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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Go to the SO's section of paulding.gov and fill out a traffic request thingy where you ask them to come monitor an area for speeders and the like. Or you could get a neighbor or three to sit out in your front yard with the lights on and a camera to let him know you're watching and taking pics. Oh, and make up a big ol' sign that says SLOW DOWN, YOU MORON!!! But I personally would just ask the SO to hang out and give his arse a ticket or two.
  2. I have zero control over what their kids see or hear.
  3. Two words: LEWS ER. And it fits both of them. They do deserve each other. But you know what they say - when a man marries his mistress, it creates a job opening. Hope she's heard that.
  4. Ooh...changing skins is something I never do. So I have spent some quality time experimenting, and I'm loving the dark gray one! VERY easy on the eyes! And alas, I have no more hatless snowman or Christmas tree. sigh
  5. What did firefox ever do to you? I agree with WFAL...keep it going!
  6. I don't think I'm quite getting what you're saying here, but yes, I remember Joe the Plumber. My point was that Sarah's money is very recent...since she left the governorship, to be precise. Prior to that (and this is why the ethics complaints were bankrupting them...Alaska law says she had to use her own money to defend, and reports have said she incurred over $500,000 in legal fees), her and Todd's combined incomes were something like $230,000/year*. He worked part-time on the North Slope for BP, and ran the family's salmon fishing business the other part of the year; her salary was from
  7. Why? Why, why, WHY would you want to do this? What did a perfectly good anchor ever do to you?
  8. Oh, darlin', I am so with you. You just don't know.
  9. I believe most of Sarah's money has been from her book sales, not from any reality show, although I personally don't care. And the major reason I don't fault her for doing any of that (and Bristol, either) is that they each have children to raise. And in Sarah's case, a special needs child, which would be a constant source of concern for any parent. So if she's made a lot of money, that just puts my mind at ease about Trig. Like I said - I don't know if I'd vote for her or not. If the in the primary were her or Herman Cain, I'm voting for Herman. (Please note that he is black - and no
  10. I didn't have a problem with Jesse V., other than that I think he's a bit of a fruitcake. But I thought it was fine that he ran for governor. I don't have a problem with Sarah running, either. Alec Baldwin may enter politics, and Will Smith has mentioned it as well. And of course, that guy few have heard of, Ronald Reagan, was an actor. I don't care who runs for any office, and I don't care how they've lived their life (although prior acts in a life might make me doubt their judgment more or less). I care about their positions on the issues. Period.
  11. I have no more of a knee-jerk reaction to him than I have had to anyone else whose policies I disagree with. I don't like his methods, and I definitely do not agree with him, but otherwise, I don't think about him one way or another. So no ordinary person who starts a business, invents something, writes a book, or whatever, and earns more than a million doing it can no longer be a "regular person"? Seriously? Yes, they are higher-income folks, but trust me - I know a good many REGULAR FOLKS who have a lot of money. They just don't blab about it.
  12. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA One of the majority of preachers I just pass right on by. hahahahahahahaaa
  13. Agreed. I'll tell you what I like about Sarah - she's a regular person. Whatever you may think about her politics or the sound of her voice, she is a regular person who started out to make a difference in her tiny town. Then she cleaned up some good-ol'-boy corruption on Alaska's energy board. Then she got mad about the mafia-like state of affairs in Alaska and ran for Governor, and won. Then she forged a major energy agreement with the big companies favorable to Alaska. Not bad for a small-town girl with no prior experience in politics. Honestly, what serious-minded person really
  14. Several points: a) NO, politicians don't care about us. They care about money and power. The word "statesman" is now anachronistic. 2) Here is a linky from HuffPo (NOT a conservative web site by any stretch of the imagination) that pulls back on the alarmist stuff on this bill: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/04/09/hr-875-myth-sows-terror-a_n_185230.html c) I am NOT in favor of this bill on sheer principle...I think the gooberment already has too much influence in and control over our lives. d) Agent Orange was created by both Monsanto and Dow Chemical. There were other
  15. hahahahahahaa which is why I've appointed myself Queen of the World and hand out bullets and mayberries to my heart's content.
  16. Correct - totally SATIRE, written by a Hollywood dude masquerading as a liberal. I like Bristol and Willow just fine. I actually like Bristol way better after DWTS than I did before...I was getting REALLY tired of her prior to that. But she came across as level-headed, girl-next-door-ish, and made some darn good money for a few weeks of work. Willow, I think, is the beauty of the family (besides her parents, who are unusually good-looking folks). She is much quieter than the rest, I think.
  17. My mother is a breast cancer survivor (nearly 14 years!), but I do not give to Susan G. Komen foundation because they are in major cahoots with Planned Parenthood, who as we all know, is the primary provider of aboortzions in this country. You can verify this with SGK...I did and had a discussion with their medical director about it. I told her I didn't want my money helping out PP, and she said well we provide money for women's health blah blah blah, but it all goes in the same pot, and if SGK puts some in, it leaves PP more to put towards aboortzions. SGK's founder, the sister of SGK, is
  18. Well said, my friend!!! Which is why my family and I have really worked on simplifying our lives at Christmas the last few years. Not saying a lot of activity is wrong...it's just not for us. Too easy to get caught up in folderol instead of Christmas itself.
  19. This last is the BEST part: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDu4gZYBmWI Pay close attention starting around 3:30..."I'm breach-o-promisin'!" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Classic.
  20. Yeah, I second the menopause one...let some of my friends loose on them, and that crap will stop YESTERDAY.
  21. This is just weird, on top of the birds and fish in Arkansas. Lightning to blame for all of it? Sounds pretty strange to me.
  22. Well, I didn't wind up in the ER, but I sure felt like hades, and then some. I was sick as a DOG for three days, and my mom, who had started the same time as I, was the exact same way. That's how we figured out what it was. When that passed, we did very well.
  23. Oh, I do. But that reminds me - I hereby give all LEOs and firemen a lifetime supply of mayberries. Because I can.
  24. Her brother was searching in an area LE had said they thought she might be. It's very wildernessy up there, and I'm sure it would be easy to miss something like that. I'm just so terribly sorry. Awful, all the way around.
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