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Posts posted by Gone

  1. My brother manages his mother in law’s farm. His mother in law has made sure they planted a variety of foods so that if there were ever a reason they could not buy food they would be alright. She grew up in Germany and remembers after the war when the housing had been destroyed and there was no food. She basically has it in her head that she could rescue the whole family. Still to this day she barters her wonderful fruit for wonderful pastries and breads. We would go help work on the farm as we have done during the summers for no pay, just great fruit, family, and beautiful weather.


    Since our home is not paid for in full, I guess we would probably loose it if we had no source of income. Only one of our cars is paid for in full, but one would be all we would need I guess.


    I don't think most of us could ever imagine living like people were forced to during the depression.


    Many might face living on the street in the cardboard tenements that they called Hoovervilles. These settlements were often formed on empty land and consisted of jerry-built shacks and tents. Most of these unemployed residents of the Hoovervilles begged for food from those who had housing during this era. Democrats coined other terms, such as "Hoover blanket" (old newspaper used as blanketing) and "Hoover flag" (an empty pocket turned inside out). "Hoover leather" was cardboard used to line a shoe with the sole worn through. A "Hoover wagon" was an automobile with horses tied to it because the owner could not afford gasoline


    I wonder if more of our society would push out the undocumented immigrants that are here illegally, to work for farms growing food so that they could feed their family. We might see a shift in the work ethic of America. If you just wanted to be able to provide a meal for your family, I know I have, and would be willing to do manual labor.



  2. The recycling center is right next to the Paulding transfer station/dump near seven hills.


    I have been recycling this year. My son said what are we doing different, the trash can is like half empty all the time? He has the responsibility of collecting the trash from the house Sunday night and getting the can and to the curb for Monday morning pick up. He has been in charge of this for 4 years, so he sees the difference.


    I told him I am smashing any paper boxes flat and storing them to recycle, as well as glass and plastic. It sort of makes the garage seem cluttered, but it is not that bad. He was shocked at the difference. I have been shocked at the difference. I have had room for my grass clippings to go in my trash can each week. :p


    ETA: We have been taking our soda cans to the High School for years, they have a recycling program that some club gets the money for the cans.

  3. Geez... can we not have a positive thread about North? Ever? Like that stuff would never have happened at any other school?


    EPHS has had the same problems for years.


    Most of the thefts happen at PE because they kids are not given lockers. Their stuff sits in some teachers locked office or in the locker rooms. But once the office is unlocked all the kids are in there picking up their things...who knows who has opportunity to have sticky fingers?


    Six years ago we had an exchange student who was a senior.... that was a bad year for theft. She even had $40.00 dollars taken during PE the one day she took money to school. She and a group of girls were going out shopping together after school so she had money for that. I felt so badly for her and the other girls that lost money.


    The past 4 years, every year there seems to have been a rash of stolen phones or other valuables. Some years they find the thieves some years they don't! I do not think the kids who steal are always booted out of school unfortunatly.


    I am sorry for you and your daughter. The reality is we have a bunch of out of control kids who have not been taught respect for other's property, and they think they deserve to have stuff, so they help themselves. They feel entitled to take from others.




  4. why not grocery shop for meals according to how many you'll need before the next payday/shopping trip occurs?

    Oh aren't you just so smart and logical today! :rofl: :pardon: :p



    Lo main out of Ramen noodles:


    Cook three packages of Ramen...you don't want the noodles overcooked or swollen....don't put in the spices. Drain the Ramen. Get out a big frying pan, add oil, fry some scrambled eggs- make sure it is sort of diced up into bite size pieces... I set the eggs aside while I throw what ever else is left over in the fridge like veggies or meat. (Sometimes all I add are the eggs) Once everything is heated, throw the noodles into the frying pan with enough oil in the pan so they do not stick...sprinkle the dry seasoning over, stir fry till the noodles dry a little...stir in eggs.


    The kids love this. It is even good the next day. Take it to work, it re-heats well and tasts good cold. I like using the Oriental Flavor Ramen Sometimes I add a little soy sauce while stir frying the noodles.


  5. did you notice in the beginning one boy has a broken arm?!! ha ha I bet he was the real first one to try it!


    I thought it amusing that they all had their name in the "credits" ...just to be sure it got back to their mom's. :o I would love to know if the broken arm was from the slide! ;)


    The water slide is questionable...but I can see the huge learning curve these kids experienced, the things they learned, and in the end the fun it was. Hands on science lab!




    Without feedback society sometimes is off in judgment. The OP got everyone to think about the judgment of swinging a baby around and then posting this on You Tube!


    I don't know if the baby swinger video is a hoax or not...but it is wrong ....and as a community we think he needs some parenting classes.


    I think the OP helped us to call attention to how sometimes we can have flawed judgment for our 15 minutes of fame.


    There was value in her post because it had people thinking about whether that was something that should be done or not! :p


  6. Why does anyone consider posting anything. ^_^


    I watched it, could not beleive that someone would do this and I shared it. Sorry did not mean to offend anyone! :wub:


    Also have been on Paulding.com for a while now and just recently became a paying member, just wanting to be more than a spectator for a change. :blush:


    This is relevant...with You Tube people do anything to get their 15 minutes of fame...they do not think of what negative could come of some stunts.


    I watched a great video that as a mom I would have been horrified if my kids did it...it looked like great fun, but it could have been at the expense of a teen becoming terribly injured! These kids might be our future engineers, because there was math, motion, velocity, all put together into design!...fun to watch...great music....



  7. I couldn't finish watching it, I stopped it after a minute. I hope he was charged with cruelty to children, at the least!



    My in-laws know a family that the dad was tossing the baby up and catching it, the baby twisted in air, the dad could not catch him...it fell on the corner of the brick fireplace with it's head. The child is severely brain injured will never walk, talk, or have any quality of life.


    Dad's think they are cute doing this, but babies are unpredictable.


    This made me sick to watch, had to turn it off. :nea:


  8. :(


    ADDING: I just went back and did a bit of reading, because I had no idea what you were talking about, Kelly.

    angeleyes:)...are you stepping back into the pit you just crawled out of?


    Do you need an intervention? :unsure:



    Aug 30 2008, 04:09 PM Post #1


    Which is better a full divorce or a separate maintenance? Especially with a TPO scheduled to go to court Wed? and then again in 2 weeks and that one for 1 year. I don't know what I want to do. I want my marraige I think, but not the way it has been. I don't know why I can't just make a decision about it, this should be easy to decide right? He's hurt me, left me, hit me, and so much more..this should be easier than this!. I don't know why I'm hanging on or even to what I'm hanging on to. What do I do? I want my marraige to work. It hasn't in 4 years though. We've had some good times, but mostly bad. Am I haning on to a hope? Or am I just hanging on to something that God doesn't really want in the first place. This is now the 3rd time we've been here. Is God trying to tell me something guys? Am I hanging on just so it won't hurt so bad? The last week has been horrible and torture and now I find myself crying over it. It's as if my heart really does hurt...(impossible I know, but...) It hurts so deep inside my soul and I don't know how to heal or where to begin. To make matters worse, I feel guilty for filing the police report and the TPO on him. I feel bad for keeping him away from his son. Why am I feeling this way? I'm stuck here at my parents house at that too. I don't have a car and can't drive and all my friends are at work and all I want to do is run away. Is that normal...to want to just run away and never look back? I still love him despite it all. Why though? Everyone keeps telling me it will get better after it's final. How though. Does it ever stop hurting inside or do you just move on find someone else and they dull the pain of it all? I just want to run away. Get out...get away...move to some tropical place and forget who I am and what I've been through. Are these feelings/things normal? Are there any divorce groups other than divorce care? or one that doesn't meet on tuesdays? I have my DV meetings on tuesdays so can't do divorce care, but I really really need something to help me with this to add to my already taxing schedule. Also, anyone know of any jobs anywhere I could work pt? --------------------



    Are you re-marrying the above husband? ...a little over 2 months after this above post? Go back a read all your questions and anguish you posted a few months ago about the last FOUR years! Has he gone through anger management courses? Have you both gone to couples counseling?


    Three reasons in my book God allows for divorce: Abuse, Adultery, Addiction.


    If any one of these are happening, or might happen…you both need to get more counseling with a good Christian councilor, because you seem to value God’s word.


    I do not know you, but I remember your posts and I felt helpless for you. I would hate for you to be in that position again.


    Pretty wedding or not, it will not change the dynamics of your relationship.


  9. Wow -- Y'all really should get out of Paulding county for a little while. Gender identity disorder is a very real. I imagine that these parents will sit down with thier children as young as possible and teach them about the facts, and then probably go on to teach them about things like empathy, tolerance, and not persecuting those that are different. Sounds like some of y'all parents forgot to have that conversation with you.

    They are making money off this ....if this were a personal thing they would have kept it personal... and the tag lines would not be man has baby, It would he half transvestite has baby...not nearly as sensational...the media has hyped it like a man has women’s plumbing.



    Now this would be a story! QUOTE (jess575 @ Nov 13 2008, 01:40 PM) when a man pushes a baby out of his penis, let me know. Then a man has had a baby.


  10. OK, did anyone else think she meant something else when she said a "white church out in the country"??

    Yeah, since she said "preferably white country church in paulding county" I thought maybe a non white church might be more charismatic than she wanted but it would be okay! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

  11. It has always seemed that she needed desperately to have a mom figure back in her life since her mom committed suicide when she was 12...thus the older woman?


    Let’s face it; these are two women having a baby. The one who pops out the baby should be listed as the "mother," since in our human anatomy limits women to birthing a baby. Our birth certificates denotes the birth mother… there is no birth father since (unless a hermaphrodite) a man does not have the equipment to conceive and birth a child.


    Tracy/Thomas had the live birth. The "wife" has no DNA in the child and should adopt the children so she maintains parental rights if anything happens. I can not believe the audacity to act all hurt the hospital did not put the other woman on the cirtificate as the birth mother, since she did not birth the child....the baby did not originate from the other woman’s body!


    I think it is terribly deceptive to the kids to say the daddy seahorse had babies, just like me. It is more like... I am a woman who chopped of my boobs, used hormones to look like a daddy, but I wanted to be a mommy so I changed my mind, went off hormones and had you with a syringe??? WTH?


    As the kids are in society they will expect that a man or a woman can birth a child…talk about a mess.


    I think they are in some fantasy life…I am glad they are happy, but I think they manipulated the system to be able to marry.


  12. No, he is smart....he hopes to fool people with his "good looks" and sorry story. He thought a jury would let him out of the rape trial because of his "good looks." I hope the courts put a stop to the sob story and “not guilty” plea “due to insanity”….especially as calculating as he has been all these years starting before the rape..


    We all know that rape is a crime of trying to take power from the victim and humiliate them. Rape and murder are not what "normal" people do, but that does not make him crazy, just a criminal who thinks he can work the system to do what he wants.


    He takes power, and over powers people…that is not insanity, that is what a bully does....he is a murdering bully.


  13. well, i know everyone talks to them, but i thought the conversations were a little much, but i guess if we enjoy our little chats whos to call us crazy???

    When people start calling you “that crazy cat lady” you know you should stop :o ...and if it is your husband, it might be time to wait until after 9:00 AM! :p :rofl:

  14. Thanks for the update.


    Are there any basketball hoops planned? We are taking a small group of middle schoolers to the park on Saturday to fish, B-B Que, possibly fly some kites, and play football. They also wanted to play basketball... we told them we could not do that there...so just a thought?


    It sounds like you have an inside track to the people making decisions there? Most of the basketball courts are inside a rec. building. It would be great to have some fresh air, outside hoops.


  15. you can go to a restuarant and order a drink, you can not go to kroger and buy a 6 pack LOL



    Baby steps... in time, I am sure there will be ballot measures for Sunday package sales as well. Let's make sure people can handle this HUGE responsibility of enjoying an alcoholic beverage while out at a sports bar watching a football game....I mean IIIIIII don't know? :drinks: :rofl:

  16. Yea, my SIL said that they were having 'hand sex' and thought it was gross!


    The ridged rules seem to work for the Duggar family, but something seems off. Since all the dating (or engaged) couple can do is hold hands... which is all they seem to be able to concentrate on when they are together…it is obsessive. Even the parents admit they kissed before they married. (Oh my! What sexual perverts!) They said now they realize “how damaging it was”… or something like that? I think cults start out of this ridged man made rule oriented life style.


    I have not seen the Purity Ball, but it sounds terribly hypocritical. I cringe to think they represent Christians. Staying pure is biblical, but I do not think turning your back on your child is biblical or would be honored by God. God is a God of grace, and even if you make mistakes, He is willing to meet you where you are and help you straighten out your life.


    Some use religion as a club or stick, to beat up people with it. I do not think that is what God is all about. If a teen becomes pregnant that is the time for the family, church, and families of the church to come around these kids and help and guide them. Help them back up to regain their walk with God...because they are going to need God, family, and the church more....not less.


    I think too many see the church, and God wanting perfect people in church. Then when people stumble or sin...as they will... they are ready to turn their backs and close off the church from them, with no sense of God's grace.

  17. My mom and her two sisters have always been the best of friends…you would have thought with all the “sweet” stories of them growing up that they were never mean to each other or picked on each other. But then my mom’s cousin started telling stories of how, during the depression the three sisters had to shared a bed, and they would fight over who was taking too much space…so the mad sister would take their hand and pretend to “slice off” the part of the sister on their side of the bed as hard as they could... all the way down her body…trying to make the other sister cry. Then my mom’s cousin said as teenagers, she and my mom would steal cans of baked beans and black olives from the pantry and eat them without the parents knowing….not real racy…but for my mom’s family it was.


    My grandfather loved photography, but sometimes just to be ornery he would line up the subject with an item in the background so it looked like it was growing out of their head, or some other optical illusion… He would never admit to it, but his daughters said he was always so precise about staging a picture, about where you had to stand , move a little more to the right, left, back, or front etc… it was obvious when he did it as a prank. That was back when you had to stay still…the old brownie camera. Now when they look at some of the old pictures, they will laugh when they get to one of those pictures.


  18. Yeah!!!

    I just gave out 1/2 a lb to 3 lucky kids!!

    My kids love it when they get to the houses where the decision has been made to purge the candy bowl and turn off the lights...those are the best stories to hear...their eyes get really big when they tell how "the guy was dumping big handfuls in so heavy my bag almost dropped!"


    You made those kid's night!


    ETA I know you're not a guy...but all my kids stories have been men who the "scored" the big stash from!

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