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Everything posted by Sadie612

  1. Next you need to do a couples pic...and no I am not offering
  2. I know how to do a weave..or we can do a wig. I have the 80's electric guitar
  3. you have leather pants are they left over from the 80's dangit...now we all want to see an 80's hair band photo shoot of you and your leather pants
  4. so are you gonna do a whips and chain pic next
  5. awwww John looks awesome !!!!
  6. yeah... I don't think daddy would want pics of their sweet daughters like this But all other occasions are good to go
  7. Thanks Thank yall for understanding. I hope it turns out well. I will get my order up this week and get it to you or something
  8. I have got to get internet on my phone... this is awesome!!!! (my hubby wants his phone back) It takes forever to post but hey it works. we had a death in the family and the funeral is tomorrow. Thanks guys for understanding!!!!
  9. haha maybe he will do it just for you silly girl
  10. It's because y'all have such an awesome staff
  11. Have fun on your trip...and think about the ones you left behind. Have fun!!!
  12. we had a blast... we liked it!
  13. We will be there Friday... It will be our last night there for a few weeks actually no... I just smirked. I am to tired to do anything else
  14. He needs to rest up awhile from the last one
  15. http://www.paulding.com/forum/index.php?sh...=202993&hl=
  16. no pain no gain she likes it that way...I think
  17. Racegirl... you can come to my house Moday night for Copschick..pm me if interested
  18. If not Friday then maybe Monday or Tuesday...any 3 of those days work for me
  19. maybe some pcommers can come to my house Friday during the day for chopschick.... so lisa ya in? jlh can come tooo
  20. well if your looking... I want a new one.
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