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Posts posted by Gone

  1. I actually looked up places to get a breat lift done a couple of years ago. Kind of pricey, in my opinion. However, I was staying in for lunch one day while at work and just started googling the information I wanted. Next day, did the same thing. Then the next day after that, one of the IT guys approached me and said, "You know we can see what you are looking at online". I quit doing it at work...hahahaha!

    :o :o :rofl:

  2. Ok this is what I had done...they did my upper and lower eyes...the upper eyes she cut out a piece above each...the lower she went inside and took out some fat...I had what they call the Lifestyle Lift...which is cutting at you ears and tightening the muscles and cutting the excess skin off...I also had my chin which was...she made a small incision under my chin and sewed the muscles together....also she did lipo under my chin and along my jaw lines....

    OK...they never say they remove skin...which I thought you would need to do, to tighten everything up and have the results last!


    Why can they just do general anesthesia vs. knocking you out? Or maybe the question is, what is the other way it is done? I can't watch it on TV as they push, and pull, and yuck!

  3. Guess that explains our crew. Three black, one merle. Thank goodness we did not take the black lab to the shelter (neighbor found him...thought he was ours). We held onto him long enough to find out that he was the sweetest dog in the world! We saw another black lab that looked a lot like him at the shelter. It took everything I had not to take him home, too. They are just so loving! How could these sweethearts get left behind like that? Pitiful. post-5961-1219901156_thumb.jpg

    He's beautiful!

  4. Ok...lifestylelift.com...or 770-850-0202..

    But it does not say HOW they do it...is it liposuction then cutting skin, or???? I know as we age we get fat pads where it sags...and extra skin since it is no longer tight? Or are they injecting stuff to plump up creases?

  5. You would be surprised at the cost where I went compared to most...You may have seen the Infomercial about it on TV...you should give them a call..they will do as little or as much as you want...

    Is the lifestyle lift where they use fine thread to pull things up?

  6. I think growing up in Hawaii is different than on the mainland. You need to be a darker mixed ethnicity to fit in. There are so many ethnicities that came to the island over the centuries, it is the whites that are more hated and have violence toward them.


    I think being mixed ethnicity in Hawaii was probably a good thing. Hawaii’s history is different than continental US. And poverty and single mom's are the norm, with big extended families filling in the gaps. The community is the family. It is very different


    An example from a blog: Hawaii is a great place!! Being born and raised in Hawaii I really didn't appreciate it until I went to Oregon State for college. I missed the cultural diversity that Hawaii brought. Being half Japanese, quarter Hawaiian, and a quarter Norwegian; I represented a good mix of what Hawaii had to offer and was treated as the majority. However, once living in Oregon I finally felt what racism was all about.




  7. I have a traditional glass rain gauge…it had just over 7 ¼ inches total, for the whole storm.


    My husband got one of the battery operated, electronic rain gauges for me. It sends a signal with how much rain goes through it to the station in the house, and it only reads 5.92 inches. I think I trust the actual glass gauge the most. The electronic one did not seem to read anything when we had slower light rain? My husband said that is why it was on sale for $15.00! :o :p


    I know each area was different...we were so lucky the big storms each seemed to pass right over us. The trees, lawn, and plants needed it!

  8. Same thing is true for Black Cats. :(

    I have a black cat btw!

    I have had black dogs in the past.

    It seems like all the stray cats I have rescued are gray...and I love Tabby kitties...so not my first choice, but the Brittish Blue is a very regal looking cat, even though he is only one color! :p


    Interestingly enough, my first pet was a little black cocker spaniel puppy (he died of distemper). And with one exception, all the dogs we had when I was growing up were black.

    And two of our six cats are black.

    Now it all makes sense, huh? ...it did for me. :D


    These guys are so happy to be where they are.



    Black dogs smile better than any others...look at yours smiling! :D


    I always explain to people to mainly be caused by the fact that when you mix a mix with a mix of a mix, the color usually turns out to be black. And when their is 2 blonde dogs to choose from and 12 black, most folks choose one of the blonde.

    I didn't know that, but I have always had mixes (thus why all black,) and they do not have the problems that come from inbreeding that the pedigree dogs have.

  9. That was one of the factors why we adopted an ADULT black lab mix... there were so many of them and he was on his last days.

    I posted this because Delta Dawn was reading about Caped Crusader's dog being found. Joflo said it was good they found Ally because labs are first to be put down. Delta asked why. Since I'm old and I had never heard about it until recently, I thought it might be a good topic. :wub:

  10. I have a little black Aussie mix that was dumped in my neighborhood, so I took him in. I went on the internet to figure out what kind of dog he was. I put in the words "black dog." Little did I know that I would find all these articles on how people do not choose black dogs as their pets! I guess that is why my shelter dog and my dumped dog were both black...no one wanted them. :cray: :cray:


    "To the uninitiated, the idea seems so strange — doggie discrimination? But among those in animal rescue circles, the phenomenon is commonplace enough to have earned its own name: "black dog syndrome." "



    "Black dogs are commonly the last, if at all, to be adopted. Destined for death in many shelters they are passed up for whatever the reason:

    1) Harmful Superstitions: Black dogs in folklore 2) Fear: What makes a dog aggressive or dangerous. Is it their color? 3) Just too ordinary"

    Site: http://www.thebark.com/ezine/commentary_essays/essays.html


    Another problem, now so many go on the internet to see what dogs are available at the shelters, it is hard to get a good picture of a black dog.


    Basically, don't skip over looking at the black dogs...they make great pets. :wub:


    Spend some extra time and really look at how beautiful they are. If you go to a shelter to find a new family member, consider a black dog. :friends:



  11. You think she's going to get her daughter knocked up, because she's probably thinking "Every female should have a kid before getting her tubes tied."

    No she will leave a sibling to watch the older daughter and the boyfriend....then when the older one gets pregnant it will be the siblings fault. Just shift the blame of not being a responsible parent :nea: .

  12. If the papers don't say that he doesn't get them on Monday, then I would expect them home by 6:00 p.m. on Sunday and plan accordingly. Sorry if it ruins your plans, but in light of the pending contempt charges, it's probably in your bests interests to stick to exactly what is in writing.

    I agree with what Lisa C is saying. I wonder if there is a neighbor/friend/three different families etc, who are friends to each of the kids, who your kids could go hang out with Sunday PM until Monday when you return? There must be someone having a burger and dogs day, hanging out in the back yard, who would more than enjoy your kids? What type of social safety net do you have. I bet people would go out of thier way to help you if you asked? :p

  13. Never heard of it before. I have "blonde moments", as I call them. Same thing as AHD I take it?

    No, I think they had a typo...ADD vs. AHD....but it sort a fit as a joke... air head disease....which was the whole point...why would we make a joke based on characteristics of a person?


    It is simple, really, a joke is often successful when we all have a common experience and then you point out an irony, or flaw linking it to the experience.


    So, movies and media in our culture have made a stereo type of a "dumb blond." So there are jokes that perpetuate it. Thus the question "if it is not okay to make fun of a person with a disability, or a person of an ethnicity, why is it okay to choose a personal characteristic such as being blond?"


    How PC are we willing to be? Or do we need to be PC? Have we gone too far being PC? Are we being disrespectful telling a joke that is not about them, but about a characteristic they share to the joke?


    Life's too short for me to not laugh, even if it in theory might be at my "expense." Some of the best jokes, you tell on yourself! It makes others more comfortable that you have "flaws" too!


    I'm not a PC person all the time...perhaps I am too irreverent for my own good.

  14. what's stupid is that the lady completely contridicted herself with those two statements.

    My neighbor had a certain age they should get pregnant...like over a year, or 18 months or something...very specific. And she took it to have it bread with another pedigree dog. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


    I love the part about how it was the 12 year ols daughters fault!!!


    SERIOUSLY!!!!!! :angry2:

    Right...ummmm? Who's the adult? :wacko:

  15. I had a neighbor that used to say that about her female dogs. The reasoning was that it brought out the maternal instincts of the dog, and matured them. I hated the neighbor's dogs. They peed on everything, had no discipline, were yappy, and could not be controlled…before or after having puppies. So, I do not subscribe to this urban ledged. There are no bad dogs, just bad owners. IMHO. :pardon:


    But maybe some smart vet may have another perspective.

  16. lol!!!! that's true! His dad had long hair when he and his brother were young, because they wanted it that way. But now he/and his brother, look a pictures and say, "what were we thinking?".lol!!!

    So take LOOOOOTTSSSSS, and lots of pictures... :lol: even a FAMILY picture....SEVERAL family pictures. Somehow natural consequences enter into what we do again, or do not do again.


    And, as LSU stated about the "sneaky" aspect, "That is a problem that if left unattended to can escalate." But I think you said you dealt with that...

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