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Posts posted by Gone

  1. But I bet you have fewer bugs in your yard! Bats eat and extraordinary amount of bugs every day! I see them in our neighborhood, and I am always glad.


    I'm sorry it is in the fireplace. I don't know what you will do this winter when you want to have a fire? :o

  2. We would probably find a motel that took pets, and head that way as soon as possible.

    Or find a place to ride it out in the car, we would not leave our babies behind, we have family in Memphis also.

    I can tell you we would not wait unti the last minute.

    We stay prepared at all times with my sons meds, in case of a disaster.

    If there is an emergency evacuation situation...hotels must take your pet. That is what was so sad in Katrina, people would not leave because of their pets...they did not know.


    I would evacuate as soon as I could, drive to a hotel where the storm and winds would not be. Important to have ID, social security card, checks, credit cards, cash, insurance info, any medicine in origional bottles so you could get refills .


  3. At least this time the parishes are getting help from Governor Bobby Jindal. He seems to be working well with the Mayors to get citizens to higher ground. Ray Nagin, Mayor of New Orleans seems to be doing more this time too. Looks like they have coordinated first responders too. The Governor previous to him did not work well with anyone.


    I was pleased to see they were letting people take their pets too. Last time many people stayed because they did not want to be separated from their pet.


    This is going to be bad where ever it hits I’m afraid!


    Lots of prayer


  4. I *hated* that movie. <_<


    If you need to recover from it, watch 'While You Were Sleeping.' Now THAT'S a sweetheart of a movie! :wub:

    I cry at that too! She finally gets a family! It's one movie I will watch when it comes on TV.


    I avoid Pay it Forward...too sad!


  5. I lived there a year and took a transfer to Seattle, WA sight unseen, because any thing had to be better than Tempe! I don't care how dry the heat is...you’re still sweating. I always describe the feeling of walking outside, like when you open up your pre heated oven, then climb in! :diablo: :diablo:


    I came to visit Atlanta in August when we were deciding if we would move here. I had been working in Phoenix for four days, got on a plane and flew to Atlanta... I remember getting off the plane and thinking how much better my skin felt with the humidity. I realized right then, I am not a desert dweller.


    I recommend visiting, lots of beauty all over the state! :wub: Sort of like New York, and Los Angeles, great places to visit, wouldn’t want to live there.


  6. Tobacco worm:

    This Tomato or Tobacco Hornworm Caterpillar is doomed. The wasps will hatch out of the cocoons and search for another Hornworm host to attack and lay their eggs in. The circle of life goes on. The caterpillar would have gone on to become a Sphinx Moth. (click on images to enlarge)

    Photos by Carolyn Hietala



    I can not get the photo (which looks like yours) to attach. So you may go to web site. It has a parasitic wasp who layed eggs....yuck! Poor thing.


    The worm eats a lot of plants, rapidly! Another site.



    ETA: I found a pic that shows all three stages of life.


  7. :lol:

    My Pastor is mistaken for Dr Phil all the time. But, he's a skinnier, nicer looking version. A man recently asked him to get in front of he and his wife in line at Publix in East Cobb. He turned around to him and said quietly," I know you're not HIM, but she thinks you are. I can really score some brownie points if I let you in line ahead of us." :lol: So, he did it and smiled at the woman who was all giddy! :lol:

    :rofl: :rofl:

  8. Sorry to hear she cut her paw. With all the rain lately and with the Georgia Red Clay

    I was thinking about getting a set of these for Ally. It is a pain in the Arse to clean

    her paws. (more of a Pain in the ARSE to clean carpet/furniture) :p

    I must say the picture made me laugh! But your idea to keep feet clean makes sense! :drinks:

  9. OMG! That is just crazy that sunglasses can be as much as a car. Whoever buys those needs a kick in the arse. A total waste of 20,000

    But if you look one line down you can pick up some real deals for just under $100.00!


    Makes my Marshall's and Ross sunglasses look like a real steal!

  10. are allergic to cats.


    The doctor thinks lil man is allergic to our cat! :(


    Whats the name of the medicine we can get?

    My son takes Zyrtec, it is for all allergies. He takes it at night, as it makes you a little sleepy the first few hours in your system. It is now over the counter, but you must sign your life away at the pharmacy, and they keep it in the pharmacy, not on the regular shelf.


    If you bath the cat weekly for a month, then every month after that it reduces the dander, which is what most people are allergic to.


    Good luck. :good:

  11. What was that saying," Those who don't learn from their mistakes in the past, are destined to repeat them in the future". Something like that.....


    I managed a hotel down on the North Shore of NOLA in 2007, and we had some of the FEMA inspectors stay at the hotel. One gentleman was a FEMA building inspector, he was there to inspect new construction to see if it was built to standards. We started talking, I told him we were going to move there, and we had been looking at housing. He said he would not live in most of what was being built. I asked him why? He said it is mostly being built on slab. He would only live in a home elevated 6 to 12 feet above ground level. This was on the North Shore of Lake Pontchartrain that we were talking about! In the city of New Orleans it would be more important to be even higher off the ground!


    Since the housing market crashed here, and my husband decided to stay with a job here, we did not move, and the commuting was too much. I am afraid of flooding and tornados...luckily we had no Hurricanes that year. I knew living there would have been a real challenge during Hurricane season. The power and electric companies have a contract to lease out the rooms of the hotel when hurricanes were on their way- so they can be the first responders after the hurricane passes to restore gas and electric. It would have meant being at the hotel during the hurricane...basically at sea level! Right now I know I am glad I am not in the way of Gustav!


    I watch this storm with dread...a direct hit will be horrible for the city and people. They are not capable of dealing with this. To be honest, I do not know if there still won't be the same scenes as last time. Living there, seeing the woe is me, cant help myself stories....so many people were offered rides out of the city...they chose not to accept. I hope they take the help out now! :(


  12. Just read online that the bail bondsman that put up the 500k for her to be released from jail is wanting to revoke the bond. He stated that he was told she would cooperate with the authorities if she were released from jail, he stated she is not cooperating and he doubts that she will in the near future. He stated he would never have been involved with this whole case if they had actually been honest with him from the start abouth the whole case. This is so sad, she knows what happened to that baby and so does the grandmother, and they are not talking. I have a 3 year old grandson and you can bet your @ss that I would know if he was missing for a day, why did it take the grandmother over a month to figure this out. I talk with my daughter almost every day and if I don't talk with my grandson on the phone I usually hear him in the background, if I don't talk to him or hear him I ask where he is, If he is taking a nap I tell my daughter to get him to call me later. I am praying for this little girl every day.

    I think somehow grandma is in on it? There is some mental instability in that family I think? :nea:

  13. Horrible..... What happens to the students?

    The truly bright students, who had hopes of a great future and college, are going to have a much harder time. Without the Hope Scholarship available many will not go to college, and that is a burden on the tax payers in the log run.


    “High school graduates earn an average of $1.2 million; associate's degree holders earn about $1.6 million; and bachelor's degree holders earn about $2.1 million


    The individual benefits that college graduates enjoy, including higher levels of saving, increased personal/professional mobility, improved quality of life for their offspring, better consumer decision making, and more hobbies and leisure activities. They also include the tendency for postsecondary students to become more open-minded, more cultured, more rational, more consistent and less authoritarian; these benefits are also passed along to succeeding generations. Additionally, college attendance has been shown to "decrease prejudice, enhance knowledge of world affairs and enhance social status" while increasing economic and job security for those who earn bachelor's degrees.”

    Site: http://www.ericdigests.org/2003-3/value.htm



  14. MAN! That completely caught me by surprise! I cannot believe this happened!!!!!!!! :shok: ^_^ :rolleyes:

    I think for them not to loose it, they would have had to have a whole new board... I think it was mostly problems with the school board fighting with each other so nothing got better. Of course when they are not doing their job, the schools suffer. Hopefully this will finally stop the games that the idiot school board members were playing with each other. They county will get to start over.


    It stinks for property values and all those kids!


    ETA: Didn’t they ask Sunny Perdue to get rid of the bad board members months ago....and he did not get involved? I voted for the idiot, and I am not so happy with his performance! He just keeps smiling and treating us like mushrooms

  15. Good Morning!

    Yeah, I can't sleep. I tried really hard but couldn't do it. I have to get up at 6am. <_<

    So, since we are on the subject, I want a breast lift, lypo, tummy tuck and an eyelift. I'm sure that I could think of a few more things as well. When I win the lottery, these things will be taken care of. ;)

    .... 6 am! Ouch....with no sleep!


    Prince 4 Life said you can finance it! ....like a house ai guess? :lol:



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