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Posts posted by Gone

  1. She's crazy as a bed bug.


    What's really grossing me out is the nails in the NICU.


    I'm sure she has to scrub in just like I used to to see my son.

    But there was a case a few years back where a nurse with fake nails spread an

    infection all around a NICU and several babies died.

    That would sure deflate her chances for sponsors to help pay for her children if she caused something like that!


    Should I say the OBVIOUS, or would someone else like to?

    Lock her up for crimes against humanity?

  2. I have thought about it.


    And you know, I think it's time people wake up and smell the java.


    This woman had no damn business having 8 more babies. NONE. ZIP. ZERO. It was beyond moronic.


    If she doesn't have the common sense or the mental capabilities of seeing that for herself, then someone else should have seen it! The Dr., number one. But wait, he's a media whore just out to pat his numbers for his clinic so he can get more business and build a better reputation!! So, Nutjob meet Dr. Frankenstein! They are a perfect pair!


    When the state / general populace is having to PAY for the well being of YOUR children, and you continue to have MULTIPLE children to this point, then I think the state / general populace should have a say. Either that or we should be able to say, "HELL NO!" to a nutjob like this where our money is concerned.


  3. A while back there were some stories of people trying to steal the copper off some of the high voltage lines... and ending up frying themselves. Since copper thieves were destroying so many businesses’ and individual’s air conditioners, and taking parts from under vans and trucks...I figured good riddance.


    This one ...not malicious. :pardon: Not the brightest choice. Guaranteed her genes aren’t making it to the gene pool! :nea:



  4. I keep hoping they will figure out what does cause it.


    I just heard on TV the statistics are increasing ever higher. 1 child in every 1000.


    It is very difficult for the families both mentally and financially.


    In addition you think of the talent this cheets our society of.


    If there is something we can do to stop this condition from progressing, everyone would bennifit.

  5. I've worked in restaurants the last 4 years and have taken a manager certification class. The inspectors will count off for the dumbest things. when I worked at Jim N Nicks we got a point taken off for the dumpster out back in the parking lot being open. I mean how is that effecting the food the lid being open? The handwashing sink has to be clean. No cups out of place. There are a lot of rules. Temps have to be just right. Everything clean. And sometimes they come in the middle of a shift and when it's kind of busy things get a little messy. The staff may not have enought time to clean up after everything they do until it slows down.


    My son has worked at a resturaunt for three years, and he comes home and will tell the dumbest things the inspector marked them off for …Oh, and it is ALWAYS traumatic when she comes, because each time she enforces the code in a different way.


    It is never anything that would make you sick like spoiled food, improper cleaning, contaminated cutting boards…you know the stuff that gives you dysentery or worse.


    She wants to find stuff, almost like she has a grudge, because the business is doing well, and is clean.


    Once the owners dad walked from the parking lot in the back door to hand someone keys...he had a beverage in his hand with out a lid as he gave the keys to an employee, the inspector saw him come in a few feet with the beverage, hand the keys and leave...she marked them down for the open beverage.


    The sign over the sink to wash hands had fallen off from getting wet, and was resting on the sink...points off...no matter the other 5 sinks were all posted and not resting on the sink...my son said you could tell it had just fallen off that shift, but they were busy and no one had a chance re attach it correctly.


    A dish room employee had a cross necklace that they wear under their shirt, it had fallen outside the shirt when they bent over to pick up a pile of trays....points off.


    Someone putting their lunch bag un marked in the walk in refrigerator.


    Stuff like that…if it were not so serious to their business’ reputation, it would be funny.


    My concern is that it is hard to discern between a score for filth and rotten food, from a dumpster door left open and an employee that left a single necklace on.


    I won’t eat somewhere there is an odor or it is unclean. If the place looks clean, my food comes out hot, and others seem to frequent the establishment, I am apt to overlook the scores in Paulding county, because I have heard such crazy enforcement of code.


    I know there were some things she tried to write them up on that the owner had to go to the State and get industry experts to testify that what she was enforcing was not correct. The top lady is a little nuts I hear?


  6. Her Mother said she doesn't help with any of the bills, and only buys toys for the kids :wacko:



    Yep wacko like the daughter... :good:


    Grandma has been taking care of these kids, and her ex husband is back in the Middle East earning money for the family to live on....the 7 of them are living in her house... maybe I read wrong...but to me that is giving help to someone not helping herself. :nea:


    I love to help people, but I learned a looong time ago to only help if they have asked, and are willing to help themselves too. Other wise I think the clinical term is a

    co-dependent... in the Wacko condition! :o ;)


  7. Get your weather radio at the k store if you dont have yours yet. It will be a rocky spring like last year. I thought the tornado warnings would never stop last year. My niece called them tormatos. LOL


    Very cute!


    I hate tormatos...I'll be in the tormato room sleeping this spring.


    I would hate my mother to have to explain to her friends that her daughter died in a tornado...they get you in the night and kill you :o I see it on the TV all the time!


    I better get shopping before it gets too windy!


  8. Have you posted anything on craigslist lately?

    No...in fact I don't even shop off the internet?


    ...well my husband sends his mom some flowers once in a while, and uses Barns and Nobel for books for gifts to his family... but I would think that is secure?



  9. Thanks you guys... :D


    I cleaned up my computer and deleted cookies and temporary internet files...and it must have worked!


    No more IPS Driver Error!


    Of course I needed to sign into EVERYTHING again... who knows what else I changed in my computer? :o


    Maybe I will stop getting those letters from some third world country... that if I just help them move their money to my bank I will be rich! :rofl:


  10. no probelms on my end maybe pubby will be here soon and can help you


    Thanks...I'll wait for help.


    I thought p com was down until Sunday night...then I realized people had been posting since about three hours after it originally went down?

  11. If I enter another forum it pulls up a page that has .... IPS Driver Error


    I have to get into p com by searching an old open thread.... what happened last Friday when P com went down?


    If I enter http://www.paulding.com/ it takes me to the page that shows the Live video by Ustream link that Pubby said ~ Folks, we're down but we're alive :)



    Since Friday I have a hard time getting on p com, and moving between forums.


    Anyone know why?


  12. ]


    Just like Obama saying the other night only 1% of the pork spending Stimulus Bill, was pork. When it is really somewhere between 20% to 40 % depending on who you talk to.


    And the sky had to be falling so they can slam this through on the American people...then once it is approved Nancy will tell you how many jobs they have "saved" and get all warm and fuzzy about how the bill is making all "Right with the world."


    She's a trip


  13. Was this mom one of those " lousy non-working, non-contributing, social burden democrats" ???

    Just curious?

    Yes and no...she is probably not too stable. Can you say Cuckoo :wacko: :crazy:


    She holds a 2006 degree in child and adolescent development from California State University at Fullerton, and as late as last spring she was studying for a master's degree in counseling, :crazy: a college official told ABC News.



    Somehow she worked long enough at a fertility clinic to get herself knocked up...so to speak.



  14. Not condoning or defending, but I had heard up to this point that of the 6 other children only 2 were twins. What in the hello she was thinking or what kind of obsession she has is beyond me, but some of the fault lays with the fertility doctor. According to all the news reports I've heard this is definately not standard procedure. Just playing "Devil's Advocate" here.


    "Given that she has six young children, it seems to be a perfectly reasonable thing for a fertility specialist to refer her to a psychiatrist for some heavy duty counseling to see what her situation is, to see if she really does want or could handle another child," said George Annas, a bioethics professor at Boston University School of Public Health.



  15. All the parents of multiple births greater than quads sell the stories and pics to magazines for money to raise the kids.Have you all not seen the pics in magazines over the years?


    And my word, she was working, not on welfare as 99% of you all claimed.


    Just because 8 embryos were implanted does not by any means mean that 8 babies would be carried. They are often miscarried until there are only one to three fetuses to grow and develop.


    My doctor offered me fertility drugs at one time. I wonder if I would have been a scandal had I delivered more than one infant.


    Oh puh- lese... get real, no one would have thought anything of you...they would have been happy for you...unless you had already had 3 sets of twins with no father, had filed bankruptcy, had caused your parents to go into bankruptcy by their helping you support the 6 children you already had, while living in a three bedroom house with 9 people already!



    Don't go getting giddy over the fact she actually held a job for a while. Do you really think outside of a TV contract she can pay for people to take care of 14 kids under 7, and afford to work?


    This had to be calculated by her. Everything I have read indicates for her age they would NEVER implant more than two embryos.


    I suspect it will come out.... this is what she did the first THREE times! A doctor knowing she had successfully carried the embryos to term three times was WAY out of ethical behavior to implant EIGHT.


    I hope through publicity she does make enough money to pay off her debts and raise these children so we as a society will not have to! :nea:


  16. Her publicist??? Really????? I would hate to know that she was my daughter, this sickens me, but could you imagine being her parents? Her poor Mom sounds horrified by all this, she said she planned on being gone when her daughter comes home from the hospital and it's HER house. Who knows...maybe they are all in it together, expecting a huge payday. This is horrible!!!!



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