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Posts posted by Gone

  1. I'm not surprised...could be her audience would not watch Palin. It is her show; she can do what ever she wants.


    I lost interest in Opra years ago...can't say I was ever too interested in her in the first place, but when she would have Dr. Oz or someone like that I might tune in.


    But she now has the new age church weirdness going on...just don't know about her anymore.



  2. I think the brain's idea of what a president should look like comes from what the eyes have seen and what our previous experience has exposed us to. We use that in the classroom to create building blocks for learning. (K.W.L.)


    How can you have a different view of what the presidnet should look like if your only frame of reference is White, Male? Of course the vision of a president in your head will appear as someone who has already been president. If you think of the word president, and you have only used it in reference to the USA President (not CEO) then what you'll see... is only what you've seen! Cause that's all there's ever been.


    I am not for Obama, however I can see him being a better presidential image to the rest of the world, because he looks more like other world leaders. We are one of the few with wrinkly old white males.


    If you look at his posture, his height, the ease of the way he carries himself, the way he smiles and waves with such assurance. That is charisma...the reason people fill auditoriums to see him...it isn't like he is giving a seminar on how they can become wealthy.



    If Obama had different values and policies I would vote for him, I think he looks very presidential.

  3. Probably won't be charged?! What on earth could they be charged for?

    I'm sure the ACLU will file charges saying they violated their rights....and seek damages for the dead man's family and the injured guy......only in America!


    We need more stories like this with the follow up story they were cleared of all charges. It is Texas though, maybe there actually will be no charges!?


    I bet the guy left alive does almost no time!


  4. If 125 people were shot dead in Chicago, over the summer, what was our military doing in Iraq during the same time period?


    Are they more interested in protecting Iraqi’s than American citizens?


    It seems to me that killing a bunch people in Chicago is much the same as killing a bunch of people in Iraq.


    If protecting the country against terrorism is the issue; how then is terrorism in Iraq more important than terrorism in Chicago?

    Because we can win in Iraq!

  5. Far West, I'll take your well made point one step further.


    Compare South Mississippi to New Orleans. Towns like Waveland, Pass Christian, Gulfport and Biloxi were nearly wiped off the map.


    You did not see these folks on TV begging for the government to come and do everything for them. They fixed their homes, then went and helped their neighbor fix his, then both of them went to the next house, and so on and so on.


    It's not a race thing, as the demographics of S. Miss are very similar to N.O. It's a New Orleans thing. I hate that people lump in all us Louisianians with the people of New Orleans.

    You are right; I do not recall the same stories, or any stories about Mississippi.


    The news stations were kept busy with at least 3 murders a day in the "bad" areas of New Orleans. They were also busy reporting victims of crime that the police would not even come out and take a report. Often the police were called as the crime was in progress but the police refused to go stop the criminal. It was third world!


    There were stories ad nauseam of "woe is me the government hasn't rebuilt......fill in the blank"...as the camera pans around a neighborhood that has not seen care, or pride of ownership since sometime in the 50's I suspect! AND NO ONE ELSE is living in the neighborhood, so there is not even electricity…the people are living without Sewer and electricity more than 2 years later!...Oh, and you guessed it they have no job. And yet every business you pass has a help wanted sign up, because businesses can not find enough workers?


    I have heard the argument that the government has no business rebuilding New Orleans. The businesses and residents who took care of the damage they sustained, who were insured, will come back, and as the region economically can support more people, when those people come they will be able to afford to support themselves. The free market in essence. It would get rid of the large concentration of impoverished people and spread them into communities who can better help lift these people into a new life.


    Problem is, on the news they also said those people who Texas tried to take in, left and came back, because Texas does not put up with crime...it was too hard to be a criminal there. They returned to where they knew it was easy. The jails in New Orleans were so full they would stay in a while and get let out, without even going to trail!


  6. Blue Jean theft...."Police said the suspects, aged 19 to their early 20's, give all hurricane evacuees a bad name."


    No, it gives impoverished Louisiana evacuees a bad name.


    I have been told more bad, first hand account, stories from GA people who tried to help the impoverished evacuees after Katrina, and were taken advantage of. They will never help again...not the people of Louisiana.


    I lived there in 2007, and the culture of the region of New Orleans is a culture of entitlement. In all the States I have worked, and lived in, I have never seen such a lack of work ethic, and a “gimme something for nothing attitude.”


    I hope another hurricane never hits there, because the impoverished people do not have the psychological make up to help themselves rebuild their life, or their city! And to repay those that helped to rebuild their homes; building tools, generators, or anything of value was stolen. Often the thieves came onto the worksites, shot people dead and left with the goods. Very sad. :nea: :unknw: :unknw: :unknw:


    It was telling when the Midwest endured horrible flooding all this past winter.... I did not hear of any outrage that the government abandoned them, or any of the horrible type of crime that went on in Louisiana. Just a different breed of people.



  7. I don't believe they actually "gave away the store" to the RBMDs as much as they "Sold them our birthrights". :ph34r: :angry:


    Too bad there are so few places to even put industrial/office parks. The good land for them is covered with some houses, and lots and lots of building lots.


    Yeah, I hope karma is a b#tch! :angry:


    I hope we can use the time the building bust will give our county to fix some problems. Unfortunately so much of our economy was tied to building, that now it is only the homeowner's taxes to pay the debt King Jerry has amassed over the past years.


    We biked on the Silver Comet trail last weekend... subdivisions all along 278...places where I would think car noise will continue to increase and be horrible to live by, but light industry would have worked well. But what do I know?


  8. I KNOW, there has been a few cases tried without a body and this is one of those that SHOULD BE!! They have proven that the decomposing body of the child had been in the trunk of the car and that's enough evidence!!! Cadaver dogs (2 of them) proved this also. So, whats the hold up??


    I would think with a body, they maybe able to tell how many people took part in this. Did the grandparents assist? Hide evidence? Bury the body in their yard or basement? I hope the police have more, because I think there are more questions than answers.



  9. One investigator (not on the Caylee case but an expert) was on Fox News today talking about "party chloroform." This is where a mom or dad will medicate (put to sleep) a child so they can party without the child waking up. It is a new trend!!!


    Of course the danger comes from overmedicating or the child having an allergic reaction or the house cathcing of fire or a 100 other things that could happen. How sad.


    That is just sick! :o


    The other two that drown the kids in the tub, and pushed the car in the lake were suffering from depression, weren’t they?


    This chick is just a sociopath!


    All three however, I can not understand why family members did not intervene. What are the grandparents doing now... more duck and cover, lying more for her? Just sick….



  10. I think that our county commission calls this "Growth" <_<

    Yep, and we taxpayers will, and are, experiencing the "Growing Pains" of this irresponsible growth... since none of the infrastructure was correctly funded or planned for! They gave away the store to the subdivision developers.



  11. At least he still wants you to kiss him.

    I kinda don't blame him for not wanting you to memorialize his first shave? My boys would never go for that...and I take lots of pictures.



    Be glad he still loves on you with kisses!


  12. I happened to walk into a location this morning where the girl was listening to V-103… In the two or three minutes I had to listen to the pro obama ranting, I heard them speaking of Sarah Palin last night saying “Man did you see them kids last night? They is country”… followed by laughter… Wasn’t that classy? Then they went on to say how CNN would expose Palin for the fraud she is… Then they went to some callers… Talk about stuck on stupid, these democratic lemmings are stupid beyond amazement… I'm telling you, the lib crowd is scared to death of her.


    It's GREAT isn't it!!

  13. Ours went up too. As Surepip states, it will continue to go up.


    The commitment to parks, facilities, and the infrastructure we need due to growth that King Jerry put us under will make our taxes some of the MOST expensive I'm afraid.


    You are all correct, since we are predominantly a residential community...we residents will, through taxes, need to fund our community services.


  14. I loved that too! What gets me is that Obama keeps comparing his experience to the VP candidate. And only her OLD job as mayor, not her current one as governor. So, he thinks he can be President because he was an organizer and the VP nominee was a mayor in the past. I guess he can't compare himself against the person he is running against. I thought he was running against John McCain. He must come up short or something.

    Two days ago Obama was saying he managed a campaign...uuuuuh ...well that's not a State, City, or a Nation.... With a campaign you are the top boss and can get rid of those you don't agree with to accomplish your goals...not the same...and you can't just vote present if you are President!



    "We asked him directly, how concerned should we be that you haven't had meaningful experience as an executive -- as a manager and leader of people?


    He said, watch how I run my campaign -- you'll see my leadership skills in action."



  15. Whatev, he's 1 of five, he can probably sleep thru an hurricane.


    I fell in love with the little sister just now. She just spit shined her borther's cowlicks!

    Wasn't that cute! You can tell little sister is mommas little helper!....very natural.


    This is the easy time to take a baby with you...we used to go bowling with three other couples when my first born was that age...he just slept right through it. It was when we got home and it was quiet that he would howl and not sleep...precious time.


  16. We ask them to hang on...take a long time...then one of us picks up the phone and asks who they are holding for?...tell them to hang on again, act like we are getting someone...rinse repeat...then never go back to the phone. Usually they don't call back.


    I like this one better...I love the fear in his voice! :drinks:

  17. I hate walmart as well but I was always told that after 10 pm there is no such thing as the 10 or 20 item or less..... I used to be one of the ones that would shop late like that I would have a butt load of groceries and coupons and dang it I used to pay with a check... Not to mention I priced matched also.... Oh well I gotta do what I gotta do. If people had a problem with it they needed to complain to walmart not bitch about me not my fault...

    The cashiers usually say “I guess I can check you out here” 8) as if it is an imposition…no one ever told me after 10 PM all lanes are okay.


    However, wouldn't it make more sense to have one “20 items or less” line open...you know the one by the door, and then the other one or two open lines could be on a normal register – no quantity stipulations. It’s not like they don’t have 22 or more registers to choose from!


    Most people after midnight have just one or two items...the last thing they should be subject to is me standing there unloading a full cart in a "10 items or less" line! :o I'm just saying!





  18. I'm a night owl...so I am one of those who often shop after midnight...very quite, no screaming children.


    The biggest problem is past 10:00 PM it seems they have only 10 items or less, or 20 items or less, lines open. The check yourself out is not even available.


    So here I am with and overflowing cart, at the 10 items or less line. (That is the register with a moving counter vs. the 2 foot shelf at the 20 or less.) Needless to say each person that walks up to that line has to glare at me since I am obviously am too stupid to read that I am in the 10 items or less line!


    Each time, I suggest to a manager that they use an unrestricted register, so people like me are not slowing down their 10 items or less line, since my groceries won’t fit on the small shelf of the 20 or less! No improvment


    Management often has a lot to do with the service you receive. It's not the cashiers fault. A lot of other irritations I find are directly related to management.


  19. My two boys are 5 years apart. Seems like from the time the little one learned to get into the older one’s things we have had fighting.


    I thought I was “all smart” and put an end to it by giving them both a time out, sitting on chairs in different rooms, and taking away both of their privileges any time they fought with each other.


    My kids had stopped fighting and were for the most part nice to each other…or so I thought. :o


    Then we hosted an exchange student who was a high school senior, when my kids were in 3rd and 7th grade. She explained to me that they fought in silence with each other. They were not worried to fight in front of her thinking of her as one of them. She said the power they punched, pinched, wrestled, and kicked each other they should both be in tears. :vava: But they knew if I caught them they would both be in trouble, so they fought in silence. Once I realized this I “caught” them at it several times…it was rather funny, in fact when the little one saw me out of the corner of his eye, he pretended he did not see me and went into this big drama that he had been hurt, then turned around looked at me crying. :nea:


    I have decided there must be something innate in brothers that they want to beat the chit out of each other. As long as I did not have to hear it, be the referee, or deal with the tears and anger, I decided to stay out of it. But if they do fight in front of me, they pay the price still


    I find now it is more torture of words between them…usually the younger one is better at it, because he cares less and hides his feelings better.


  20. 2 max amounts (line 3) of concentrated Tide

    1 cup Oxiclean

    1/2 cup 20 mule team Borax

    1 cup Shout liquid

    1 cup white vinegar



    I know it sounds like alot, but It works.


    Wish I had this 11 years ago...we had an orange crayon go full cycle washer and dryer. Some clothes came clean with high concentrations of stain removers, others that were soft 100% cotton remained orange until thrown away...no matter how much they were washed they still looked sort of tie dyed orange!


    Thanks for the info, putting it in my file! You never know who will leave the next object in their pockets!

  21. Well, most of those folks were having to be evacuated by agencies that didn't have room in their transport *or* their shelters to take animals. It's terribly sad, but understandable, why these folks couldn't have their pets. :(

    Correct, however this time officials are working with the pets, getting them out of town too. They know that was the stumbling point for many who stayed last time. Right or wrong...many people will not leave their pets.

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