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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. That reminded me of this video (with sound) of a shark attack. Nothing happened, but the vid is way cool.
  2. Here's another story from the Daily Mail with each POV on who is behind it...if I had to say off the top of my head, I'd say independent hacker group, because well, it's North Korea. But I could be wrong. Sounds like it's still not settled... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2882240/Hacker-group-claiming-responsibility-Sony-attack-taunts-FBI-agency-pins-blame-North-Korea.html
  3. I always think that of these murderous thugs who kill innocent people (cops or anybody else).
  4. NY Post says he has ties to Black Guerillas, and also has ties to Georgia. :sigh: http://nypost.com/2014/12/20/2-nypd-cops-shot-execution-style-in-brooklyn/
  5. Wonder why he didn't scrub the company info from the truck before he sold it? If I owned a company, I wouldn't want anybody else using something that had my name on it. JMHO.
  6. Shooter dead in subway of self-inflicted gunshot wound.
  7. Female disease. Laziness. Man, I'm glad I didn't live back then...I'd'a been locked up fer shure...
  8. Well, it was bound to happen. :sigh:
  9. Finally got a second to watch the video...good points, all. I love that he is all about personal responsibility.
  10. Another thought - are you in a subdivision? If so, does it have a HOA? I take personal security pretty darn seriously. As a single woman who's lived alone most of my adult life, I think about these things. I don't live in fear, but I am proactive.
  11. I neither hate him nor like him excessively. He's a media hog, but I do think he's a legit psychologist and has excellent advice most of the time.
  12. I just checked the alarm system prices...on that web site, you'll spend more like $400 for a decent setup. But DANG, the camera systems on amazon are GREAT prices! Great idea, low! ETA that I just checked Amazon for security systems, and they have better prices on the SimpliSafe packages than on the main web site. And they have other brands as well, at good prices. I love Amazon.
  13. Ooh - I didn't think of Amazon...great idea. If your house doesn't have a security system, you can also get one now for around $200, I think. I have heard good things about this one if your house isn't wired for security: http://simplisafe.com/ Some other thoughts: Do you know any of your other neighbors? Have they experienced trouble with these people? If so, could they, and would they be willing to, talk to the police if they police came to them? Have you ever talked to these neighbors whom you suspect of doing all this? I'm not saying to do it...I'm just wondering if you've had
  14. Are you a single woman? Just asking because my response might change if you're married. Either which way, I am of these Untouchables school of thinking that if they bring a knife to a fight, you bring a gun. Not literally in this case, although I am a believer in people being prepared to protect themselves. But there are ways to combat these thugs without resorting to guns. I like the security cameras to the hard drive...I think you can get a pretty good setup for a couple of hundred dollars. Make sure they can record in darkness if you don't have motion detection flood lights. DOC
  15. Here's a good story about George Clooney skewering the Hollywood crowd for not backing Sony, and he gets to some real issues here. Sean Penn and Aaron Sorkin also make good points, although I don't want to see the UN involved in it as Penn seems to want. Money quote from Clooney: 'And people are still talking about dumb emails. Understand what is going on right now, because the world just changed on your watch, and you weren't even paying attention.' http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2880366/George-Clooney-reveals-Hollywood-names-refused-sign-petition-supporting-Sony-Kim-Jong-c
  16. Oh, ok. I disagree mostly, but I do see what you were talking about there. (No, I don't want to have a debate about it. We shall agree to disagree. ) Many thanks to whoever changed the thread title! Amen and amen, sister!
  17. You're right - I meant to mention that. In an earthshaking moment, I completely agreed with George Clooney, who was trying to get support from Hollywood for Sony, but nobody would help. I say again, what a bunch of pansies. Excellent idea about releasing straight to DVD...it'll be all over Netflix, DirecTV, etc., and MANY, MANY people will buy a copy who otherwise never would. Nah...just out of general principles.
  18. I had never heard that 'ern! But OH, what a singer.
  19. I think it sucks that Sony caved. I probably wouldn't have seen the movie for awhile but it did look pretty good. Paramount banned theaters from showing Team America in its place as well. Bunch of pansies. I think everybody should mock his crazy arse and snow him under with crap like that. Also, mediaite (IIRC) has a list of 6 other films mocking the norks that they didn't have a cow ov over. But I get the idea that this new kid is truly unhinged.
  20. Felixes are in Oliver Place sub just north of New Hope on 381. I wouldn't walk in if it was me. Go at non-peak times like weeknights, right after dark, etc.
  21. Oh, I'm a completely warped sense-o-humor girl. I just know when it comes to mamas and something happening (even if fake) to their kids, humor is the LAST thing on their minds
  22. Yeah, any boob who tries such a stupid stunt on a mother deserves to sleep on the couch. Sheesh.
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