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Posts posted by Gone

  1. California has tough laws about controlled substances. The charges are felonies.




    Charges include conspiracy, unlawfully prescribing a controlled substance and prescribing, administering or dispensing a controlled substance to an addict, authorities said.


    "These individuals repeatedly and excessively furnished thousands of prescription pills to Anna Nicole Smith, often for no legitimate medical purpose,"


    Dr. Khristine Eroshevich was expected to surrender Monday. Her attorney, Adam Braun, acknowledged she wrote some of the prescriptions using fictitious names for Smith


    Documents obtained by the AP after her death showed most of the drugs found in her hotel room were prescribed in Stern's name and none were prescribed in Smith's own name


    The quantity was staggering. More than 600 pills — including about 450 muscle relaxants — were missing from prescriptions that were no more than 5 weeks old.


  2. I always wondered if the Stern guy didn't have a hand in her son's overdose? The guy just did not add up with her. He was always clean and did not seem to party and she was mostly wasted... it never added up.


    I kinda thought he killed Anna and her son off, to have the daughter and all the money...


    I would think as a lawyer, he could have lived very well on his own money?



  3. Most of the salespersons at these dealerships are not allowed to quote prices ...they are just supposed to get you in the building and turn you over to a "closer"

    and then they take over and get you into the finance dept...The salespeople are not trained to sell just to catch the customers ....

    We actually test drove 3 of their vehicles that day ...I would have thought the "closer" would have come on out! The kid tried to get prices while we drove the first vehicle...no luck..."around $20,000." That's why people hate buying cars!


    Now with the internet the game has changed...if you don't you don't last! As I said, we found a car and the price that day on the internet...went to the car dealership... test drove it ... twice. By 6:30 PM we were home with a new used car in the drive way!

  4. I was watching last night at all the politicans that had not paid taxes in years..

    just saw that on the news today....they showed the list without names!


    They do not have a lien on them yet, so the names can not be made public? :o Who is in charge of the liens? :angry: If the government knows they owe...why have they not done the next step?

  5. My boyfriend and I were just saying the same thing...we have both found cars/trucks we were interested in and they would not work with us on the prices. Even though they were always prices thousands above KBB.


    It is horrible that they closed. But we were never able to get an actual price of any automobiles.


    We were looking for a used SUV type thing 2 years ago... We knew the people were good people at Carl Black, so we tried really hard to purchase from them, but when we went there the young sales person would tell us (for every car and SUV) the price was "around 20,000."


    We said that does not tell us the true cost...he apparently had no one to ask the information? There were 3 vehicles we were interested in, but not being helped we could not wait around. We were working in New Orleans, and were only here every few months for about three days...we only had that day.


    We went on the internet and found a sedan I was also interested in, on small car lot in Marietta that listed their prices, and bought that instead! :nea:


    We were qualified, motivated buyers, but without knowing a price, you can not put together the deal...that cost them a sale. I think they are nice people...it was just difficult to get information from the sales staff.



    Actual 'Letter to the Editor' from the February 5th edition of the Wichita Falls, Texas Times Record News...


    Taxed to excess



    Dear IRS,


    I am sorry to inform you that I will not be able to pay taxes owed April 15, but all is not lost.


    I have paid these taxes: accounts receivable tax, building permit tax, CDL tax, cigarette tax, corporate income tax, dog license tax, federal income tax, unemployment tax, gasoline tax, hunting license tax, fishing license tax, waterfowl stamp tax, inheritance tax, inventory tax, liquor tax, luxury tax, Medicare tax, city, school and county property tax (up 33 percent last 4 years), real estate tax, social security tax, road usage tax, toll road tax, state and city sales tax, recreational vehicle tax, state franchise tax, state unemployment tax, telephone federal excise tax, telephone federal state and local surcharge tax, telephone minimum usage surcharge tax, telephone state and local tax, utility tax, vehicle license registration tax, capitol gains tax, lease severance tax, oil and gas assessment tax, Colorado property tax, Texas, Colorado, Wyoming, Oklahoma and New Mexico sales tax, and many more that I can't recall but I have run out of space and money.


    When you do not receive my check April 15, just know that it is an honest mistake. Please treat me the same way you treated Congressmen Charles Rangle, Chris Dodd, Barney Frank and ex-Congressman Tom Dashelle and, of course, your boss Timothy Geithner. No penalties and no interest.


    P.S. I will make at least a partial payment as soon as I get my stimulus check.


    Ed Barnett


    Wichita Falls






  7. nope not yet.....fixing to head to walmart.........not for bread but shoes for the kids. By the way we already got our sleds bought them at sams 4 years ago--------never got to use them but we got 'em ;)


    The first snow after we moved here (1999 perhaps)...no one had any sleds, we got cardboard boxes flattened them out…then the kids took the wheels off skate boards. :p


    I looked for sleds the next few years.... then Costco got some. :yahoo:


    Of course by then it had not snowed enough to use a sled. My husband said why would you get those? :nea: I said "if it does snow it will be great, and everyone says we are way over due for THE BIG ONE."


    It took two more years to have enough snow to use them!


    Every year I hope for THE BIG ONE... we have been here ten years... no big one yet! I'm waiting.... of course a few more years my kids will be adults…then what will it matter? :pardon:



  8. My Mom died 20 years ago. It is nothing new or related to current politics. Sorry to dash that political point.



    I believe his point was based on age, care may be denied... just as care was denied because Interferon was not a proven drug. I see both needs. But will we as a society feel it is not worth 5 or 7 more years of life to spend the money on an "old" person?


    Just as some would choose to exit early without pain if facing a terminal illness, others want each additional day they can get even if it might be full of pain. We all come with different values and mind sets.



  9. I know Mayor Joe. He helped us out with a zoning issue about a year and a half ago and I know that we could count on him to help us again with another issue that has come up.


    And yes, I think the residents must be happy with him to have re-elected him all these years. It's the residents of Austell who count, isn't it? What outsiders think really doesn't amount to a hill of beans.


    It's some OTHERS in the city government I don't have any use for. And I've had to deal with them, being a property owner in Austell.


    If he is "bending" the no parking in a fire lane... what other things might he be "bending?"


    Many politicians think they are within their rights to operate outside of rules and laws...it often ends in a scandal of corruption.


    I know nothing of Mayor Joe, other than his disregard for asking his officers to obey what red painted curbs mean. Makes me think he feels rules are for others not for them? I think that is hypocritical...why not paint the curbs white if they do not need to be open for a fire lane...then anyone could park there. Or put out signs for police parking? However, I will bet that would be against city or state code?

  10. In December, while I was recovering from my open heart surgery my mother was on her way home with my dad and she started slurring her speech and vomiting. He took her to the hospital near their home and after much testing they discovered that she has a class 4 brain tumor. She's had two brain surgeries and has been in the hospital off and on since then. She's been there now for the past couple of weeks. From what I read she would have only 6 months to maybe 2 years. She has a living will, but in the case of a brain tumor her body might easily outlive her brain. She will lose all ability to speak (she has a lot of trouble speaking now as it is) and will begin to lose her mobility. At least with brain cancers there isn't normally a lot of pain.


    I'm hoping that the doctors honor her wishes in her Living Will and not try to keep her alive just because the body seems to be able to continue on even after the brain is gone. I know she would not want to live that way. That's a battle that I'm not looking forward to.


    My point earlier was, however, if this had occurred a few years from now after our health care system has been revamped she probably would not have gotten those two surgeries since she's already in her 70's. Your Living Will may state that you don't want to be kept alive in certain situations, however, the insurance companies might not let you have that treatment that would prolong your life anyway. So the doctors would be complying with the insurance company's wishes, not your's.


    I think many people agree with you, and fear that very point.

  11. I went to Sam's today and bought a big sack of potatoes, and onions too! I always have lots of pasta...well see what the family thinks.


    Edited to add: in the 70' I remember sugar was very expensive...my dad was a bee keeper, we used honey in exchange for sugar...


    I liked grapefruit with sugar on it...instead we had to put honey...not a pre teens favorite!

  12. We all hope to have a good death. ….Quick and painless.


    A friend's mom had lung cancer...big smoker...she was put in hospice. Her last days were unconscious and uncomfortable. They were giving her pain meds through an IV. If the family thought she was moaning and grimacing more, they could give her more.


    My friend has a medical back ground, she and her sister knew double the amount of the pain meds would cause her mom to reduce her breathing and pass on.


    They felt it was more kind to their mom to get rid of the pain, even though she would die... death seemed kinder than the pain she was going through unconscious.


    I hope someone loves me enough to give me pain relief...even if it would mean I might stop breathing and pass!


  13. Some day they will have to catch up to 2009.


    Just another good ol' boy ... small town ... violation of laws meant to protect the public.


    When your "boss" does not see a problem with it, why would you actually go park in a true parking space? So much easier to have front row parking?


    The people of Austel must be proud? :nea:


    As shangriLa posted.... But they got long hoses on the "far trucks", hyuk,hyuk,hyuk.

  14. I will have 16 teenagers here Saturday for a 24 hour birthday party X-Box tournament ... I have a lot of food...but if it snows like '93...it could get exciting. However, we have a huge pile of un chopped wood...and 16 boys who are 17 and 18 ought to be able to keep the fire going....can you imagine! :o


    Now that I watched the video on depression cooking...I have a bunch of potatoes, onions, and pasta (Sam's size!)...WE WILL SURVIVE! I think Potatoes, onions and pasta are better than bread and milk any day!


  15. I cried when Dumbo's Mom was taken away.


    And when Old Yeller died.


    I STILL cry when I watch Old Yeller. Still, I love that movie!


    I think I have only seen the movie 2 times...it was too sad as a kid. I could not believe he had to killed him. I still hate movies that the hero dies.. My kids say you wont like it... the good guy dies.


    I stay sad for days after movies like that... which is so dumb... I know it's just a movie!

  16. I remember crying when Dumbo was separated from his mom. I think I understood she was locked up for protecting him ...which was unfair. Kids like fair.


    I don't think he gets his mom back... but he does grow and believe in himself. ;)

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