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Everything posted by lumak

  1. My cub scout is supposed to go on his first camping trip -- I hope it doesn't get cancelled!
  2. Sorry -- I don't have a clue about this kind of stuff -- but I wish you the best of luck
  3. I don't care who you are...that right there is funny!
  4. Awwww bless her loveable heart
  5. Awwww prayers for both of you!
  6. Maybe you could call the County and ask them on the phone?
  7. Put on a black robe -- part your hair (providing it is black -- if not get a wig) down the middle -- get some glasses -- and go as Judge Ito (remember OJ Simpson trial)
  8. Well....................whats the verdict?????
  9. I have thought about trying this church out. I just may bring the kids up to this event and see how it goes.
  10. She just wants it to be closer to Turkey Day!
  11. ///HIJACK -- Hi Ed!!!! ///ENDHIJACK
  12. and of course........ this .......... http://www.paulding.com/forum/index.php?sh...p;#entry2959787
  13. several years ago I went to a halloween party and there was a woman who had a purple velvet material in the shape of a bag with gold trim -- yep - she was a crown royale bottle
  14. lumak


  15. lumak


    I know! It makes me
  16. lumak


    never heard this type of alert tones before -- says radio tests -- but WEIRD!
  17. lumak


    It is making some WEIRD tones?!?!?!?
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