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Everything posted by Sadie612

  1. I must learn to proof read before I hit post I meant to say YOUR such a geek... With all the math gunk and stuff
  2. I am voting it was a BAD BAD BAD joke all around
  3. who is on there way... grrrrr are you sending me an e-mail ...
  4. tru dat... dangit... Dan... lets take a road trip to the varsity. I want some onion rings
  5. sure... we have gap insurance...have a ball!!! speaking of driving...did y'all go get the girls yet? just goes to show I am always right again
  6. you also need to STOP TEXTING while you drive too sunday after church we can turn the parking lot into a course um practice in the parking lot:p
  7. I am an awesome driver ( I put average) No speeding tickets and I have never caused a wreck ( to bad Chad can't say the same) BUt why I put average is because I get scared driving places that are unknown to me. I do not drive downtown at all, I go so far on I-20 and I do get on 285 but only go as far as the Cumberland mall exit i wanna ride on the bus you drive ...can I sing the Wheels on the bus go round and round ( over and over and over)
  8. well then that is normal... because weird for me is normal no problem...
  9. it was awesome meeting you ...it was fun
  10. I am meeeeee again... Hope you all have an awesome day
  11. i would report the mail theft to the poilce then go from there... they can give you more info than me on what to do
  12. I am 100% sure they were only closed for the 4th... j4j is an awesome place ran by awesome people!!!
  13. I only smell my dogs gas...he toots a lot sorry, i bet your ribs smell better
  14. I do go to walmart, target or somewhere else that sales them...them follow directions
  15. MOrnig y'all have an awesome day and safe travels
  16. i will think of some more house projects for you...lol
  17. Ed you rock... Thanks for my Pantry!!!!!!! :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:
  18. howdy!!!! glad to see you back to posting again... so what's up
  19. which ever state my family is in I know that is corny but it is true
  20. Chris is redoing Poker Face by Lady GAGA... I am SoOOOOOOOoooooO sick of that song but here is Chris doing it in the studio I like his better than hers though
  21. why was the snake in the baby's room anyway... That just ain't right. Commen Sense tell you not to do that. I understand some people don't have any and clearly the mom and BF are some of those people. may that little toddler R.I.P
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