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Posts posted by Gone

  1. My dad bought a Pinto for me when I was in high school, from Hertz Car Rental Company. It had been in a front end collision.


    But for a used car it looked like new since they had repainted the whole car. 3 years later I found out they had forgotten to put the screws back in the motor mounts after the rental car company had repaired the car. I could have died from that too!


    My dad bought the car really cheep since at that time it was the heights of the court case against Ford for the car catching fire on impact.


    The car did last forever...I called it my albatross. The engine caught fire, the block cracked, but it just kept running. I used it through high school and College. It had the best Air Conditioning of any car I have ever owned. The engine was so basic it was easy to repair.


    I was surprised when one of our neighbors special ordered the Mustang T top... and it looked like the interior of my Pinto...right down to the knob to turn on the lights...ever since that I disrespected Mustangs.


    The car finally stopped running due to the cracked block...my dad gave it to the gas station repair place I pushed it to when it last broke down...the guy said he could fix it but for big bucks...my dad said if he wanted it he could have it, so the guy took it. Two years later I got a letter from the police the car had been impounded and if I wanted it I could come pay the fine... Then I truly knew it was an albatross...or maybe a phoenix?


  2. We got an 8 GB for my 13 y/o son this Christmas. He has used the heck out of it and loves it…always in his pocket.


    He likes to put pictures and videos he records with his video camera on it too. :good:


    Much better than paying $150 to $300 for the name of and marketing of IPod.


  3. Cute!


    No she's right...Monday no school...


    Six year olds really do not comprehend the time frame of this week verses next week, or the week after! She heard no school Monday. And that is great that she remembered to tell you...my boys rarely shared info from their teachers. You should still be proud she brought you the message! :p


  4. Why is it sometimes when schools close it says teachers/students do not report but 12 month employees need to. Why do they not care about the 12 month employees well being?


    Just curious :D


    Also Im curious about another thing......


    why is it the cheerleaders can ride the bus to sporting events but are not allowed to ride the bus back to school?


    ok thats it :)

    I think 12 month employees are mostly administrative and custodial...they have work that can be done even if there are no students to deal with.


    I notice often times 12 month employees for instance are asked to report after 10:00 AM... once, in theory, roads would be clear of icy stuff.


    They can work a shorter day and go home at 5:00 as usual...but it is not worth bringing in the kids after 10:00 AM.

  5. Should they cancel school? Of course not. Do I wish they would? YES!! A four day weekend sounds great. :D

    :rofl: :good:


    Just look at some of the states where they are NEGATIVE 47 degrees! I'm sure it is all from "Global Warming” :rofl: because it can make it hotter and colder :nea: ...ah..... yeah ......right. The weather pattern has changed as it has always done since the beginning of time.


    I remember when I was in High school an arctic front did something similar in North Dakota or Michigan or one of the Northern states, and a news reporter showed how a rose thrown up in the air would freeze so fast by the time it hit the ground it would shatter... it was neat to watch and showed what those cold extremes are capable of.


    Be glad we live somewhat south! Of course my mom said it was 8O degrees at home yesterday, so I blew it moving here! :pardon:

  6. I just noticed Freebird had a PSA from the Bus Barn....yesterday;



    With expected lower temps over the next few days, the bus barn is having all drivers go door to door for pickups.


    Note that schedules may be running behind - schools are aware of this.



    My child came home yesterday and told me... it was great of Freebird to also post this! :good:

  7. I can't see them closing school for cold. Maybe for ice and snow...but not for cold. Parents just make sure you layer your childs clothes tomorrow. The classrooms will be colder than normal and if your child is like mine, they don't like to wear coats inside.


    The bus is supposed to go to each child’s door at EPMS...that is what they did this morning even though it was no colder than usual. I think the cold front came in a little slower than they thought it would. So I bet it will be the same tomorrow.


    My son has almost all of his classes in mobile units, and he says the teachers turn the heat up so much he sweats if his clothes are too warm. He wears shorts on the 40 degree days. He will be in pants tomorrow, but the mobile units are often warmer than the building.

  8. That's my point, I guess. It's from a guy's point of view, but it pretty much insults the guy for being shallow/superficial. So who would find the product appealing? The men who were insulted for being shallow? Or the women who were depicted as nothing but sex objects? It would have been more interesting, I think, if the guy had been (gotta be careful here) relatively unattractive, in relation to his girlfriend. He's dumping her with the fantasy of the grass being greener. There's your fantasy! (well, not YOURS).....


    I know - I'm not supposed to think this deeply into a soft drink commercial.


    You are right...but there is the stereo type that guys want the girl to let them date all hot chicks, as well as have a three some or four some...... dare I say it....as it should be.


    I think it will humor some guys, others might just think it stupid.



    I thought it was more saying that Coke Zero can make your bad days turn good, or something along those lines. Like the Coke Zero sip made the breakup seem like the way his fantasy break up would go. ::: shrugs ::: I thought it was funny. If it was a dig at anyone it was to men, IMO. ;)



    At the end it says..."Real taste, Zero sugar, As It Should Be The commercial is saying Break Up As It Should Be.


    I think their audience is men who do not want to "taste" the diet flavor. I actually am surprised how many men have said they like Coke Zero.


    So the commercial is a guys fantasy…as he drinks the coke his brain sees the hot chicks, AND his "girlfriend" she says she understands “he doesn’t want to be with one woman”….then the next stereo typical fantasy for men …she says “just call me when you want to shag”…..(pause) …. “us.” (notice the girls standing behind her?)




  9. I saw an interview on CNN with some guy (Ken Lucci) that owns a past presidential limo... 6,000 pounds in bulletproof glass.


    I wouldn't want a car that looked like this, but it does look like a car that says "Don't Tread On Me" ....Don't cha think?



    Here is a rough transcript:

    (voice over): Lucci notes the new limo's windows are smaller to make it less vulnerable. Some of the body appears to be built of a different material. He speculates it's a tougher composite. Lucci says rubber gaskets could protect against chemical weapons and guesses the holes in the door are a mechanism to lock it like a bank vault.


    LUCCI: That door probably weighs as much as a 757's aircraft door. And the inside of that cab is as sealed as a jet plane.


    MESERVE (on camera): And that may surprise Obama, says Joe Funk, a former Secret Service agent who drove President Clinton's limo.


    JOE FUNK, U.S. SECRET SERVICE (RET.): It's a cocoon. And the everyday noises will be gone. And he will be totally isolated in this protective envelope.


    MESERVE: When Ken Lucci bought this limousine, he removed the bulletproof glass. Here's a piece of it. You can see it's about 1.5 to 2 inches thick. A number of pieces of safety glass sandwiched together, and it is very heavy. Lucci says just taking out this glass reduced the weight of this vehicle by about 6,000 pounds.


  10. It is always interesting to see commercials that are shown in other countries.


    When they have the TV show on the best and worst commercials of the year it is generally fun to watch, and the best ones are often the international ones that are new to us. My family sits and giggles and groans at each new entry. I always have this feeling if a U.S. advertiser ran many of those commercial there would be boycotts and protests.


    So now I see Sweden is doing it's best to get rid of sexism in commercials, but instead the numbers of the offending commercials have been increasing.


    Do you find it offensive, or cleverly entertaining?







    "Scantily dressed women in soft drink ads, and satisfied wife guarantees from a drill manufacturer are just some of a record number of adverts to fall foul of Sweden's Trade Ethical Council against Sexism in Advertising (ERK) in 2008


    One example of an advert that in 2008 incurred the wrath of ERK was for Coca Cola Zero where a guy breaks up with his girlfriend who says that she understands that he does not want to keep to one girl when there are so many to choose from.


    Another contravening the ethics council's rules was an advert by Black & Decker for a drill press when they offered a spa treatment for "the wife" if the man spent a large sum of money on their tools."


    Main offender: Coke Zero







  11. I think the reference to the Europeans, is their kids do not binge drink like kids (teens, young adults) in the US do. I have not heard as many stories in recent years, but the colleges and rave parties had problems with kids dying from binge drinking. There were many deaths of young people due to alcohol poisoning from binge drinking.


    I almost wonder if that type of kid is now using all the meth, oxycotton etc… instead of alcohol?


    So, we don't have to look to other nations, but the US has (or had) a bigger problem with binge drinking, or drinking to excesses with our younger adults than countries who do not limit consumption by age. It may be attitudes about alcohol that contribute to that problem. It may be we are a more excessive country?


  12. I JUST commented to a friend that the I-pod knock off by SanDisk we got for my 13 year old for Christmas has been used and used and used!


    He’s down loading movies he recorded on the media recorder, uploading music, listening to music on it as he plays on the computer…


    Then I said it was a successful gift at least he loves it so much he is not just playing with the box it came it …I remember the years the boxes were better than the toys.


    So give it 6 or 7 more years!


  13. I voted yes. Coming from a state where you could buy it any day of the week, it is frustrating being some where that you can't. Example; Sunday I went into Hiram to get all my shopping done for Christmas dinner. One of my ingredients included a cream sherry for a chutney that I am making. Well guess what I left frustrated when I was trying to buy a bottle of wine at Sam's before I even started my grocery shopping and forgot it was Sunday. I went home mad and didn't do my grocery shopping, just picked up the few things I needed from Sam's. What was the point of going grocery shopping when I just had to go all the way back to Hiram the next day just to by one bottle of Sherry. It is very inconvenient for people who work all week and can't make it to the store or for people who have to drive at least 15+ miles to get to the darn store. <_<

    Silly isn't it?

    I'm also from an area that has never had a hang up about alcohol... I never even knew states restricted alcohol sales until I moved to Phoenix, AZ where you had to wait until noon (I think) to purchase at the store on Sundays...it truly made no sense to me. Moving here where people hide the fact they drink also makes no sense. If it is a God thing.... I betcha He knows!!!! Or if teen's and kids see them they hide their drink with a menu? What's all that about? They think they are corrupting the youth when they are responsibly enjoying a margarita with their Mexican dinner??? How dumb. I want my kids to see you can drink and not drink until you fall down stupid.


    Or even those who will be fired from their job because they were SEEN purchasing alcohol??? :nea:


    Can you imagine if your job fired you for purchasing alcohol…? But you were only going to cook with it anyway? How silly…Even if you were drinking it, as long as it is on your own time…after all it is not illegal to drink…just to drink and drive drunk.


    For this to be in politics is so dumb...because if religious people don't think drinking is right for them...fine...don't drink, and don't purchase it. Many of us do not read the Bible to say it is a sin to drink. That is a man made "legalistic" rule...not biblical New Testament.





  14. I know JUST what you mean. We have 8 40-watt bulbs over the double sink. And the light over the shower. I have learned NOT to make the mistake of turning on the vanity lights first-thing in the morning. It HURTS! But I do turn on the shower light. It's much kinder to sleepy eyes.

    yeah...we don't have an over shower light...my husband thinks it funny when he flips those 8 bulbs on and says "don't you want some more light?" ...ah...no, or I would have turned on the lights myself!

  15. If I have to get up dark early…like 4:00AM I might turn on the light in the room with the toilet, but not the main bathroom...so the light is a little defused. It gives me time to wake up.


    The two light fixtures we have in the main bathroom have 4, 100 watt light bulbs… :blink: :shok: :shok: and it is just too bright at that time of the morning.


    I actually have been replacing the bulbs with 60 watts…and in the summer I unscrew every other bulb to keep the heat down.

  16. When my husband was young they had neighbors who opened all presents Christmas Eve…he and his sister begged and begged to open presents Christmas Eve.


    His father agreed to opening ONE present…but he would pick it.....and we all know BAD children get UNDERWEAR for Christmas..... The present was always a pair of underwear. :o ;)


    So every Christmas Eve everyone gets some wacky or normal pair of underwear…then you have to put it on your head like a shower cap and take a group picture…I’m not sure why…but it makes everyone laugh? :D



  17. Yeah, the cat's fur yesterday was all funny and stuck to his body due to the lack of himidity. I tried to brush him to improve the fur...but it made it more staticy. The dog has courser hair, and just got a bath Sunday so his was fine.


    Petting the cat caused sparks...I thought it was sort of funny...he left mad at me. ;)


  18. BIG SURPRISE they are system leaches.... and the story gets uglier...


    At least New Jersey's Department of Children and Families are aware of these horrible parents


    Disabilities, the couple says, have left both out of work: Heath Campbell can't landscape or pump gas because he has emphysema, and Deborah can't waitress because she has a bad back. They live on Social Security payments. :o





    "By the time they get to school, they will already have been damaged," Gordon said. "Any parent that would impose such horrific names on their children is mentally ill, and they would be affecting their children from the day they were born. Only a crazy person would do that."


    "....never heard of children named for Hitler, Himmler or Aryan nations. The Campbells, Morrison said, "might as well put a sign around their (the children's) neck that says bigot, racist, hatemonger. What's the difference?



    In the foyer, Heath Campbell, who said he has German ancestry and a relative who fought for the SS, took off boots he said were worn by a Nazi solider named Daniel.


    He laid them next to a skull with a swastika on its forehead, the first of dozens of swastikas seen by the Campbells' rare guests.


    There are swastikas on walls, on jackets, on the freezer and on a pillow. The family car had swastikas, Heath Campbell said, until New Jersey's Department of Children and Families told him they could endanger the children.

  19. He needs to be helped for a mental problem...but locked up to pay for his premeditated crime.


    Stole locked gun, kills mom, puts gun in dad's hand as though he shot mom. Tells family the parents had a fight so it would look like the dad shot the mom.


    How stupid he was...a shot in the back of the head does not look like suicide!


    I bet the parents knew he was unstable. If he was having problems from being bed ridden for a year...they should have gotten him some counseling.


    I would not have let him play Halo either...I bet he had demonstrated other anger problems. I let my kids play it...but if they seemed bizarre about violence NO WAY!


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