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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I was about to tell you I had heard this but others saved me the trouble. Sounds like this dude was some piece of work.
  2. Oh, dear Lord...I didn't even know about all that horrible stuff. Kinda makes me want to kick ol' Bobby right in the nuts. The poor child. God rest her soul.
  3. What did the chap in NYC see? Mayor deBlasio dropped the poor dude last year nad he died from his injuries. They wouldn't let him hold the one this year.
  4. Srsly? That is just weird. I used to have neighbors who raised big dogs - rottweilers, GSs, and the like. They never EVER had an issue with their wireless fence.
  5. That makes a lot of sense. That was the sense I got as well, DR. She always seemed such a...lost person isn't exactly what I'm trying to say...maybe more of a person without a place in life, in that her parents sucked all the oxygen out of the room and nothing was left for her. Not saying they intentionally made her feel like that (if indeed she did feel that way), but that lifestyle sort of takes over the life of those around a superstar, and you have to fight hard NOT to let it consume you. Either which way, terribly, terribly sad.
  6. Also, if he's in front of the cameras, he might sell a few records or sumpin'. Just sayin'... Also, personable responsibility aside, it was he who introduced Whitney to the world of drugs. He apparently could handle it; she couldn't. And the legacy continues...too sad.
  7. Dude! That is totally a chic retro dress Kate is wearing. It was the first thing I noticed. I would totally buy it.
  8. I'm not a fan of Google (except their most excellent maps and earth divisions), but I am liking this idea.
  9. Pfft...we can get county inmates to do that.
  10. Love the pic of James Tiberius. What a guy.
  11. I'll ask for a separate contract. They'll be happy to do it because it'll look great for you to have an assistant.
  12. Hey, I could be your assistant and help you not get things done, and we'd still save them some money!
  13. Hallelujah! Now maybe his mother will box his ears for scaring them to death.
  14. Saw that just now...I hope he's ok. Not liking what I'm thinking about the possibilities, considering he was riding alone, though.
  15. Haven't heard, but either that, or he'll try for a plea deal for life without parole. It'll be his only hope. Stupid frickin' idiot moron.
  16. Would have been really nice to have a business incorporate it into their new building like that bank did with the Lost Mtn. Store. :sigh:
  17. Murder in commission of another crime (attempted armed robbery) would make it a death penalty case, further enforced by the fact that he never had the car they were seeking. Blondie, he has indeed lost weight...we speculated drugs or gambling. And Mother noticed he has the crazy eyes thing. Damnation. Those were such great people who helped so many.
  18. mei lan


    That's how I feel about the Domestic Violence by Proxy judge resignation thread.
  19. mei lan


    Well, I didn't bring it up, he did. I thought he deserved an honest answer, even if he ain't on the list. I'll square it with the PTB.
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