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Posts posted by lilgallowsmama

  1. So, I just logged into my back account to check the balance because rent is due at 8am. My work check was a whopping $86. :blink:

    I was out Monday, so I didn't get the chance to approve my payroll before the secretary sent it off. She only put in my sick/vacation/holiday pay....my 'regular hours' spot where the hours go that I actually worked is blank. I worked 8 days, had two off for Thanksgiving just like everybody else. I'm missing SEVEN BLASTED DAYS WORTH OF PAY! :angry: The holiday/vacation/sick hours covered my insurance/benefits, and left me $86.


    Not a darn thing I can do about it until Monday except be mad/worried all weekend - and there's no flippin' telling how long it'll take for it to get fixed. :cray:

  2. I'm assuming that you got this on a police scanner yesterday, and as I wrote in my other comment they have Been TO the station since yesterday, and were found innocent. what you heard may have been true, the might have been SUSPECTS but thats all they were, and it was cleared up from what i've heard.


    So...what's the difference between 'rumors' coming straight from the scanner, and 'rumors' coming from a p.commer?

  3. 1. small pets welcome – Homeplace Communities

    2. your future starts here – Hiram Hornets Youth Track Club

    3. we have hundreds in stock – Hardy Chevrolet

    4. 14,000 square feet of fun – Jump 4 Joey

    5. wondering in the desert - Bandidos

    6. we will pick them up – Great Expectations

    7. meticulas attention to detail – Artistry in Nature

    8. maintain your healthy glow year round – Aloha Tan

    9. levels 1-5 – All-Star Cheerleading

    10. just call one of us – Paulding Quick Bail


    Dang it! I found everything but the name of the taxidermist and p.com wouldn't refresh. <_<


    I'm always >thisclose< to winning things on this place. :rolleyes:

  4. I thought you had better taste then to listen to that garbage. -_-


    Subbys stuff is Great.


    The Burt Show is addicting, I can't help it.

    I don't listen to the music though. :nea: Once the show is off, it's back to my music for me. ;)

  5. ...I went to see Subby at McFarlane's last night, and he was awesome! I also picked up his CD, and listened to it the whole way to work. You know a cd is good when I'll turn off the Burt Show for it. ;) :lol: I think everybody should go listen to him play next week, and pick up one of his CD's. $10 is an absolute steal! :D \

  6. The one semester charge, is that charge to cover students or for the staff? I wouldn't expect the cost to go down, if anything it will continue to go up each year,

    The one semester charge is added to the normal student fees. It's for students. If you're just staff/faculty, you don't have to pay it. I do, because I'm a student. ;)


    Hope doesn't cover it either. :unsure: That doesn't effect me, but there are alot of students depending on Hope to cover most of their fees. It already doesn't cover all of them...now there's another $100 added to it.


    I am full time... :p i do half online and half on campus.... :p




    PS: I wouldn't of checked back if you hadn't PMed me..... :lol: :lol: :rolleyes: :p

    Ah, yeah, then you have to get the meal plan. :blush: The food is really good though. :pardon:

  7. Is that per semester? Or only for this coming semester?


    So that means you're going to need to pay out another $7- 80 0 next year.... that's rough. Since you're an employee and a student, you'll essentially be paying a part of what an employer would normally pay.


    The extra for the students is supposed to be just a one semester thing. :mellow:


    The extra percentage on health insurance is for all employees, and from what we're understanding, isn't going to go back down anytime soon.

  8. I hate to say it, but I think the Police have lowered their standards when screening folks to be police officers. Most of them are so out of shape, they couldn't hop over a 4 ft. fence. Many are complete arrogant jerks who think they're all big and bad.

    It gripes me when some green, runt sized cop like Barney Fife struts around giving folks a lecture about law and order and blah blah blah....


    Did I mention I don't trust the po-po?

    Hey now...I know many cops that are out of shape. They were hired 20 years ago, and had to jump through blazing hoops to become an officer - back when they were fit and in their twenties. :p

  9. great... another 100 bucks.... not to mention KSU is now requiring some type of meal plan for every student......i'm only on campus about 5 hours a week.... now I have to waste money to eat food I would not eat otherwise... <_<


    ...I would talk to somebody about that. ;)

    All undergraduate students that live on campus and all full-time students are required to have a meal plan. If you're not full-time, and not living on campus, it's not required. ^_^

  10. Ugh. This is across the board for the state of Georgia - university employees as well as students. I get hit in both directions. :unsure:



    A fee of up to $100 next semester for Georgia college students passed the state Board of Regents on Wednesday despite objections from students that University System of Georgia officials neglected to keep them informed about the possible change.





    The health care change will boost from 25 to 30 percent the share of health plans that employees must pay. For example, a family using the system's HMO plan will pay $302.04 a month, up from $251.70.





  11. no, you dont take me out in public....sometimes i wonder if its because you are embarrased or afraid you will "go off" on someone..ha. its very possible she was having a bad day to begin with...looked like maybe had to pick sick kid up from school or something like that..i understand that...guess i was just raised to give the fake smile regardless and never be just rude!!i hope you got that instilled someplace, girl.



    I've told you a hundred times I"m not embarassed. :rolleyes:

    And I don't fake smile - my smiles are real. ;)

  12. This is why you don't take me out in public. <_<

    Sounds like she was already in a bad mood though, before she noticed you have something medically 'wrong' with you (not wrong, just different).


    I wouldn't have been as nice to her as I was the little lady at Arbor Place Mall that day...and that wasn't nice, by any means. :mellow:

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