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Posts posted by Gone

  1. I just received this info from a news letter that came to my email. I have not done this, but the distance is about 101 miles according to ask.com.... it might be a staycation? It is a little past Pine Mt. .... US 85 south to I-185 south to Columbus.


    I love stuff like this... We went camping at the beach in St Augustine, FL this year...so we are done with our vacation... but now that I know about this, maybe next year we do a middle Ga sightseeing camping trip? You could get a camp site and spend several days exploring the Zoo, Calloway Gardens, Columbus, ...all these activities around this area!!? Not exactly a staycation, but driving down and back would be more money in fuel than the campsite rental.


    Learning and Fun in Columbus, Ga

    Escape the summer heat and have a little fun!


    Maybe you’ve exhausted that list of summer activities or you’re looking for a way to escape the crowded beaches. Can’t think of anything? We can! Here are three museums in Columbus that will keep you – and even your kids – busy. Whether you visit just one or all three, it’s guaranteed entertainment with a little education on the side.


    Art, science and history just got a lot cooler – and so did your summer!


    Coca-Cola Space Science Center (701 Front Avenue)

    You don’t have to travel light years away to discover outer space! At the Coca-Cola Space Science Center, you’ll experience fun and learning with the interactive displays like the seven flight stimulators. Stop by the Omnisphere Theater planetarium which uses high-resolution, full-dome video projection with laser effects and concert-quality sound to bring the skies closer than they’ve ever been before. At the Mead Observatory, you’ll view planets, stars, comets, meteor showers and eclipses through powerful telescopes. This summer, take advantage of the Sci-Fi Under the Stars program and watch some of the most classic (okay, and maybe corniest!) sci-fi movies ever made. Mark your calendars: on August 23 When World’s Collide (1951) and It Came From Outer Space (1953) will be shown on the outdoor movie screen. Bring your lawn chair, blankets and – of course – popcorn. All movies begin at nine P.M. and these events are free to public guests. For more information, call (706) 649-1470 or visit www.ccssc.org.


    Columbus Museum (1251 Wynnton Road)

    It’s one of the largest museums of American art and regional history in Georgia and in the Southeast with 15 permanent collections and traveling exhibition of galleries. This summer, check out the 2008 Columbus Biennial exhibition (June 14 through September 21) that features the unique and diverse work – painting, drawing, sculpture, photography, textile and installations – of artists from Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Tennessee and the Carolinas. On permanent display at the Columbus Museum are 18th and 19th century American art that includes drawings, landscape and genre paintings, plus works by important artists from the Impressionists and other early modern art movements. Take the American Art Tour and explore examples of paintings, sculptures, works on paper and decorative art dating from the 1600s to present. The Regional History Tour traces the history of the Chattahoochee River Valley and its people over the past 12,000 years through life-size dioramas. The museum offers many educational classes, free programs and space for student art in the Pound Gallery. For more information, call (706) 748-2562 or visit www.columbusmusuem.com.


    Port Columbus Civil War Naval Museum (202 4th Street)

    Take a step back in history – this is the only museum in the world that interprets all phases of the navies of both the Union and Confederates during the Civil War. The Weapons Collections include rifles, carbines, edged weapons such as officer’s swords, cutlasses and boarding pikes, as well as belts, cartridge boxes and even an original Confederate Navy gunpowder pass box for a seven-inch Brooke rifle. You’ll also see ships such as the CSS Chattahoochee, a classic Confederate gunboat built to protect Columbus, and a replica of the USS Hartford that depicts daily navy life. Plus, the museum houses the largest Civil War naval flag collection with each flag boasting its own very unique and interesting story. For more information, call (706) 327-9798 or visit www.portcolumbus.org.

  2. Thank you Todd Pownall!


    When I read yesterday about the sneaky way the BOC was handling a tax increase…with extra help from Romeo (Glenn Richardson) and Lani Skipper to get an exemption from the Georgia Tax Payers Bill of Rights Law … I was hopping this would not die on the pages of P.Com


    At least it is in public record now. I wonder when King Jerry might start to realize the more rocks the citizens turn over due to their mistrust of him the more slugs they will find.


    Ironic Pat Crook sent the memo out, Lani and Romeo were investigating how to delay telling the tax payer, but Jerry knew nothing about it?


    And no, the more you tell me a lie; I do not begin to think it true... I have confirmation you are a liar.

  3. We are about to buy this printer from Walmart.com -- Do the site to store shipping and it's FREE SHIPPING --



    We have one similar to this. My complaint is that it uses no black ink cartridge... black print looks sort of grey.

    My next printer I will get one that uses 2 cartridges; color and black.


    Just something to think about.


  4. I think the John Coleman letter came out back in November 2007. In the mean time Heidi Cullen of The Weather Channel said Coleman should have his meteorologist license taken away!


    John Coleman was the guy that STARTED The Weather Channel. He is retirement age so he has nothing to loose, but many scientist will not be hired or given grants to research and study, effectively black listed, if the come out rejecting global warming from man made green house gasses. Only standing together might they be heard. The interesting news is that is happening.

    Per an article in world net daily May 19, 2008: More than 31,000 scientists across the U.S. - including more than 9,000 Ph.D.s in fields such as atmospheric science, climatology, Earth science, environment and dozens of other specialties - have signed a petition rejecting “global warming,” the assumption that the human production of greenhouse gases is damaging Earth’s climate.



    I hope reasoning shines through before man wipes themselves out with the dumb ideas being enforced by the Al Gore religion. Carbon credits are being sold by Al Gore... he is making a fortune taking advantage of people with fear tactics, as are others. We are grinding up food to “make fuel” at a time where the technology is not quite ready to cope with it. Using 3 gallons of fossil fuel to make l gallon of ethanol seems up side down to me?


    One scientist; AccuWeather.com's senior meteorologist and long range expert Joe Bastardi wrote and open letter to the presidential candidates. In it he states: Within the first 100 days of office, get the top five SCIENTISTS on both sides of the issue in front of you in the oval office and let them argue it out. No cameras, no press, just you, your closest advisors, and the people that are qualified to do this. Have trusted members of both sides of the aisles, but get the politics out of it.



    I hope more people will become outraged at the scam that is being purported on the world!





  5. I love a happy ending! And I love how it seemed to end at a satisfying point... I did not want a cliff hanger... I'm tired of all those.


    But.....I got the feeling that something will happen to Derrick and she will be standing on that hill top crying at the start of next season..... am I being too pessimistic?


  6. I love cats who talk... mine talks too much...at 3:00am ... you know the nocturnal animal thing.


    He wants to go out and fight...Tomcat...thinks he owns the neighborhood. I lock him in the basement with the dog when he really gets into a bad pattern. My son says that is mean to the dog... the cat kicks the dog off the dog bed, plus we lock the dog door. So, the poor dog is on the floor... unable to go outside when he wants to.


    Recently we locked the cat in the dog kennel in the basement and left the dog door open for the dog. This has helped. Every one is sleeping better! And the cat is none the worse for wear!



  7. Bush_-_CuriousGeorge.jpg




    Humor is hard to police.


    George Bush has been roasted with Curious George pictures, and monkey pictures. I have to admit they look like him too. Head shape, Ears, eyes, eyebrows and goofy mouth expressions? No big deal was made about that!?


    This guy that made the t-shirts may be racist. However, just as the pictures of George Bush are ironically similar in looks to the monkey and Curious George, Obamas look (as on the shirt) matches his close cut hair, small but prominent ears, and large smile.


    Honestly that is nicer than many of the caricatures of Hillary!

  8. Here is an interesting article written by John Coleman the guy who started The Weather channel. He basically says follow the money. There is no global warming.




    There was also a 5 part article written by a guy that was a global warming guy that set out to prove it geologically... instead he convinced himself the earth cycles warm and cool. Below is a link to the first part of his articles (same site as the Coleman article)




    If you think about Georgia; Georgia’s official state fossil is the generic "shark tooth." They are in the soil... Why? ...Most of the best shark teeth found in Georgia come from the Paleocene and Eocene sediments of the southern part of the state. At that time, southern Georgia was part of the continental shelf and covered by a shallow sea. I learned that years ago on the field trip with my 4th grader to the Fernbank Museum.


    So remember the earth has been hotter and colder. The sea has been higher, and lower.


    I am old enough to remember the 70's when we were going into an ice age... oops... it did not happen! Did we need to be better stewards of our environment?... sure! I lived in Long Beach, California then and we had days you did not see the sun due to the brown cloud of smog that came from all the industry in the Los Angeles basin. It was gross. It was important to make industry manufacture cleaner... not due to the pending ice age though... so people had a better quality of life Now I think Long Beach has less pollution than Atlanta, but I could be wrong. It is sort of like the saying you don't poop where you eat. We live on this planet, we should take care of it. But watch out for people with an economic interest in a cause.


    The sad part is all the extra money that is being spent to solve a non problem, ie global warming. That money would have otherwise naturally been used to improve technology that would later make better use of resources. For instance... wood burning stoves... to gas stoves... to electric... microwave...who knows what will be invented next. If in the year 1792 some lobbyist said we have to stop using trees to cook with, there was no technology to deal with it. Man wants to solve problems. Any invention that will use fewer fossil fuels thereby saving the consumer money will be purchased, no to be green... but economically it benefits us.


    So yes, the sun has no sun spots....we have cooled, here is another article on all the changes this year. But I bet it is the cycle of the earth... This too will pass. Poor Al Gore, what will he do now?





    Look at things that have occured in your life time. Do they cantradict each other? The global warming contradicts the ice age of the 70's...same scientists! The hole in the ozone closed 30% last year did you hear anything about that? This too will pass.

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