential will be, in fact that would benefit the businesses.


    I am so sorry to hear of lulu’s uncle’s brush with these thugs…glad he is doing better.



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