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Posts posted by Gone

  1. :lol: I'm saving this the next time Pcom has a debate about seperation of church and state.

    The problem for you is the laws, as well as our government were founded on Judeo-Christian principles. Without Judeo-Christian principles there is no moral principle...not the ones society here believes in. You can’t have it both ways.


    The moral principles of Islam as you can see from the above article show you can behead a person because they do not obey you.


  2. Watch out...Britian already caved in to the extreme idiot Islamic law to be allowed with its muslim population.

    Yeah, I read that last year. I thought that was scary. Can you imagine, the reason you immigrate to a country is for the protection of that countries laws...but if you are of a certain ethnicity, now you no longer are protected under the country laws, but go back to the religious law you fled from?


    But in this case...he will be prosecuted under U.S. law.


    Unless they claim it was a crime of passion or something crazy...I hope he goes to jail for life. Since she was under a restraining order doesn't that incur a harsher sentence?



  3. Losing Our Heads - Honor Killings Ignored


    Because the vulture media has already submitted to Islam and the women who experience the worst abuse

    at the hands of shariah are on their own. Rule of law has been trampled and discarded for multi-garbagism.


    - Atlas Shrugs

    That article is very sad too.


    All those young women killed by family of their own or their husband’s family.


    It is culturally acceptable in many areas that embrace shariah law.


    I understand many countries with large Islamic populations are now adding shariah law above their own laws...so an honor killing would not be prosecuted because it is "legal." Really scary.


    But it also shows how women with restraining orders are not protected by the orders...they need to get to a safe place and away from the POS. As QOTSA reminds us: A POS is a POS, regardless of religion or lack thereof.


  4. Well dang, our weather alert radio has said nothing about this, and it's usually pretty spot on. I'll go check to make sure I didn't somehow turn it off after the weekly tornado alert thingie.

    Yeah, I just said that to my husband... AND it did not go off this AM when the big boom went down..usually we get a thunderstorm warning...husband had just stepped out of the shower as it happened...said he was glad it did not hit our house he would have been fried!


    Now the tornado alert...nothing on the weather radio... I was thinking of buying a new one at Kroger...on sale - so the TV commercial with Glenn Burns says? Ours is 10 years old...has a loose wire on the volume toggle.

  5. ORCHARD PARK, N.Y. — The crime drips with brutal irony: a woman decapitated, allegedly by her estranged husband, in the offices of the television network the couple founded with the hope of countering Muslim stereotypes.


    Muzzammil "Mo" Hassan is accused of beheading his wife last week, days after she filed for divorce. Authorities have not discussed the role religion or culture might have played, but the slaying gave rise to speculation that it was the sort of "honor killing" more common in countries half a world away, including the couple's native Pakistan.


    The Hassans lived in Orchard Park, a suburb of Buffalo, and started Bridges TV there in 2004 with the message of developing understanding between North America and the Middle East and South Asia. The network, available across the United States and Canada, was believed to be the first English-language cable station aimed at the rapidly growing Muslim demographic.






    Edited for Copy and Paste



    Warehouse of Hope


    Warehouse of Hope, Inc. is a registered 501c3 Non-Profit Organization


    From their website:


    We currently distribute on average 7000 grocery bags full of food and supplies per month. Additionally we are currently assisting roughly 350 families monthly with the ability to meet their needs for clothing through our clothing distribution office.


    We do accept clothes in good condition. Simply drop them off at our intake area at the left rear corner of the building during the hours of 9.00 - 2.30 Mon - Fri and as late as 7.30 on Thurs. Please do not drop off or leave any items on the property after hours or unattended.

    Category: Clothing Ministry




    100 Hunter Rd., Douglasville, GA 30134-4648

    Telephone: 770-489-0509

    Fax: 770-489-5356

    From Hiram 278 and 92.... south on 92 7.3 miles. They are on the left

  7. So simple and yet so brilliant. Take a minute and watch it.





    At a meeting of the AARP (American Association of Retired People) they showed a video that was submitted in a contest by a 20 year old.


    The contest was Titled 'u @ 50'.


    This video won second place. When they showed it , everyone in the room was awe-struck and broke into spontaneous applause.



  8. I've never bought into the "toxins" building up... after my husband had to have a colonoscopy... and the doctor showed me the films and video of the colon...clean as the inside cheek of your mouth! That was the height of colon cleansing....no need, there is not build up...the body works just fine to protect you.



    After that I really subscribe to the idea of healthy eating of fruits, veggies, and minimally processed food. I cook most things from scratch so I know what is in our food.



    I had heard about that being done every other day with the every day eating fresh foods, low calorie. The sugar...or honey, or maple syrup... was to trick the body metabolism so it would not think it was being starved, so the metabolism would not slow.


    The person I knew doing this in 2007 through some fancy spa/health resort ... she did not loose weight or become "less toxic." In fact her daughters had to take her to the doctor because the "problems" the spa said this would treat got worse. It was arthritic swelling and pre diabetic, along with some infection.


    I don't think that sounds good for you, or your organs to be honest.


    As tough as this must be to stay on, I would think there is a healthy eating plan that would be easier on you and easier to follow, that would also help you develope new eating habits...so you do not feel toxic?


  9. No.


    We used to raise layers when I was growing up. We used converyor belts to bring the eggs into the main house. No roosters to fertilize the eggs.


    I'm actually thinking our layers were bred to be sterile. Not sure though.


    When I was a kid on my granny's farm, you had to go around to the hen's nest and collect the eggs every day. She had roosters. She would let some of the hens lay several eggs and then the hen would nest on them until they hatched.



    And believe me, you don't want to mess with a mama chicken's babies. You'll only do it one time!



    Read this and you may never eat an egg again. :lol:


    Believe it or not, the egg laying process for a chicken begins in its eye. Chickens lay eggs only after receiving a light cue, either from natural sunlight entering a coop or artificial light illuminating a commercial egg hatchery. The light stimulates a photo-receptive gland near the chicken's eye, which in turn triggers the release of an egg cell from the chicken's ovary.


    Most chickens lay eggs on an almost daily basis, unlike some other egg-laying animals which only release an egg every thirty days or so. The chicken also releases a small disk of material which surrounds the egg cell and provides nutrition. The chicken's uterus also fills up with albumen, the viscous substance we know better as egg white.


    Meanwhile, a membrane forms around the inside uterine wall, which seals in the egg cell, yolk and albumen. Eventually a mixture of water, salt and calcium surround this membrane and form a thin but structurally sturdy outer shell. This shell is molded in the shape of the uterine wall, thus giving a chicken's egg its distinctive shape. While in the uterus, the egg's narrower end points downward, but it will later turn and be ejected wider end first.


    Once the egg has fully formed, the chicken's uterus begins to contract in an effort to expel it. The egg moves down a vaginal canal towards an external opening known as a vent. The vent is a common opening for both egg laying and waste elimination, but a chicken cannot perform both functions at the same time. An internal flap known as a cloaca keeps the vaginal canal and the intestinal track separate until either an egg or excrement reach the vent. When a chicken is laying an egg, the cloaca descends and blocks the intestinal track.


    Once the egg passes the cloaca, it is carefully expelled through a series of muscular contractions which essentially turn the vaginal canal and cloaca inside out at one point. Eventually the egg is pushed out through the vent and ideally lands intact on the ground. Many chickens let out an audible cluck at this point, but designated egg layers rarely display any other maternal concern. These chickens lay eggs every 24 to 36 hours at the height of their productive years, so individual eggs rarely attract their attention.


    Once a chicken lays a certain number of eggs, it may stop producing more eggs and go into a "brooding" stage, a maternal stage in which the mother will sit on her eggs until they hatch. In order to prevent egg layers from brooding, freshly laid eggs must be removed on a daily basis. Chickens lay eggs as long as they believe they need more to form a proper brood. The egg laying process continues whether or not a rooster provides enough sperm for fertilization. A chicken cannot tell if an individual egg has been successfully fertilized or not.


    Fascinating...I knew you did not need the eggs to be fertilized to eat, only to have chicks...but I have never read/studied how the whole egg production took place! Thanks for writing that all up! :good:

  10. I am not a mold expert...but in 2007 I stumbled into this product when water was left in the camper and leaked for at least 8 months without us knowing. Concrobium mold control.


    I needed something that would kill mold without stink, or ruining fabric, or canvas. I used the Concrobium in the camper and it took mold off cushions, canvas, plastic, wood, particle board...and there was no odor. Two days later we were able to go on our camping trip and not smell fumes like we would have with any other product, and the moldy stink was all gone!


    If you look on the web site...the stuff is used to treat wood prior to building in damp environments, as well as the application you are looking at. Sold at Home Depot. I should go buy stock in the company...I have told many people about it...it seems to work.


    I had some cabinets we had purchased on sale to use in the basement when we finished it...6 years later when we finally had the time and money to finished the basement ...we pulled the cabinets from storage and the wood doors had grey mold that was growing. I would wipe it down, clean it, bleach it...it ALWAYS came back.


    So once back from the camping trip I wiped down the cabinets with the rest of the spray...I ran out with only 1/2 a cabinet door left. Now none of the cabinets have mold, except the one I did not have enough spray for. (I bought more spray... hasn't been a huge priority to get back to it. :blush: )


    What I researched: it's made from two "food-grade additives" that when combined kill mold spores and prevent them from coming back. But since they're food-grade additives, they're not going to hurt you. Or your kids. Or pets. (Sam-the inventer- claims that he's done demonstrations in which he drinks some of the Concrobium to prove how harmless to humans it is.





    Unlike traditional “wet kill” products, Concrobium works as it dries – hardening over the moldy surface to form an invisible film that physically crushes the mold micro-organism underneath.


    And Concrobium stays on surfaces to provide continual resistance against mold regrowth.http://www.dannylipford.com/home-improvement-video/concrobium-mold-control/


    Testimony from below web site

    "This product is a home run. My husband and I bought a house last year with mold problems in both the attic and basement. We rented a mold fogger at the hardware store to use with the Concrobium. One evening worth of work, and both our attic and basement are mold free. The basement literally went from hooding our noses to smelling like concrete in a new basement. It may seem a little expensive but not compared to hiring the work out.


    We ripped everything out (old drywall and insulation) down to concrete and studs. Not sure how it works if you need to use it on a finished space."









  11. Actually, this is an attempt at holding values - when market values are decreasing.

    That's what I was thinking.


    Convenient of them to asses my house each year to say it has appreciated in value (even thought for the last 4 or 5 it did not in actual neighborhood sales.)...no assessment now to see that the whole neighborhood/county/state values have dropped there by decreasing my assest value???


    What good for the home owner does it do to call off assessing value in a depreciating market?


    Unless they do this to reduce the need for assessors for a few years…get rid of that salary cost? Are they laying off tax assessors when this goes through?


    They can put through the cap...many states do that. It protects long term owners from being taxed out of their home. Your tax value is based on purchase price the year you bought, not what the last sale in your area is. This also would then require fewer tax assessors. They only asses when purchased, or improvements are done.

  12. With the attention that food safety is currently getting I can almost guarantee that there is a force that can change it.


    It seems like the Paulding restaurant owners need to form a professional group to bring concerns as a whole into the light. It is my understanding that past attempts have not been successful. Since I am not the employee or the owner, I can initiate nothing...


    I just know everytime I see a thread on scores, or a report on the TV news, that I am leary of beliving face value any more.



  13. Georgia Dawg....they dont have any control over her. The same things she did to Vito's...she is doing to everyone!!


    She has a power trip like no other! No matter how much you complain...it's worse the next trip! So..either you shut up and do what SHE says....or watch out on your next score.


    She goes by her own rules.... and don't you DARE ask her to point out your violations in the code book


    edit...about the 100's....MOST are only on openings....never rechecks....look at that..

    Georgia Dawg, I thought the same thing when I first was told about the way she inspects.


    I said she needs to protect people from bad/unsanitary problems, but this goes beyond, to actually hurting our counties reputation.


    Think about what people in other counties think of our restaurants based on scores? And then getting a worse score the next time because on a whim now she is enforcing some other random shelf she want the food on?


    But apparently there is no force to change what she is doing.



  14. Thank's Shawna. Our temps were all great everything was clean. This lady is crazy.. She marked 9 point's for chicken being one shelf higher than it was supposed to be and it has been on the same shelf since day one. the other things were little points drink cups same thing. they have never been in a different place. So she comes back the next day we have everything the way she said and she walks right to the refridgerator where she just inspected the day before and say's the eggs need to be on this shelf. We said they have been there since the day we opened how come you didn't say anything yesterday. Oh I guess i didn't notice . I think she should get reprimanded for not being consistant. She also said oh your doing everything right we don't agree with all these things either but the book that was 75 pages last year she say's is 150 this year. Sorry for the long vent but we take pride in what we do and our reputation is everything to us especially in these time's. Somebody can just say what ever they want to say even when it's not true and ruin your business. Hope to see you soon.


    And you know what is wrong...this scares people so they go to Cobb, Douglas, or Fulton to eat, instead of staying local...when there is no food danger, just a crazy lady who does not know her 150 pages.


    Who wants to eat where it looks like you can not pass an inspection? And it is really not a true inspection in the sense that the woman is crazy and has been for 4 or 5 years that I'm aware of.


    It is wrong that there is no oversight on her!


  15. Correct. From what I understand the 1:150 reflects the overall "umbrella" of Autism, which would be that entire spectrum of disorders.

    I still hope soon they will figure out how to stop it. 1:150 is a waste of human potential.


    Since Nancy Pelosi is going to spend $30 million on some swamp mouse earmark...I say kill that, I woulds prefer money went to research this! I could care less about a mouse!

  16. I believe the incidence is estimated currently as 1 in 150.


    Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but that's what I remember being reported.


    You are correct....

    In the US, 1 in 150 children now has an autism spectrum disorder according to the CDC.





    I wonder if the difference the two number 1/1000 vs 1/150 is in the worst of Autism verses some of the milder aspergers?


    Currently, the autism spectrum disorder category includes:


    Autistic disorder (also called “classic” autism)

    Asperger syndrome

    Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (or atypical autism)


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