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Posts posted by Gone

  1. A lot of statistics came with this story:


    Fathers present at birth or waiting at home? Zero.


    Reported income of mother? Possibly zero also.


    Then on Friday came the most disturbing figure of all: six. That is the number of children, aged two to seven, the woman already has – all through in vitro fertilisation.


    Angela, the children's grandmother, said her daughter had always been nuts (appropriate word) about children and had sought fertility treatment because "her Fallopian tubes are plugged up". BULL S#!T


    She, it seems, has been divorced since January last year, though her former husband is not the father of the six children she already has.


    She recently finished her studies in, appropriately, child development.,


    She lives with her mother, who is herself divorced and recently overcame personal bankruptcy. (Her ex-husband works in Iraq and still supports the family! :o )


    She and her family are not on welfare. However, the hospital bill for delivering and caring for the eight babies, born nine weeks prematurely and delivered by Caesarian section, could reach $1m.


    (This is why insurance premiums keep going up for the rest of America. Babies born so early with so many siblings usually have continuing medical and psychological problems, which means more money.)




    This is just tragic on sooooo many levels! And each day more comes out to make it worse…today’s announcement that she has a publicist has me appalled! Did she do this for the green bucks!


    Or is she just certifiable…which is what I think…lock her up before she gets pregnant again!

  2. The kids were picked up after a complaint. Then on the way to court for the hearing the parents were pulled over.


    Little Adolf Hitler Campbell’s parents are already in the midst of a custody battle. And now they may have even more trouble on their hands, because grandma was sauced in the backseat of their car, according to Adolf’s mother.


    Police pulled over their car -- Heath Campbell was behind the wheel -- about an hour before the Campbells were to appear in family court regarding custody of the children, Deborah Campbell said.


    Police performed a field sobriety test, presumably after smelling alcohol in the car.


    But, it was grandma drunk in the backseat, not Heath, Deborah said. She was headed to court with the couple in hopes the three children would be released to her if the parents could not gain custody.


    "I think the one who should have gotten the test was my mother," Deborah Campbell told me earlier today. "She was going to go and try to get the children if we could not."


    Donovan said officers ticketed Heath Campbell for failing to make repairs to the vehicle -- a charge that stemmed from a state inspection that had identified deficiencies with the car that apparently had never been fixed.




  3. We have a 14' 7" Flagstaff with a weight of 1270 pounds. We have been towing it with a 1996 Jeep Cherokee, 6 cylinder.


    It pulled us around a bit if we went over 65 MPH, but we traveled several times to St. Augustine Beach, Fl., all over north GA, as well as Alabama. We just had to stay in the slow lane, which does suck going to Florida since the right lane is so bumpy from all the truck traffic...not that the left lane is all that smooth!


    We bought the pop up since we did not have a large vehicle to tow it, and there has never been a problem...plus a small vehicle keeps you from taking too much junk!


    We used to camp in tents, so this has been a big improvement, especially on those rainy nights! I bet you will love what ever one you get.


    Everyone is right...make sure you have a good air conditioner! Test out the A/C before you buy the pop up. We just bring a small 1500 watt space heater in the fall and winter, and that has worked great, we do not have a furnace.


    I'll tell you what, all our friends with their Ford F450 trucks and BIG Chevy trucks were getting around 6 MPG towing their HUGE third wheel campers down to Florida last summer, while we were getting 16 MPG with our little Jeep and pop up! At $4.00 a gallon you can still afford to take that camping trip with a smaller vehicle!

  4. A teacher asked her 6th grade class how many of them were Obama fans. Not really knowing what an Obama fan is, but wanting to be liked by the teacher, all the kids raised their hands except for little Johnny. The teacher asked Little Johnny why he has decided to be different.

    Little Johnny said, 'Because I'm not an Obama fan.'

    The teacher asked, 'Why aren't you an Obama fan?'

    Johnny said, 'Because I'm a Republican.'

    The teacher asked him why he's a Republican.

    Little Johnny answered, 'Well, my Mom's a Republican and my Dad's a Republican, so I'm a Republican.'

    Annoyed by this answer, the teacher asked, 'If your mom was a moron and your dad was an idiot, what would that make you?'

    With a big smile, Little Johnny replied, 'That would make me an Obama fan.



    Hope all have a great weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

    My kids and I loved this! :clapping: :clapping:

  5. Every time I have read this I enjoy it!


    It might be because I have two boys...and I know how thier minds work.


    Of course after they read this the first time...I was a little worried to take them to Wally world with me! :o :good:

  6. My husbands OT was done away with in October, that is about $350-$400 a month right out of our pocket! Our medical/dental insurance went up at the beginning of the year $120 a month. I have been keeping children in our home to try to help, but it is not enough. I am scared to death about our financial future!


    My husband was told they would be "furloughed" one day a week. So, in theory he would work 4 days a week...ie a 20% pay cut. However there is no one to do the work if they do not go into the office all 5 days...so it is not like he gets a three day weekend.


    At least if he were only commuting 4 days we would save on gas, washing office clothes, ware and tear on office shoes and clothes, not have to pack a lunch...etcetera.


    It is actually better than the alternative; they were going to get rid of three more bodies, which also leaves no one to do the work? So if they can get through to summer when things usually get better in his industry maybe they can reinstate hours (pay.)

  7. Sure! :D


    Thank you! :D


    But I think the Doctors who implanted her have to share some of the blame as well. I think they are unethical, and most interviews said this would not be done invetro


    And I wouldn't be so quick to bless her dad, for all we know he put her up to it. I should have put :nea: or :glare: or :angry2: The bless him was sarcasm! ;)



    I think this is headed in some very ugly directions......we shall see.....


  8. From the facts coming in, it sounds like there is plenty of irresponsibility to pass around....


    I blame her!



    Now can we be OUTRAGED that this welfare mom just cost our whole society millions and millions and millions of dollars?



    We all get to provide for 14 kids, plus her probably for 18 years. Depending on the severity of disabilities the new 8 might have we may as a nation have a lifetime responsibility for them!


    Bless her dad's heart he is just leaving the whole mess to try and get some cash in the door.


  9. Nope--and it's my thread! ;)




    CBS News has learned that the family of the octuplets born this week outside Los Angeles filed for bankruptcy and abandoned a home a little over a year-and-a-half ago.




    CBS also reports that the family is on welfare.




    From above link:


    Tucker, who has a doctorate in reproductive physiology, says;


    "Simply because the profession, we're policed by the American Society of Reproductive Medicine, has focused so minutely on the fact that we need to reduce the number of embryos that we transfer. We really are all about seeking the one, the one embryo that's going to make the healthy, single-born baby."


    "I believe, the lady's mid-30s, a 35-year-old -- she should be receiving two embryos, maximum, as a transfer into her uterus to have had eight transferred is somewhat -- is extremely irresponsible."


    "I've been in this business for 25 years now. And it's pretty much standard practice in all clinics to have some form of psychological evaluation of the patient. Also, their sociological circumstances. And I'm stunned, actually, that a clinic would proceed to treat a patient in this circumstance.


    "It's rather a slap in the face of the whole profession, simply because it's going in the wrong direction."



  10. Having done this THREE times, I have one word of advice.


    Consider your new driver your own personal teenage chauffeur and let her drive you everywhere.

    Yep, the more experience with you in all different situations she can get the better prepared she will be when she is solo with the actual drivers license. :good:

  11. So fertile people should be allowed to have as many children as they want,

    while the infertile should be subject to regulation of their procreation ?


    Wow. :blink:

    I think the concern is there are risks once you get into multiples.


    It is not a medically sound practice to put that many embryos. Often if the woman has had children successfully, they would not put as many since they know her body successfully carried a child.


  12. Maybe this has been discussed already, but what I'm trying to figure out is:


    When you already have 6 children, why have more?

    AND, why was she taking fertility treatments? Obviously she's fertile, she has 6 other children?


    WHITTIER, Calif. – The woman who gave birth to octuplets this week has six other children and never expected to have eight more when she took fertility treatment, her mother said.


    So just EXACTLY what did she expect by taking fertility treatments, a liter of 3 or 4?


    To be honest, none of this makes sense to me.


    I had one preemie baby with few problems, and it was horrible. Once you have a preemie you learn about all the things that were supposed to develop while in utero, and how difficult it is for the baby.


    Simple things like they don't have the swallow reflex until around the 34th week, the blood vessels in the eyes have not developed yet and need the perfect amount of oxygen to do it correctly, thus the coke bottle glasses you may see on some preemies’, their stomachs/ intestines are not always ready, lungs are immature I could go on, but you get the point.


    If you have been in a neonatal ICU and seen the babies and hear the stories, you would never want to choose to increase your risk of having a pre term baby.


  13. http://www.ktla.com/landing_topstories/?Re...amp;feedID=1198


    In an interview with the L.A. Times, Angela Suleman says her daughter had embryos implanted last year. "They all happened to take," Suleman said, leading to the eight births on Monday.

    Several articles I read indicated that most ethical doctors would not implant over 6 embryos because if they were all to take there are usually such sever medical problems for both the mother and children.


    It sounded like the doctor that implanted above 6 may have some "splaining" to do.


  14. The past few weeks the forecasts have been off ... The pattern is replicating '93...however they said it is weaker. Didn't '93 sneak up on them because they misjudged the power of the forces coming together?


    I'm sort of thinking wait till we get through Sunday to determine if everyone needs to take a sleeping bag, and energy bars to work in case they get stuck Monday! :o :D


  15. Maybe her parents are rich. Neighbor said they took care of the six she had just fine. It's not what I would want, but we ARE all about the "hey that's THEIR business, aren't we?"

    So why is this woman being jumped all over with these things when NO information has been released at all. By all means, give the girl a chance to get her feet under her first, and IF it is bad as you all assume it is, THEN you can shred her all you'd like.

    No, her business became our societies business by the extreme expense society will bear for these 8 children who may need a lifetime of assistance. Even if they are rich…society will incur additional cost, whether it be in increased insurance premiums or money for special Ed teachers for learning disabilities.


    Per the link Soapmom posted:


    "The costs will be borne by us all," Kaplan says. "You are going to have millions of dollars spent keeping these babies in the neonatal ICU. It's either going to show up in the insurance premium or the Medicare budget of the state. And we can go further and say there is a huge financial cost trying to raise eight babies all at once."


    “It took 46 medical personnel to deliver the recent octuplets — and it's extremely expensive.”



    "I don't know any case where some of the children were not severely disabled," Arthur Caplan, director of the Center for Bioethics at the University of Pennsylvania tells NPR's Madeleine Brand.


  16. I have rode with many MC clubs around here,including the Outlaws,and have never had any problems with any of them even when wearing my organizations back patch on my vest.I was even invited to wear my vest when visiting the Outlaws "Clubhouse" on occasion.I'm not saying they can't get riled up but no more than any other person could when crossed.If you really look at the bike riders when we do a charity ride you will see a variety of clubs riding together on a cause.I can tell you that I have a son with special needs and his baseball team is actually sponsored by an MC club and foot the whole bill for the baseball team and actively participate in the games.Please don't judge a book by its cover.

    That's good to hear. :D

  17. This will haunt me for life....who lets their ears get that full of wax?


    I use a Q-tip in each ear, every day after I shower....man that was gross!


    My dead skin from the ped egg is nothing after that.


    And by the way I keep thinking a floor sander might be easier on my calloused feet! :rofl:



  18. The high voltage lines will go along the south property boarder of the Westridge land coming out on 92.


    The exit, via a bridge from Westridge land is being constructed at the same time as the clearing for the lines.


    The bridge that will let the road go over the creek on the southwest corner (or close to it) will connect with a street that is for the senior living and convalescent home...the street will come out on 120.


    No construction now on an entrance/exit to 92. The clearing that is there towards 92 is for the lines and access for the crews working on the power lines.


  19. For those still puzzled at the "poem" we heard on Tuesday during the ceremony, I present:


    The Adolescent Poetry Generator


    Just load, reload, and read as many trite pseudo-artistic pieces of self-important fluff as you like! Stock up now for future inaugurations! :D

    ooo ooo oooh...I could be the next wacky lady to stand up and have nobody get what I wrote...or was it plagiarized...? :o


    That lady seemed to just take parts of common sayings and randomly plug them together...that was the biggest mess I have ever heard. :nea:


    I hope she was not paid for that?

  20. Yep, he's already married, but they just aired it on their show. Think that's how the wrapped up their season.



    I've watched two shows and thought the Dugars were a little wacked....but the statement the son and his new wife have on the above site you referenced is sort of sweet...where else in our culture is there a message like this on television?


    "It is our goal in sharing with you that your children will be encouraged to wait for God's best in their life partner, having purity before marriage and trusting God to direct in His perfect timing! We encourage you to embrace the lifeline of honesty & accountability between husband and wife that will bring total oneness & lasting fulfillment in your marriage.


    May God Bless You as You Seek to Put HIM First!


    Josh & Anna Duggar"

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