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Posts posted by Gone

  1. Okay...from the woman who says "You'd have to be a really good aim to kill it with a 22, thats just me thinking humanely, I say pop it with a 30'6 once and get back in the house." to snikerfitz about a coyote...I have this picture of you sitting up with your 30'6 waiting for the friend of this Brown Recluse you already squished, to wander across your floor!


    Maybe you and snikerfitz should swap houses for a week...you kill her coyote, she can kill your spider?!! :rofl: :rofl:



    ETA: I bet that was the only one in the house, maybe he was out in the open because he had recently come in and did not have a spot yet?

  2. Well, dont know about ya'll, but Im havin a drink.....Ya'll keep laughin and Ill be smiling at the fear in your eyes everytime you put on your shoes :ph34r:


    I lived in Tempe, Arizona for one year. The black widows were huge, the scorpions were plentiful and the cockroaches were disgustingly large.


    My employer held a class on different pests and snakes in Arizona, how to protect your self etcetera.


    This one movie shows a spider crawling into some shoes, then shows the woman put the shoe on, only to then be bitten by the spider..... Almost 21 years later I still smash the toes of my shoes that have been in the garage before I will put my feet in them. Sometimes I have to look in the toes after I smash the shoes! How OCD is that? :nea:



  3. Keep screens on windows and fix or replace screens with holes or that don't fit snuggly.

    Seal doors with weather stripping and door sweeps

    Seal cracks, access holes for electrical conduits or plumbing


    I think you need a handy man for your "1950's not real sealed off house".....I'm just saying? :pardon:


    Are you sleeping yet? :search: :D

  4. How can I keep Brown Recluse Spiders out of my home?



    Keep beds away from the walls

    Don't store boxes or any items under your bed

    Keep dust ruffles or bed skirts from touching the floor

    Clean up dead bugs as they are a food source for the recluse

    Don't store shoes on the floor or any clothes, towels or other linens (always shake out shoes and clothes before using)

    Store sports equipment like rollerskates, gardening clothes, gloves, ski boots in plastic bags that are tightly sealed with no holes.

    Vacuum under furniture, closets, under heaters, around all baseboards and other areas of the house to eliminate habitat.

    Keep screens on windows and fix or replace screens with holes or that don't fit snuggly.

    Seal doors with weather stripping and door sweeps

    Seal cracks, access holes for electrical conduits or plumbing



    Okay..now I see the violin, I thought it was supposed to be on the Oval shaped abdomen. I hope I never see one of these...but I might have and never even known it! :shok:

  5. Yes Id like to live in that fantasy world as well, but this house was built in the 60's so not real sealed off if you know what I mean. Just a sec and Ill try to spread it out and take a pic!

    I would not know one if I saw it. I spray my yard and have not had much trouble with spiders. I have heard stories of people being bitten while picking tomatoes and berries and such...out side...yuck inside! :(


    I did have a big spider make a two foot web outside my front door last week; he was very pretty with stripped legs...I knew he could get quite large and I thought he would be a great Halloween decoration. He lasted two days before I guess a bird got him? He just was not there anymore?


  6. Does not bother me, but to be honest with so many tinted windows...half the time I can't see the driver in the car anyway.


    I let people in to be civilized. If we can be polite and work together as we merge, it makes traffic go more quickly.


    Nice idea to stick your hand out the window and wave, but I NEVER drive with my windows open? I do not have tinting, and I do wave, but I often wonder if anybody really sees since my hands are in the car? :pardon:

  7. I'm not sure I believe this? Seems a little fishy.


    That would make Mc Cain and Obama related through the Bushes. If Obama is a cousin to George Bush, and Mc Caine a cousin to Laura Bush ...something is wrong ...IMHO.

  8. The only appropriate "punishment" for this poor child would be to sit him down and talk to him about what he might have done. Surely you all can't be implying that he has any responsibility in this manner. He is only seven and how dare any of you all point blame at this innocent child. He is only a product of what his environment is and should be allowed to go back home to his parents. Remember, we were all 7 years old at one time and I'm sure each one of us has a similiar story we could share. Shame on all you judgmental people. ;)

    Yeah, Jeffrey Dahmer had issues like this too...shame on us. :blink:


    As LGM said we will be hearing more about him when he is an adult or an older teen.


    If he just threw the live animals to the croc, people pay to see a croc eat…but there is something dark in this kid! :spiteful: I would not want to live in his neighborhod...fluffy and fido would end up missing. :crazy: :crazy:



  9. Forget global warming - This is our next great threat!

    All ASC believers need to spread the word.

    Share with everyone how you intend to reduce your EM footprint below



    Wow!!!!... news flash...Global warming solved by Paulding resident! Wait till the AP picks this story up! Should we notify Al Gore? Oh wait...better patent the fact you passed this theory around first, or he will get another Nobel Peace Prize and be the only one allowed to use his cell phone, wireless router, motors, lights, generators, and all other electric devices to tell the masses he is saving the world again!


    Perhaps if we can balance out our carbon foot print with our EM foot print? You will have to develop a computer program that you sell for big bucks that tells how much CO2 you need to emit to off set the EM foot print we each create! :rofl: :rofl: :drinks:

  10. I do this with it: :D



    I also make necklaces, charms, rings, bracelets, hanging baskets for plants, and clocks. I loooove vinyl record art (only if the vinyl isn't playable!), but it stinks to high heaven. :bad:

    Now that's neat. :o :drinks: Great table art too! Adult version of Shriky Dink. But I bet it does not shrink...just becomes pliable?



  11. I guess I need one too!


    My kids told us they wanted a new mom and dad. They kind of hurt my feelings until they they continued that they wanted another set of parents to go to work and do all the cooking and cleaning so we could spend all of our time hanging out with them!

    Awww... yep, spend time while they have the time to spend with you. Their schedules will become more busy with sports teams, work, dating and school the older they get. :good:

  12. So basically your kids can't win either way when it comes to socks :rofl:



    I hope it will make it easier for them to live on their own, or with the girl of their dreams.:blush: Creating habits they will continue is my goal. (Wish my husband's mom did that for him!)


    Both the 13 y/o and 17 y/o do a good job of sorting and washing their own clothes... however I do most of the wash - especially durring the school year. But I do have them both sort their clothes.

  13. I have never been a bachelor, married out of school, moved out of my parents house and into our house when we were married back in 1985. BUT, since my wife and I both work, I have always figured the household chores including diapers and the such when the kids were babies should be shared. If I get home first, I cook dinner. I clean the kitchen and do dishes every night. I vacuum and clean the floors once a week. I do a load or 2 of laundry every night when I am home, I do travel quite a bit.


    To be honest, I don't feel the wife should do everything especially if she works. Now my wife only works 3 days a week, but she has some health issues that keeps her a little wiped out. But seriously ladies, your husband should help you out. Partners should be partners and do for one another. ;)

    :give_rose: :give_rose:


    She's lucky then!

  14. I don't ever think I could live in any sort of cult like environment....... But I love the idea of extending my family.

    Not as a sexual concept. More of a co-op, as you would.


    Well, maybe that was why farm families had 10 and 12 kids.... more hands to do work? But as MCMM said... "someone else pays for her up keep." Who can afford 10 kids let alone another wife?!


    We used to have parents move into our house when they started to age, they often helped with chores...but honestly, as dysfunctional as most families are, very few can stand to have their parents live with them!


  15. Fiance usually puts my clothes in the wrong drawer, but we've only been living together for about a month and a half, so I don't mind. The one thing he does that gets on my nerves is he hangs up clean clothes inside out on the hanger.


    Well like I tell my family...If you take it off right side out, or turn it right side out prior to putting it in the laundry, then it will be right side out to hang up :rolleyes: ;)


    I hate how socks are put in the laundry inside out...so when my kids get "in trouble" I give them punishment of turning the dreaded dirty socks inside out! And boy's socks seem to stay damp for days...yuck! If no has been in trouble, I let them know I will not wash socks till they are right side out. Since I rarely wear socks...it's not my socks sitting dirty! In the last year my oldest son has started getting into the habit of making sure his socks are right side out when he takes them off... so it can be done!


    Be creative...all things have a solution...even if the solution is to just ignore it!


  16. Polyamory is the legal version of polygamy. Brilliant concept. Can't understand why it's not catching on any quicker that it is.

    Yeah, something about the polyamory cult rules (made by men) give men so much power and authority, it leads to many men beating and abusing the women, or they threaten and misuse the young girls. Overall it allows the men to be less than stellar individuals? Usually we mamas don't like our kids treated poorly! But other than that I also wonder why? :o :p


    That might have been why the communes of the 70's worked for a while, but today’s society wants material things, and a commune is to work for the good of all.



    So in the end, I guess the idea of a house keeper is easier than polyamory, lesbianism, or a commune! :rofl: :rofl:


  17. I sort of wonder if that is why the polygamist cults never disband... several wives to take care of one house and all those kids....much easier than just one wife and mother....I'm just saying?!





  18. Were they an 8-0's thing? If so, I bet my mom had some. She was a 'kid of the 8-0's'. :ph34r:

    The very first SHRINKY DINKS were sold on October 17, 1973 at Brookfield Square Shopping Mall in Brookfield Wisconsin. Since that time there has been over 250 different Toy Activity and Craft Kits created and marketed.

    SHRINKY DINKS SHRINK to approximately 1/3rd their original size and actually become 9 times thicker. Simply place the SHRINKY DINKS piece you created into a Home Oven or Toaster Oven for 2 magic minutes. Watch as your creation gets smaller and smaller.

    It's "MAGICAL" and it's so quick and easy to do!




    Your mom is too young! Oh Gawd! This was big technology for us kids of the 70's. You took a flexible clear sheet of plastic, drew on it with bright ink pens, cut out your design...then your mom put them in the oven and you watched them shrink from the heat to a hard smaller version of your creation...plus the colors intensified. We gave them as gifts to grandparents to decorate their christmas trees, used them as necklace ornaments etc.



    They make their re-appearance every few years it seems...now your printer can do all the work...no more imagination needed! Ugh! :D




    Our newest addition to our creative line of shrinkable plastic is SHRINKY DINKS for Ink Jet Printers. We apply a patented coating to our Bright White shrinkable plastic sheets. This coating allows you to print any image from your computer or digital camera onto the plastic sheet. Photographs are really exciting but possibilities are endless!!

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