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Posts posted by Gone


    Love it... this IS Christmas weather for me! I can go barefoot ...no socks required!


    I don't know how we got so lucky, as the rest of the nation is without power and literally freezing!


    I also love that I don't have to heat or cool the house thus saving money! Yeah!


    So much easier to shop...when you are bundled up to get to the store...you sweat to death in the store. Plus it is hard to move around with so many layers.



  2. These people are parasites.


    The Campbells' two other children are named JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbell, and Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie Campbell. ... another article, if you can stomach it: http://www.news.com.au/couriermail/story/0...5013016,00.html


    New Jersey man Heath Campbell, 35, has decorated his home with swastikas and says he is related to a member of the SS. :wacko: :wacko:


    Mr Campbell and his wife Deborah also have a daughter Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie Campbell, , , named for SS head Heinrich Himmler.

    Heinrich Himmler is a Reichsfuhrer-SS, head of the Gestapo and the Waffen-SS, Minister of the Interior from 1943 to 1945 and organizer of the mass murder of Jews in the Third Reich



    Campbell said he was raised not to avoid people of other races but not to mix with them socially or romantically. But he said he would try to raise his children differently.

    The sad thing is they are raising three more like they were raised…actions are even stronger than conversations… We all see what type of role model THEY are!



    The store denied similar requests from the Campbells’ the last two years, including a request for a swastika. ....Hello! :nea: They want publicity, they went to the same store THREE times! :bad: :bad:


    I am sure they are very unhappy and malcontent…they just want their 15 minutes of fame and to spread hate.


    Karma is a Biotch… :diablo: :diablo:





  3. You need to do nothing more than keep your antivirus and malware up-to-date. (You do have that, right?)


    No need to panic. And certainly no need to leave IE for FireFox, a browser that just topped the list of the most vulnerable Windows applications of 2008.


    Microsoft issues emergency patch warning for IE


    Microsoft will push out an emergency security patch for Internet Explorer on Wednesday, addressing a critical security hole currently being exploited in the wild.


    Redmond issued advanced notice for tomorrow's fix, describing the out-of-cycle patch as protection from "remote code execution."


    Unscheduled updates are pretty rare for Microsoft, stressing the potentially serious nature of the flaw. Although the last time Microsoft broke it's update cycle was in late October – it was the first time it had done so in about 18 months.


    Microsoft's emergency patch will become available Wednesday at 1 PM EST from auto-update and the Microsoft Download Center. A separate patch will be made available for those running IE8 Beta 2. ®






    Microsoft Security Advisory (961051) http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/...ory/961051.mspx





  4. Strep is going around heavy right now. You should get a strep test done if you can. I hope you feel better. =)


    If still bad tomorrow go to doctor for strep test.


    We have a friend that put it off; he ended up in the hospital with organs shutting down! Don't mess with strep...plus it is easily given to others.


    I hope you feel better soon, but if no improvement see the doctor. :good:

  5. Why does EVERTHING have to be a racial thing? I grew up on a farm in the area and we did it on our farm before there was a racial "THING" around here. It is as it has already been explained a farm issue. Most people don't use real crows. I know for a fact the "racial crows" on Ridge Road are corn husk painted black. Before it starts again, they are painted black because they simulate black crows. I feel better now!!!

    Thank you!



  6. That sucks! :shok:




    No... it STICKS..... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:



    This year we had apples, cherries, Muscadines and other edible garden crops....we also grew huge rats! Once they started eating the beautiful apples...not even finishing them, but moving onto another, destroying them one by one as they became a nice ripe red...we declared war.


    We set traps on the fence under the grape vines, shot them with a BB gun when the dog and cat would alert us they were in the grape vines, the cat ate about 5 smaller ones, we had killed about 20 as we went into winter!


    Then we started to hear weird LOUD noises between the basement ceiling and primary level floor... they had moved into the basement to escape the cold and dine on the dog's food!


    I used the wham bam kill it fast trap...I was thrilled at the FIVE....yes FIVE large RATS I caught in my basement. That is a total of 25 we killed since mid summer! YUCK!


    I think they are cute...but not when they live between my floors! I no longer have any heart for rats...even with their big brown eyes and pretty fur! Plus the poop and smell of rat urine in the basement was horrible, and a pain to take everything out and clean!


    We went on line to read about rats....yuck, they have litters of 6 to12 three weeks after mating; they reach reproductive maturity in about three months. The average female has four to six litters per year.


    I am sorry for the little birdie... I place the traps where normal animals can not go. One suggestion was secure a box (shoe box size) upside down over the trap with small half circle cut outs at both ends...place along wall where mice or rats frequent...then you won't catch desirable animals.




  7. I searched but couldn't find an answer. What is that building with all the construction going on by the Walmart (Gas Station Side).


    I'm not sure if it has been started, but there will be a retirement, or senor living complex to the north of the Gas Station. I have not looked in a while to even notice if construction had started?


  8. I think she contacted me because from what she said it sounds like she's down to the wire from being out with no where to go.

    I think she truly feels sorry for what she did. But she did say that she was sorry for what she did and that she was hoping that they didn't hate her or that I didn't either.

    People who treat others well, are blessed by having friends who will do what ever they can to help. Even if it was just a couch ….


    She calls up a guy she hasn’t seen in 4 years, who she showed total disregard to his well being, and expects him to get her out of her own miserable mess.


    Oh yeah, good idea…teach her that her horrible behavior holds no consequences. Just let her move on down here with you again!!!! Ah...listen to the voices on p.com!



    There is a reason she has no one to help her. And it is NOT your job or responcibility!...Not even morally what you need to do...

    How ironic it took 4 years, and the very year she has nothing … Oh my, she is going to “claim” she is sooooo sorry!


    Run …run … run ... awaaaaaayyyy!




    I think if you research deeper you will learn that you can become a US resident more quickly if you purchase a business in the United States.


    EB-5 visa program, whereby non-Americans are granted U.S. residency if they invest at least $1 million in a commercial enterprise and create a minimum of 10 direct U.S. jobs in the process. But if the investment is made in a specially designated “targeted employment area” (TEA) suffering from high unemployment or economic crisis, then the immigrant investor is required to invest only $500,000 and create 10 direct or indirect jobs.



    What are some of the benefits of the EB-5 visa program?

    Qualifying Investors and their spouse and minor children (under 21) will be granted US Lawful Permanent Residency (GREEN CARD)

    No minimum requirements as to age, to speak English, employment experience, or education

    Investor and family may live/work anywhere in the United States. Minor Children may obtain employment, subject to age, state and governmental laws and restrictions.

    Education benefits including admission to Universities at US residents costs.

    The EB-5 program does not require immigrant investors to manage their investment on a day to day basis.

    After five years, the investor and their family may obtain US citizenship, subject to meeting all immigration requirements, as required under law.



    Several years ago if you were a foreign national and you invested a quarter of a million in agriculture in Hawaii you could qualify for this same program. The Hawaii program also gave them a path to bring their whole village to the US to work the farm since workers are so hard to find there.


    As to the Holiday Inn link and India...It is more Indians are heavily involved in hotels. They say most of the hotels that are owned by Indians, are owned by the Patel’s…The last name Patel in India is like Smith or Jones in the US.


    These families are not necessarily related. http://www.hotel-online.com/News/PR2004_3r...PatelHotel.html



    I have not heard about handouts from the US for these immigrants, most of them do just fine with their businesses because they are willing to work hard. Indians tend to be tough negotiators and drive a hard bargain.




  10. I have heard that if you put cascade in your wash it brings your whites really clean. This came from a baseball mom, her son's pants where white she swears they still look new.

    CAUTION...as a young mom I used cascade on whites...it worked great...then I started dumping it in with colors...denim....BIG MISTAKE! It acts like bleach...only spotty bleach. I ruined a whole load of clothes.


    Do not dump the dry cascade crystals onto colored fabrics...it will remove color.


    I also put oxyclean on a colored T-shirt where ketchup had gotten on a large area of it...the ketchup came out, so did the color - ruined that shirt! Best to dissolve in Hot hot water, then add clothing item.


  11. Agreed. That is when it affects others and where it becomes others business. I'm not a pot smoker, just never liked it, but I have never understood how a natural substance can be so "wrong". I think pot and liquer are pretty much the same, "unnatural" drugs like meth are a different story.

    Pot will never be legalized because there is no way to tell "how much" you have had. That is scary to the government.


    With alcohol you can be tested to see how much is in your system. Pot they can only tell you have used it, not how much. The government has no way to limit the amount of pot you could legally consume...



    I don't care if people are gay....I care that there is a fringe that "pushes" an in your face gay agenda in a really ugly fashion.


    I don't want to be told who you sleep with. My friends do not talk about which gender they prefer to have sex with. You are who you are. Unless you are sleeping with me I don't care to know. It is really no one's business...


    I do not think "gay" can have meaning until children discern what sex is. So I do not want the elementary schools discussing why Johnny’s two loving moms are gay, vs. Sally's mom and dad are not gay.


    My 17 year old son has a friend who told him this year he is gay, and he hoped it would not change their friendship. My son told him you're my friend because of who you are, not who you date. I did not discuss what "gay" was until my son was in 5th grade. Nothing derogatory, nothing pro gay...I think we should base our judgments of people on who they are, not a stereotype....I feel the people who push the "gay agenda" push a stereotype...one that is none too flattering and not necessarily good for our nation..


    The same can be said for the “fringe“ that pushes a hateful Christian agenda. I do not think those people are showing God's love, or the fact that God loves and accepts all of us.


    As they stand with signs of hell and damnations, or stand in the pulpit with hell and damnation; by their own beliefs that would mean they also will be doomed to hell and damnation. Sin is sin. Biblically no one is without sin. It is not the sin or lack of sin that gives you eternal life in Heaven with God. It is the belief that through Christ’s sacrifice on the cross your sins were paid for in full. Not some sins...all sins. So even if drinking or being gay etc were a "sin"...it is the same as telling a lie, gossiping, murder...and all those were paid for IN FULL....so this is false teaching and bad doctrine which is also a sin....


    As a society, just as in a family you need standards to live by. As a country we need firm standards, because other wise we will become some of those futuristic movies about a nation of people living in sewers to try and avoid the horrors up top. That is why we care.








  12. Thanks for expressing the feelings and sentiments of many long time residents of this county, i agree with you. ridge rd retiree

    The first thing our realtor told us in 1998 was that the fire department was volunteer. We liked the idea of living in a small town.


    Since we know Paulding is an attractive community, we need to make the developers and new buyers responsible to absorb the cost of the needed infrastructure that they want for these grand houses.


    Other states like California do this by using a "melaruse" tax. A melaruse tax is an additional property taxes levied on the developers of a new project, and the new homeowners, purposed for constructing the needed schools, police stations, sewer treatment facilities, streets, etc.


    Let's write to our commissioners suggesting the melaruse tax idea, and encourage them get the laws changed so this can be done. If it is legal in California we can do it here. Everything there has gone to court numerous times since the 1980's when these were started…we just need to have our county add this form of taxation into the books so as land is developed the burden of additional infrastructure is placed with the developers.


    In California they even put the burden of widening the road an additional lane as you develop land for industrial, as well as residential use. We may want to incentify businesses to come here by not requiring that yet, but reduce the burden on a case by case basis


    Unlike what King Jerry did by subsidizing the developers, a melaruse provides for the streets, fire station, schools and all the other services. It makes it fare to homeowners who have lived in an area for a long time, that they do not have increases in their property taxes.


    Unlike the situation we watched for the past 8 years, only when the value of the land and home would support needed improvements in infrastructure would it be economical to develop the land. And it will not be an increased tax burden for established residents.


    It also protects the home values of older homes. When choosing between an older home with no melaruse, that may need a little work, vs. a new home that has a monthly melaruse fee, often a family will consider an older home. Older homes sell better and are not left to decay with renters. So, the value of the whole county remains higher.


  13. I am not sure I should admit it but.


    I have grown weary of the effort required to make wonderful holidays.

    The cleaning, cooking, and shopping that goes into anyholiday get together just does not motivate me.

    I love the getting together, and often enjoy the spontanious get togethers the most.


    The decorating has grown old, as has the hours of wrapping, and tons of dishes.


    Holiday has become another word for womens work day.


    The days of hard work and effort are over in a few hours, leaving me with 20 trips to the attic toput it all away.


    The memories are a blur now of many holidays that come way too often, and cost way too much to justify.


    How about we all go out sit down have meal, I sit with you, not refilling the bowl of mash potatoes or gravy.


    How about we get in the car, go home and watch the game.


    Instead of you watching the game while I scrub turkey drippings off the oven.


    How about we have a mom Christmas, we take a week long cruise where I am waited on hand and foot with you, instead of doing it for you.


    Honestly I can do with out the, have you seen how much weight cousin Suzy gained since the baby, and uncle Fred is getting old poor thing.


    Yeah I know I am a Scrooge.


    But alas I will stuff gift cards with money, blow up Christmas in the front yard, haul it down haul it up, wrap it, cook it, and clean it.


    I can hardly friggin wait!


    Go out!


    Nothing says you have to do it all.


    The family my brother married into loves others to do for them, so most holidays they go out.


    I never even knew things were open to go to...but often hotels have nice dinners planned... check out places in Marietta or Downtown?


    My mom says it is weird to be at a hotel for Christmas or Thanksgiving dinner, but at least she is not doing all the work.... and the house is clean when you get home!


    A few Holidays she and my brother cooked everything, but her attitude changed like you're feeling now...why bother when no one else helps!


  14. I will bet you come early 2009 there will be true, honest, open disclosure as to the true cost of doing business at the airport and everywhere else in county government. We have already started to see Commissioners Ragsdale, Powell and Graham being accountability to the taxpayers by not approving excessive costing and poorly planned proposals.


    As David has told me, "we now have the airport and we can't stop it now... the citizens of Paulding County deserve open, honest, accountable leaders". I agree, and I believe David will be honest and forth right with true, open, honest disclosure as to where our tax dollars have been and are going.


    For several years in public forums, on TV, in print and as recently as Friday morning Jerry was quoted in the Atlanta Paper "no sales tax dollars or General Fund money spent on this runway". Jerry did use the word "runway" in the paper, not "airport" for the first time. Yet in 4 years we have used almost $1.1 million dollars from the General Fund "Airport" Budget, not to mention a tremendous amount of unaccounted county equipment and manpower.


    My husband drove by this AM to check out what it looked like. He said "The problem is they have no way to limit access to the runway. So unless we have a Sherriff posted there 24 hours a day it's gonna be one hell of a drag strip!"


    In fact there is a car sitting there now....so there is some of the unaccounted equipment and manpower...one car one body...7/24! You do the math. :nea:



  15. I'm a bit older than 21 but I do go there and have heard great things about Genesis. You should check it out. Some of the things I love about West Ridge is the casual atmosphere, the great music, the down to earth teachings and the fact that they don't judge people. Another great thing about West Ridge is the way they give back to the community and the world. They do this really cool show called Dinner in December that you should check out. I can never afford to go but always manage to see it by volunteering or singing in the choir. It is usually alot of fun. One year they did a thing called West Ridge Idol and last year they did a version of the office (these are only small parts of the show but still very funny).



    Here is the video of "The Office" Parody...




    Dinner in December is funny, delicious, entertaining, and memorable. It is a great way to bring in the Christmas Season with a lot of laughs, incredible music, and an experience that you just won’t find anywhere else. And this year it’s going to be better than ever!


    West Ridge Church has presented Dinner in December for several years and has seen it become a hallmark tradition in our community. First, you’ll enjoy a scrumptious catered dinner and delicious dessert, and then you’ll sit back, relax, and take in a production truly like nothing else you’ve ever seen. It’s not a Christmas pageant, live nativity, or a choir cantata… It’s remarkably unique, and will have you laughing til your sides hurt, and maybe even thinking about Christmas in a whole new light.



  16. West Ridge Church

    GENESIS (18-29 / college & unmarried) Out of High School? Dating someone? In college? Starting a career and unmarried? These stages of life can be funny and complex. Genesis is a unique service and ministry of West Ridge Church for those in these stages of life. We seek to bridge the gap between young adults and the church, between churches and denominations, and ultimately between the church and the community.


    FIRST TWO Thursday nights of each month / 7:30 to 9:00 pm

    Location - West Ridge Church


    Each Genesis service is located at West Ridge Church and exists to bring people TOGETHER. This is the time for the body to gather and share in corporate learning, worship, communion, giving and baptism. We believe that learning and obeying God’s Word are the highest forms of worship, and therefore we value the time where we can gather TOGETHER to take part in this with others. Our services take place the first two weeks of each month; preparing, spurring and equipping the body to live out the ways of Jesus in our world.


    *Childcare will be provided for single parents






    LAST TWO Thursday nights of each month / 7:00 – 9:00 pm


    Location - Various


    Community Gatherings are smaller meetings that allow for community and conversations among the body of Christ. This allows for our generation to "BE" the church in their community. These smaller settings give us the opportunity to explore how we are to love Christ with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. Each "Community Gathering" will be strategically located around our county and and its neighbors, allowing for more people to connect and experience life TOGETHER.



    *Genesis Events will be taking place with/and by each Community Gathering site (info will be posted as they are created)








    Worship @ West Ridge

    We're glad you're interested in West Ridge.

    Join us this Sunday for one of our worship services. Please don't dress up TOO nice... You'll make us look bad! We look forward to meeting you. Once you arrive, a greeter should be available at any entrance who can show you where you need to go. Do your best to arrive early...traffic as you approach the campus CAN be a challenge.


    Contact us:






    GENESIS [college & unmarried | 18-29]: Thursday Nights






  17. 'Dads' aren't the only ones who do stupid stuff like this.


    That is true, but they are more able to because they have the physical strength that mom's don't necessarily have. Dad's are often the rough house ones...and that is okay as long as it is safe. Men and women interact and play with children differently...there have been many studies now that confirm it. It's the reason a mom and a dad are so critical to raising children... We each have a role to play.



    After my in-laws friends had their child brain damaged from the dad tossing the baby up and catching it, then the baby twisted in air, the dad could not catch it. I never allowed people to throw my kids in the air.


  18. So if someone stole your child’s book bag there would be nothing valuable in it?


    My son would have an expensive calculator in his book bag...required by the school for Algebra 3! We bought it on sale last year for algebra 2, but it was $130.00 plus tax. I would prefer if it was left at home, but it is required for use in class!




  19. I know that our family could survive. It may be uncomfortable, but between my sister and 2 brothers and my parents and my family we can hunt, fish, can veg. and cook over a fire. We also have enough trees to probide wood, to cook and heat with. This topic is great because several weeks ago we discussed this as a family and put a plan in effect. Sometimes you have to pull your head out of the sand and decide to get things in the works to provide for the people that are important in your life. My dad said the only thing he fears is the hungry people stealing from the people who were smart enough to get there act together and do something that we should do anyways. Thank you Tow for making us think about these kind of things.


    I think that is a second reason people are buying up guns.

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