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Everything posted by lilgallowsmama

  1. Awwwww, I didn't know he was your son! You raised one helluva friendly, sweet, all-around good guy. Atleast, that's how he was in high school. I graduated with both him and 'the guy that caught the garter'. Those two are hilarious to get together.
  2. Thought I'd add that there's a place in Hiram called the Che'ne Rouge. I ran across them while searching and have an appt on the 25th for a tour. The nice lady said that they've done alot of remodeling and renovating, so I want to see what it looks like in real life since the pictures are inaccurate. http://www.chene-rouge.com/weddings.asp I've found a*lot* of local places.
  3. I'll add another 'Debi does awesome portraits!!!' to the thread just for kicks. If I ever brave getting HR's eyes tatt'd to me, she's the one I'll wind up going to. For everything other than portraits, I Sage and Garrett.
  4. I've changed my name once, ever, and it was to a shortened version of my original name. Heeeey, I need to talk to you 'bout something. The Sullivan House is gorgeous, as is the Ragsdale Inn. The Ragsdale Inn is right in downtown. My SIL and brother got married at Rose Hall but it was either being taken over by new owners or changing names, I can't remember which. The place was gorgeous, though, and my SIL kept going on and on about the affordable prices and the helpful staff. Hope that helps.
  5. A few weeks ago, I was driving down 278 when some crazy woman cut me off....and proceeded to drive 25mph. She finally swerved erratically into the other lane and I passed her. When we got to the red light at 278/120, we wound up right next to her and I realized she was on her cell. HR, apparently, also realized her window was down. Minding my own business waiting for the light to change, my little one rolls down her back window and, with a very serious face, yells 'Excuse me, ma'am, but you're a very bad driver!', then calmly rolls her window back up. I turned and gave her the mom look
  6. Failing to yield is my big thing. There's a parking deck at work that *clearly* has giant yield signs and yet NONE of the students yield because it's a straight road and folks they are yielding to are in a curve. But they're *joining* traffic. I almost get hit every darn day.
  7. The BF JUST asked the same question while he was outside - I'm thinking it's close if not an actual full moon.
  8. We wanted the 4th next year, but we want a beach wedding and that would just be insane. Hotels will all be booked and the beachfront would be just nuts. Sometime shortly after that, I think. He did propose at Tybee - surprised the hell out of me. I had to read it a few times for it to sink in and was still sort of in shock until after we called our moms.
  9. Ack! I'll have to do that later - they're on my facebook and myspace though. We took over 500 pictures.
  10. He let me pick out the ring because I'm a little eccentric when it comes to jewelry and I'm nuts about the 30's style victorian and art deco rings. When I get it sized and whatnot, I'll post pictures.
  11. Thanks! I'm beyond excited - still in shock, I think, but excited. HR is happy. She doesn't quite grasp it, but she understands that her Sparky won't have to go home all the time anymore and that she gets to wear a pretty dress. She's known him her entire life, though, and has been crazy about him since long before we started dating. Right? Don't be jealous. Thanks, babe!
  12. Can you make a list of what all should be in the backpack? I have no idea what kiddos use for school supplies nowadays.
  13. I musta missed it. I drove through at 7:20 and everything was clear.
  14. Boob sweat? LGM <-- rainbows, sunshine and roses. Negative on the boob sweat.
  15. The old dragstrip didn't have paved parking. I miss that dragstrip. I grew up in New Hope and fell asleep all summer/early Fall long, throughout my entire childhood, to the sounds of the cars.
  16. check out care.com - that can give you an idea of what different people in the area are charging.
  17. There was somebody on here a few weeks ago with pictures from taking off/landing there.
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