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Posts posted by Gone

  1. You forgot to list the new Court House and Airport. Oh I'm sorry, you are correct. We did not vote for the Court House and Airport.


    We did vote for greenspace, fire tax and school bonds. Our elected officials told us we would have have reduced fire insurance rates due to the improved fire service ratings and they told us our house values would go up due to new classrooms. My fire insurance rates went up, my taxes went up and the bottom feel out of my home value. I do blame the elected officials who lied to me.


    Wait till next year to see high taxes. When we get our tax bills next year, we need to remember David Austin did not create the mess we are in now. It will take years to turn this mess (PC Budget) around. We've had almost 8 years of out of control spending. David Austin will have to cut cost deep just to get the taxes back to where they were at this year.


    I look forward to the day Jerry Shearin is out of office.

    You are so right on this, Jerry is still spending money...I think he just commited more money to purchase land for parks... which is noble and all, but if we can't service the debt we have...it's time to stop spending!


    Seems like forever until Jerry Shearin will be officially out!



  2. You used to be able to tell a lot about a new family by what they had hung on the line.

    Nowadays, I can't imagine doing that and thinking about all the dust and pollen that would get on that perfectly clean laundry.

    Eewww your right! All our clothes growing up were hung out, mom had no dryer, but we lived across the street from the beach, so no pollen.


    Two in my family have allergies, and I never thought about all the pollen that would be brought into the house, as well as you would be sleeping on your sheets with pollen.


    I still think the city should stay out of it...if it is in covenants of a subdivision, those people knew that before they bought. chantillylacedh said it right "My property is MY business."



  3. I think it should remain the same.


    I spent a lot of time driving with my son while he had his learners permit. As a 15 year old, his schedule allowed him to have that time. He will be 18 soon, and each month it seems life has more and more to do. I think that there would not have been as much time to drive with him at 17, as there was at 15. And I will have no control over him once he is off to college. I know by the time he will leave to go to college, he will have had over 3 years of experience driving, and parental guidance.


    It is up to parents…if they want them to take defensive driving classes…pay for it…what’s the big deal?


    We restricted where our son drove the first 6 months or so. He drove on roads he was familiar with. We slowly expanded his “circle.”


    We have been careful that as an early driver he did not have friends in the car. I did not allow his little brother to drive with him until he had been driving 8 months, and then it was (and still is) within the 4 miles of our house; to go to 278 Movies, Shopping off 278, and church…places the roads are less rural..


    It is up to parents to evaluate the skill of their child. I paid to have him go through the drivers training, and would have even if it was not the law. Many of his friends are waiting to get the license at 18, so they do not have to take the class….but they have not had the opportunity to drive with their parents, nor have they had safety classes…so they may still have problems. In fact, I think they will be even more susceptible to an accident than my son.


    Choice of cars for a young driver is important too. My son drives my old, 14 year old car, which is not a great car for long distances, and it is not a powerful car. This summer when a group of them were going camping with parents, but the kids wanted to take his car so they had more freedom…I explained, if the car broke down, I would not pay to tow it home…so he would have no car. They rode with the parents.


    Our kids are as safe as we help them be.



  4. The house next to me sold for 22K less than what they have me assessed for. I cant wait to show them that COMP..They told me Foreclosures cant be used. Thank goodness this one wasn't.

    But a foreclosure directly affects the value in the neighborhood... especially when there are several a month! When the bank goes to dump it, they will take less to get rid of it off their books. Pinched at both ends!

  5. Ours went down $35 and some change this year, and that is definitely a relief because last year it went UP $573 and change. Based on those numbers, I think they pull their numbers out of their, well, you know...

    I think you are right... It certainly has nothing to do with market value...if it did we all would have seen 20% decreases in our bills I think!


    Houses in my subdivision have been selling on the court house steps...that does nothing for my property values.

  6. Mine went up again this year! :nea: ...and speak of the debil...the tax assessor is right now, as I type ,walking down my street measuring my neighbors property to... I guess re-assess again this next year! He has done the West side of the street, and is in the cul-de-sac with his truck.


    With all the debt Jerry Sherin has committed us to, they are going to re-assess us as often as they can to try and pay for all the neat new buildings we get to have! :angry:


    Too bad I can't sell my house for what they say it is worth....or is that; too bad I can't sell my house? Are any houses selling?


  7. I had taken the day off work to go on my son’s field trip to Cagle Dairy Farms.


    I was sitting, with another mom, in the car waiting to follow the buses. The radio DJ’s started talking about a Cessna hitting a building in New York. Then they said the building was the World Trade Center. I said out loud there is no way a Cessna on a clear day just happens to run into the Twin Towers. The amount of damage they were talking about was way too much for that small a plane.


    When they told about the 2nd plane hitting the world trade center I knew then it had to be a hijacking. The other mom started crying and screaming, “Oh my God! All those people, those poor people!”


    When we were more than half way there, they called off the fieldtrip, saying people could be in danger… I felt there was probably no place safer in America than Cagle Dairy Farm! The other mom really lost it when they reported the towers fell.


    My 13 year old does not remember the field trip being cancelled after they were already almost at the Farm. They went again a few weeks later, so he just remembers being there?


    I was so glad at that time that we lived in such a quiet small town, with no well known landmarks. Friends around the country were having to worry that their cities had targets al-Qaeda might be interested in. Of course there was always talk of the CDC, Lockheed, the Treasury, and various dams... but I still felt absolutly safe in Paulding County.



  8. Ya'll mean you'd never git mearried ina Waffl hyouse? :rofl:


    I was thinking of that video too! They might talk about puke, but God seemed to be a theme in the wedding party, so they might not swear about the timer. :D



    My kids talk us into going to WH (I’ve been 3 times) We go to the one on 120 and E. Paulding Drive. We have always seen people we know there, and the food was fine. The first time I ever went, lots of people were smoking (before the smoking ban.) I said I would never go there again. My kids went with friends after smoking was no longer allowed, and convinced us to try it again.


    We don't go out for meals much, and if I'm going to pay someone to cook, I want it to be something I can't make, or don't make because it's a hassle. Waffle House type food is what I make on nights we run out of time, or I did not plan a meal...we call it breakfast for dinner...some of the easiest meals to make!


    I'm sorry the rude people ruined your night though! :nea:

  9. Wow! That's as clear as mud. :rofl:


    Here is the site that QOTSA gave a link. The Quote that is not muddy from the reluctant gourmet:


    Microbiologists at the University of Wisconsin's Food Research Institute contaminated wooden cutting boards and plastic ones with all bacteria that cause food poisoning.... Guess what?


    Without washing, without touching it, the bacteria on the wooden board died off in three minutes. On the plastic board? The bacteria remained and actually multiplied overnight. It seems wood has a natural bacteria-killing property, plastic and glass don't."




  10. Maybe I read it wrong, but if my boss came in and asked me about censorship, and I was that librarian, I would have brought them up to speed on what policy we had in place, what we were trying to put in place, and ask if there were any specific concerns they had?


    I see a lot of guessing on the librarian’s part as to what Palin’s motives were. Were some books later banned?


    The librarian seems to think she is the law. The librarian did not say she would make sure that any challenge would be dealt with according to policy.


    Quotes below:

    “I will fight anyone who tries to dictate what books can go on the library shelves.” “I'm hoping it was just a trial balloon,” Emmons said, “because the free exchange of information is my main job, and I'll fight anyone who tries to interfere with that.”


    A better answer would have been… the library has a policy on addressing a book challenge, and each case would be addressed on an individual basis using our current policies.


    That is the whole reason there is a policy so an overzealous employee, or mayor, can not make up rules as they go along.


    This may have little to do with banning books, but more to do with assessing the managerial and decision making skill level of an employee?



  11. I love the Mac commercials... they are clever and always have a touch of irony.


    This commercial does nothing to make me feel Windows, or Vista is the system for me... in fact instead of spending $300 million on a dumb ad...make a better system.


    My mom has never had a computer, just before summer she completed a computer class and would like to purchase a computer. I don't want her to start with Vista, because I have heard too many complaints. I was really hoping Microsoft would come out with an upgrade to Microsoft Windows XP, or something....soon!


    I loved the old Dell commercials...Dude...you're gett'n a Dell... those were classic.




  12. the seal where the door closes,if you don't take a towel and dry it all the way around, you have to pull the seal open and dry down inside it, it is a hassel to have to do it everytime you finish doing laundry, but if you don't it sours. I have had my about three years now and I hate it, because they make the crappy seals the way they do. they need to come up with a seal that doesn't hold water. also between the seal and the metal, take a cloth and go around it. it helps with the sour smell. it does no good to call the comapny because they won't do anything about it. when you wipe the seal really good, your cloth will have black yukie stuff which happens to be mildew. good luck

    I just looked at my seal....oooooh yuck....I sprayed something called "Mold Control”, then wiped it out...gook and grime...looked like some of the stuff that grows on old food in the fridge! I had always looked at the bottom of the seal to make sure odds and ends were not trapped there, but if I had continues ALLLLLLLLL the way around the circle I would not have had such a build up!


    Good topic...I had just started to notice and odor!


  13. My friend in West Palm Beach, spent this mornings boarding up her place in preparation to leave if it looks like it will hit Florida.


    She went to fill up her car around 2:00 PM at her regular gas station, it is usually one of the lower priced...there were already lines of cars 5 deep...she decided to get some lunch and go to a station that is a little more expensive so she does not have to sit and wait.


    I have her bed ready...just need to vacume the floor of the guest bedroom! She will not wait to the last minute to leave, so she might drive up here only to find it turned... but at least we will get to hang out and catch up... :p

  14. - who in the world would want to LIVE BELOW SEA LEVEL?????

    My husband lost his job here, we found jobs in New Orleans. We were looking at buying a house on the North Shore...where the schools are Blue Ribbon, and the land is at sea level.....but it was still too "at sea level" for me.


    I had the opportunity to talk to one of the FEMA inspectors, he was there to make sure what was being rebuilt was safe. He said he would not buy anything that was built on slab, even on the North Shore. He was saying any house built on the North Shore should be 6 to 12 feet off the ground due to the storm surge that was possible....and where the house is. In New Orleans they are already BELOW sea level...so add 15 feet. All the new homes and even 20 and 30 year old houses were on slab!


    I am so glad my husband was offered a job here before we moved down there. Plus it hardened my heart to the people living there, hearing the entitlement attutude day in and day out.


  15. My little sister and I were mean as snakes. One day we decided we did not like our Granny's dull white car, so we set out to paint it. We used 3 different shades of her nail polish.

    It was a "purty car".


    She just about beat us to death with a Fly Swatter.

    I bet it was purtiful! :p

  16. Remember being a kid and you would have these ideas that you would beg your parents for. You would just swear that they would work!

    Mine :

    Growing up in my bedroom I had a big closet. If I were to make a big hole on the wall I could have easliy put a slide in my closet and I would land in the bathtub. My dad always told me I could do it one day. Well, not only could I still not do it but I can hardly fit in the bathtub. Much less out a slide in the closet to land in bathtub. It was so big when I was little.

    My brothers:

    He had to share a room with my other brother. So, he wanted to put to doors in the hall way (one on each side) The the hall way could be his room. He said he did not mind if people walked through his room to get to their destination. haha

    :p :lol: :D

    Great ideas...I love the bathtub one...Let extreme makeover know...every kid would love to slide into the bathtub from their room!


    I was never that creative I guess?


  17. I noodled on this over lunch, and I'm just having a hard time getting upset at the thought of our NG being used to reclaim our streets and border. I know that probably goes against my political leanings, but I am seeing your point on there really not being that big of a difference between terrorists in the streets of Baghdad and the terrorists that have claimed the streets of Detroit and our border.


    I only disagree that we should pull our troops out of Iraq for this.


    Great thought provoking post WT.

    So since they say the politicians and police are corrupt in Chicago...and they might be allowing "da hood terrorists" so you have to occupy the city, re-establish leadership...elect new leaders... train new police...how do you know if these new police are loyal to the old regime? HMMMMMMM? :rofl:


    AND....if Chicago is under such a state of terrorism....do we really even allow a candidate from there...Chicago's Son... to run for the presidency.... the highest position of power in the world....I'm aghast... that would be like putting Uday and Qusay back in charge of Iraq...if they were not dead that is? :rofl: ;)


  18. The story sayd the "Husband" shot and killed the intruder not the woman........

    Her husband fired the shotgun and the man fell to the ground. Then the shot man lunged a second time.

    "Well, I shot him again, and I guess that was it," Keith Hoehn said.


    Oh, .....I see what you are pointing out...the OP says Woman Kills Home Intruder....


    Yeah, I read it and knew her husband got the gun from the guy, but she was the hero who started the struggle by going for the gun and calling for her husband….got it! :p


  19. Does the bus driver assign seats? I know it is still sort of early for the drivers to know where they want the kids... or even what kids will be consistent bus riders. But I might suggest your son sit further up front, where kids are less likely to pick at each other.


    Our bus driver used to match a younger kid (K or 1st) with one a little older (3rd) more in the front of the bus. The big kids (5th grade) got to sit way in the back...it was a status thing...if they misbehaved they were made to sit right behind the bus driver for how many days the driver thought they deserved.


    I found the assigned seats solved some problems...my poor child was the calm one so she would often stick him with a younger charge or one of the hyper active annoying kids...you don’t put the hyper annoying kids together.


    Riding the bus is actually a huge learning experience. My children have always taken the bus. There have been problems; we have worked out some with the help of the bus driver. Some problems we sat and discussed a way to better handle confrontation, and how to diffuse a situation. We did not have biting, but bullies are in every neighborhood...it is empowering when a solution is found....often a seat change can resolve the conflict. Moving your child and the hitting child away from each other might get rid of the conflict


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